BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

Jake- You are everything wrong about America that Mr. Trump is trying to fix. That is why you and your Democrat buddies and rhino pubs were sent out of town on a rail. The people spoke because we were, and are tired of your leftist perception of the way America should be. Sorry, we were not ready to go down the crapper even though Obama had us circling the drain. Your unicorn, pixie dust envision of America does not exist. Well, not anymore since real Americans have spoken.

Your time has passed.

Suck it up buttercup

Real Americans support Americans, not 400 billionaire dudes.

Where is the cut off relative to income

Right at Obama's millions minus 1?

Hope they find out where Madcow got the info she got. Of course it shows Trump paid 38 million in taxes so Madcow, liar that she is, will have to back pedal in one big hurry.

Hope the damned bitch falls flat on her ass.
If you saw the show, you wouldn't ask that dumbass question. And what did she lie about? The size of her crowd? Obama tapped her phone? 3 million illegals watch her show? Where's the lie, rightie?
Applying Left Wing Logic:

Obama and Bernie are tax dodgers for paying so little in taxes.
BLINKY is being fucking destroyed. I love it. Blinky is like one of the few actual transgenders though so we have study it and try to understand it.
The healthcare bill is in turmoil, Trumps lie about Obama "wire tapping" is getting exposed... is this glorious looking headline that Trump paid 38 million in taxes the new shiney object?


Liberals like describing opponents in terms like chaos and turmoil and you regurgitate them as if they are true, means they brainwashed you and cpntrol how you view things like puppets on a string (which they admitted already).
Fact is all bills go through these processes of first draft, arguing over the bill, everyone politicizing their 2 cents for 15 minutes of fame(see Rand Pauls manipulation of media time to understand this).
Eventually cpmpromises get made and it helps create a bill that more people are comfortable with or have no choice, because the alternative is keeping the failed former plan.
By calling the bill in turmoil is to blame Obama for leaving us the mess to clean up, a concept that should not have been implimented in the first place-BRILLIANT!
If you claim Trump is lying about being wire tapped before investigations reveal what you are not privy to know is then a lie by you as how would you know? Also he has reasons to believe this so how is it a lie withput admitting the Dems lied about everything they suspected but were false charges?
Lying to coverup lies and displacing blame for your failures is exactly why your party lost the elections. The party's activists rioting in Isis gear, attacking flags and old men, just helps the next election keep you guys out.
Funny how different we each see the situation. To me that healthcare plan is God aweful and the GOO party is rightfully divided on it. Yeah it's a lot of business as usual, Washington style, but it's definitely turmoil, that's the joke our congress has become... and anybody with two eyes and brain know Trump was talking out of his ass with that tweet and his ego won't let him admit he was wrong. It was an obvious distraction attempt to turn heads from the Sessions recusal. If he had evidence he would call a press conference and throw it in his critics faces. He would do that so fast. But he has nothing, he is searching and spinning and throwing more shiney objects around to distract in hope that the media will move on. Very transperant.
Obamacare was God awful, but Ds ALL voted for it. What does that say about the D party? The Rs are NOT like that, which may be one of the few differences between the two criminal gangs.
So how did this all turn out?...was it real or a ruse to get viewers to tune in? what did they reveal? [the answer to that last question will tell us if it was real or not]
From Forbes :
Maddow said it showed that Trump reported over $150 million in income that year and paid $5.3 million in federal income tax and $31 million in alternative minimum tax. Many questions were left unanswered, including the sources of his income.
The investigative reporter and tax expert David Cay Johnston, who had obtained the 1040 in the mail and passed it on to Maddow, suggested Trump, himself, had sent him the document. Johnston he also emphasized how Trump used loopholes to secure a discounted income tax rate and that he believed the rest of the returns would show something that Trump may be trying to hide.
So how did this all turn out?...was it real or a ruse to get viewers to tune in? what did they reveal? [the answer to that last question will tell us if it was real or not]
From Forbes :
Maddow said it showed that Trump reported over $150 million in income that year and paid $5.3 million in federal income tax and $31 million in alternative minimum tax. Many questions were left unanswered, including the sources of his income.
The investigative reporter and tax expert David Cay Johnston, who had obtained the 1040 in the mail and passed it on to Maddow, suggested Trump, himself, had sent him the document. Johnston he also emphasized how Trump used loopholes to secure a discounted income tax rate and that he believed the rest of the returns would show something that Trump may be trying to hide.
So was it real or a ruse to entice viewers?...if many questions were left unanswered then what was the point of demanding his tax returns? if they were not the tax returns they were demanding then claiming she had them was a lie...btw, citing Forbes quoting Maddow adds nothing in terms of legitimacy...and what's with calling a legal tax deduction a loophole? is that explained anywhere in the "article"?
So how did this all turn out?...was it real or a ruse to get viewers to tune in? what did they reveal? [the answer to that last question will tell us if it was real or not]
From Forbes :
Maddow said it showed that Trump reported over $150 million in income that year and paid $5.3 million in federal income tax and $31 million in alternative minimum tax. Many questions were left unanswered, including the sources of his income.
The investigative reporter and tax expert David Cay Johnston, who had obtained the 1040 in the mail and passed it on to Maddow, suggested Trump, himself, had sent him the document. Johnston he also emphasized how Trump used loopholes to secure a discounted income tax rate and that he believed the rest of the returns would show something that Trump may be trying to hide.

What questions were "unanswered"?

Trump paid almost $40 million in Federal taxes.

How much did you pay in Federal income taxes in 2005?

What legal deductions that the Moon Bats call "loopholes" did you take?

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