BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

Maybe page 3 and 4 will be found in the mailbox tomorrow... ;)
You know what I found in my mailbox today? I found out my tax return was rejected because I didn't know the difference between "adjusted gross income" and "taxable income". So I gotta wait an extra month to get my $165 bucks. Fuckin' Trump! Fuckin' Bush! Not fuckin' Obama! That last one was just to piss off the right.
It was a rough night for Trump-haters

.@VanJones68: If all we get tonight is that Trump paid $38M to America's government, that's a good night for Trump


Pretty amazing considering Van Jones, a self-avowed Communist formerly the "Green Czar" of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Van Jones is also a vocal advocate of freeing a convicted cop killer from prison. Fine fellow!
The healthcare bill is in turmoil, Trumps lie about Obama "wire tapping" is getting exposed... is this glorious looking headline that Trump paid 38 million in taxes the new shiney object?

I've been checking on her claims today, and I find no story about this other than her claims on Twitter.
If she has exclusive control of them you would not. We will see tomorrow.

For the most part I could care less - Trump is now the president and has done nothing illegal as far as his taxes go or there would have been charges.
If trump is being investigated by the IRS you wouldn't even know it
Considering his wealth and the likely pittance that he pays in taxes it is rather safe to assume that he is always under investigation. That is irrelevant. No charges and no convictions.
We really would like to see his business dealings with the Russians
"The Russians?"

He is an international business man. He is going to have business ties to several countries. This bogyman of anyone having talked to a Russian as having nefarious dealing is the height of asinine. It is really becoming indistinguishable from the same shit as birthers.
So leaks are good only when it hurts your political opponent. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Leaks aren't always illegal. Sometimes, whistleblowers aren't breaking the law, just loyalty.

The left has condemned WikiLeaks and Snowden because they hurt the Dems. Charges can and will be filed on Snowden if he ever leaves his safe space.

Maddow would be in violation of the law for hacking the IRS, which is likely the only way to get the returns. Serious stuff, for sure.

She didn't hack the IRS. Someone mailed the pages to someone else. She did nothing wrong, nor did NBC.

It's exactly the same for reporters as it is for you and I. Woodward and Bernstein weren't receiving documents that it was illegal for them to have.

Wrong, possession of stolen financial documents is a felony. Releasing the documents without written signed authorization is a Felony, ask the people who work in your doctors office about personal documents, apparently a kindergartner knows more than you do about it. Maybe you would like the fact that you had the crabs and the clap released to all of your potential sex partners.

NO. I showed you the law for reporters. It isn't the same as it is for you and I.

Easy question, did Woodward and Bernstein go to jail? NO, they didn't. Stop before you keep making a fool of yourself. Just go and do a Google search for Reporter's privilege and Journalistic Shield Laws. You have no clue what the fuck you are talking about. Hell if you watched the show they even explained it to you. It would have only been illegal if they had asked someone to steal the information and give it to them, and they didn't.
Does Donald Trump pay any income taxes at all? we'll find out!

James Stewart wrote about Trump’s taxes, and compared him with Mitt Romney, who was criticized in 2012 for paying just $4.9 million in federal income tax. “No one should be surprised, though, if Donald J. Trump has paid far less—perhaps even zero federal income tax in some years,” Stewart wrote. “Indeed, that’s the expectation of numerous real estate and tax professionals I’ve interviewed in recent weeks.” These experts explained to Stewart that the federal tax code is so generous to real-estate developers—so stuffed with deductions, credits, and loopholes they can exploit—that it may well have allowed Trump to bring his taxable income down to nothing, or next to nothing. Which might help explain why he is so reluctant to release his tax returns.

We know for sure that Trump does everything he can to avoid sending money to the I.R.S. In May, he told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos, “I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible.”

I don't believe that Trump has paid any federal taxes for 18 years or more. That was a hot button topic several months ago. Remember the campaign was changed to "how SMART he was" for not paying any taxes.
Bootlickin’ Rudy Giuliani Believes Donald Trump Is An “Absolute Genius” For Scamming His Way Out Of Taxes For 20 Years [Video]

And you're right Romney was crucified for only paying 5 million in taxes in one year.

How'd your prediction of him not paying "any federal taxes" turn out?


Thank you Rachel Madcow for demonstrating to the country just how fucking idiotic the left is.

We don't know and don't care. This is a 2005 1040 form only. It's 12 years old and it means NADA. I don't give a rats ass what he made or how much he paid in taxes. That's not the POINT of Presidential Candidates releasing their returns over the last 40 years.

"Never in American history has a president-elect presented more conflict of interest questions and foreign entanglements than Donald Trump. Given the vast and global scope of Trump’s business interests, many of which remain shrouded in secrecy, we cannot predict the full gamut of legal and constitutional challenges that lie ahead. But one violation, of constitutional magnitude, will run from the instant that Mr. Trump swears he will “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” While holding office, Mr. Trump will receive—by virtue of his continued interest in the Trump Organization and his stake in hundreds of other entities—a steady stream of monetary and other benefits from foreign powers and their agents."
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution provides as follows: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

This is why for the last 40 years all Presidential CANDIDATES turned over their income tax returns (without argument.)
Trump is the ONLY President in the last 40 years that refused to turn over his. In fact, Hillary Clinton told you this during one of the debates. The importance of releasing income tax returns was not how much they made, or how much they paid in taxes, it was to see if there were any foreign conflicts of interest.

This is an impeachable offense. Again, if Republicans won't do it, be assured Democrats will in 2018.


Speaking of Turkey, General Flynn just disclosed he's a paid lobbyist for them.
Questions abound over Flynn lobbying for Turkey

It just never stops does it?


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

No, how much he paid was not the point. The actual point was for some red meat that the partisans can drool over without cause and point to Trump as some horrific monster. It was, when they were hidden, that he had not paid taxes in 18 years. Noe that has been ripped away as the bullshit that it was and there apparently was nothing in those taxes that the left can latch onto they dont matter at all. You want more so you can find that golden nugget and demand answers.

Why do you think that he will not release them? He knows that there is noting to gain - no matter what is in them the left will look for something to beat him with and there is noting there for his supporters.
I think Trump set the Scum DEM Deep State up knowing full well his taxes were flawless.

Just more bait to root out Traitors that should be hung from the nearest tree.

Does Donald Trump pay any income taxes at all? we'll find out!

James Stewart wrote about Trump’s taxes, and compared him with Mitt Romney, who was criticized in 2012 for paying just $4.9 million in federal income tax. “No one should be surprised, though, if Donald J. Trump has paid far less—perhaps even zero federal income tax in some years,” Stewart wrote. “Indeed, that’s the expectation of numerous real estate and tax professionals I’ve interviewed in recent weeks.” These experts explained to Stewart that the federal tax code is so generous to real-estate developers—so stuffed with deductions, credits, and loopholes they can exploit—that it may well have allowed Trump to bring his taxable income down to nothing, or next to nothing. Which might help explain why he is so reluctant to release his tax returns.

We know for sure that Trump does everything he can to avoid sending money to the I.R.S. In May, he told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos, “I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible.”

I don't believe that Trump has paid any federal taxes for 18 years or more. That was a hot button topic several months ago. Remember the campaign was changed to "how SMART he was" for not paying any taxes.
Bootlickin’ Rudy Giuliani Believes Donald Trump Is An “Absolute Genius” For Scamming His Way Out Of Taxes For 20 Years [Video]

And you're right Romney was crucified for only paying 5 million in taxes in one year.

How'd your prediction of him not paying "any federal taxes" turn out?


Thank you Rachel Madcow for demonstrating to the country just how fucking idiotic the left is.

We don't know and don't care. This is a 2005 1040 form only. It's 12 years old and it means NADA. I don't give a rats ass what he made or how much he paid in taxes. That's not the POINT of Presidential Candidates releasing their returns over the last 40 years.

"Never in American history has a president-elect presented more conflict of interest questions and foreign entanglements than Donald Trump. Given the vast and global scope of Trump’s business interests, many of which remain shrouded in secrecy, we cannot predict the full gamut of legal and constitutional challenges that lie ahead. But one violation, of constitutional magnitude, will run from the instant that Mr. Trump swears he will “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” While holding office, Mr. Trump will receive—by virtue of his continued interest in the Trump Organization and his stake in hundreds of other entities—a steady stream of monetary and other benefits from foreign powers and their agents."
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution provides as follows: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

This is why for the last 40 years all Presidential CANDIDATES turned over their income tax returns (without argument.)
Trump is the ONLY President in the last 40 years that refused to turn over his. In fact, Hillary Clinton told you this during one of the debates. The importance of releasing income tax returns was not how much they made, or how much they paid in taxes, it was to see if there were any foreign conflicts of interest.

This is an impeachable offense. Again, if Republicans won't do it, be assured Democrats will in 2018.


Speaking of Turkey, General Flynn just disclosed he's a paid lobbyist for them.
Questions abound over Flynn lobbying for Turkey

It just never stops does it?


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

No, how much he paid was not the point. The actual point was for some red meat that the partisans can drool over without cause and point to Trump as some horrific monster. It was, when they were hidden, that he had not paid taxes in 18 years. Noe that has been ripped away as the bullshit that it was and there apparently was nothing in those taxes that the left can latch onto they dont matter at all. You want more so you can find that golden nugget and demand answers.

Why do you think that he will not release them? He knows that there is noting to gain - no matter what is in them the left will look for something to beat him with and there is noting there for his supporters.
I have to say, the more I think about this, the more I think this has Bannon's signature all over it. They knew how much liberals and the media have been clamoring to see Trump's tax returns, so why not "leak" out an old one, just a couple of pages to whip them up in a frenzy, that shows him paying some taxes? Then the White House will have a convenient ready-made response for when the media airs the info, as they know they wouldn't be able to resist airing it, then reprimand the media for "sinking to such lows," helping them and Trump's agenda of discrediting the media.

Genius. This was a deliberate leak, straight from the WH. No one -- NO ONE -- would have access to Trump's returns except Trump himself, his CPA, and the IRS. And his CPA sure as shit wouldn't leak it. The IRS wouldn't either.

Also, how the FUCK did he get it down to 24%? I'm at 37% or so with mine.
I have to say, the more I think about this, the more I think this has Bannon's signature all over it. They knew how much liberals and the media have been clamoring to see Trump's tax returns, so why not "leak" out an old one, just a couple of pages to whip them up in a frenzy, that shows him paying some taxes? Then the White House will have a convenient ready-made response for when the media airs the info, as they know they wouldn't be able to resist airing it, then reprimand the media for "sinking to such lows," helping them and Trump's agenda of discrediting the media.

Genius. This was a deliberate leak, straight from the WH. No one -- NO ONE -- would have access to Trump's returns except Trump himself, his CPA, and the IRS. And his CPA sure as shit wouldn't leak it. The IRS wouldn't either.

Also, how the FUCK did he get it down to 24%? I'm at 37% or so with mine.

Bwahahaha....right on cue, the outcome wasn't what you were expecting, so now it was Trump pulling a fast one over Madcow! And other moronic liberals are now saying "but,but,but....we need to see the full document! THEN we'll find his cheating and Russia connections!"

You can't make this shit up. Progressives are so fucking blinded by their hate, they refuse to see they've all been duped by the media.

Hey SHYTFE, how the FUCK did Bernie only pay 13%? You fascist faggots aren't rioting over that.
I have to say, the more I think about this, the more I think this has Bannon's signature all over it. They knew how much liberals and the media have been clamoring to see Trump's tax returns, so why not "leak" out an old one, just a couple of pages to whip them up in a frenzy, that shows him paying some taxes? Then the White House will have a convenient ready-made response for when the media airs the info, as they know they wouldn't be able to resist airing it, then reprimand the media for "sinking to such lows," helping them and Trump's agenda of discrediting the media.

Genius. This was a deliberate leak, straight from the WH. No one -- NO ONE -- would have access to Trump's returns except Trump himself, his CPA, and the IRS. And his CPA sure as shit wouldn't leak it. The IRS wouldn't either.

Also, how the FUCK did he get it down to 24%? I'm at 37% or so with mine.

Bwahahaha....right on cue, the outcome wasn't what you were expecting, so now it was Trump pulling a fast one over Madcow! And other moronic liberals are now saying "but,but,but....we need to see the full document! THEN we'll find his cheating and Russia connections!"

You can't make this shit up. Progressives are so fucking blinded by their hate, they refuse to see they've all been duped by the media.

Hey SHYTFE, how the FUCK did Bernie only pay 13%? You fascist faggots aren't rioting over that.

What the hell are you blathering about? I wasn't expecting to see a 2-page tax return from 2005 that doesn't give any details. No one was. I'm only concerned about 2015, 2016 and to see not his income, but any associations he has with Russian banks, etc.
The fact that Democrats don't understand the legislative process is fairly obvious... they are hyped and stupid.

I doubt Obama directly tapped Trump Tower but there's plenty of evidence that Trump Tower was tapped.. The latest rumor is that this information was released from the NSA to all intelligence agencies and a British intelligence agency any of which could be the source of these traitorous leaks Democrats are fully embracing..

The release of Trump's 2005 tax return .. (a private citizen at the time) should be troubling to any American citizen and recognized as an illegal act.. of course, Democrats have a very long history of supporting traitorous illegal acts and character assassinations..
Last edited:
Democrats don't understand the legislative process is obvious... they are hyped and stupid.

I doubt Obama directly tapped Trump Tower but there's plenty of evidence that Trump Tower was tapped.. The latest rumor is that this information was released from the NSA to all intelligence agencies and a British intelligence agency any of which could be the source of these traitorous leaks Democrats are fully embracing..

The release of Trump's 2005 tax return .. (a private citizen at the time) should be troubling to any American citizen and recognized as an illegal act..
Who do you think released it and why? Best guess?
The healthcare bill is in turmoil, Trumps lie about Obama "wire tapping" is getting exposed... is this glorious looking headline that Trump paid 38 million in taxes the new shiney object?


Liberals like describing opponents in terms like chaos and turmoil and you regurgitate them as if they are true, means they brainwashed you and cpntrol how you view things like puppets on a string (which they admitted already).
Fact is all bills go through these processes of first draft, arguing over the bill, everyone politicizing their 2 cents for 15 minutes of fame(see Rand Pauls manipulation of media time to understand this).
Eventually cpmpromises get made and it helps create a bill that more people are comfortable with or have no choice, because the alternative is keeping the failed former plan.
By calling the bill in turmoil is to blame Obama for leaving us the mess to clean up, a concept that should not have been implimented in the first place-BRILLIANT!
If you claim Trump is lying about being wire tapped before investigations reveal what you are not privy to know is then a lie by you as how would you know? Also he has reasons to believe this so how is it a lie withput admitting the Dems lied about everything they suspected but were false charges?
Lying to coverup lies and displacing blame for your failures is exactly why your party lost the elections. The party's activists rioting in Isis gear, attacking flags and old men, just helps the next election keep you guys out.
I have to say, the more I think about this, the more I think this has Bannon's signature all over it. They knew how much liberals and the media have been clamoring to see Trump's tax returns, so why not "leak" out an old one, just a couple of pages to whip them up in a frenzy, that shows him paying some taxes? Then the White House will have a convenient ready-made response for when the media airs the info, as they know they wouldn't be able to resist airing it, then reprimand the media for "sinking to such lows," helping them and Trump's agenda of discrediting the media.

Genius. This was a deliberate leak, straight from the WH. No one -- NO ONE -- would have access to Trump's returns except Trump himself, his CPA, and the IRS. And his CPA sure as shit wouldn't leak it. The IRS wouldn't either.

Also, how the FUCK did he get it down to 24%? I'm at 37% or so with mine.

Bwahahaha....right on cue, the outcome wasn't what you were expecting, so now it was Trump pulling a fast one over Madcow! And other moronic liberals are now saying "but,but,but....we need to see the full document! THEN we'll find his cheating and Russia connections!"

You can't make this shit up. Progressives are so fucking blinded by their hate, they refuse to see they've all been duped by the media.

Hey SHYTFE, how the FUCK did Bernie only pay 13%? You fascist faggots aren't rioting over that.

What the hell are you blathering about? I wasn't expecting to see a 2-page tax return from 2005 that doesn't give any details. No one was. I'm only concerned about 2015, 2016 and to see not his income, but any associations he has with Russian banks, etc.

What am I "blathering about"? That you treasonous c*nts didn't get what you wanted from Madcow's fake news, and now you want more.

Thank you for proving my point. You literally just repeated what I said delirious liberals are saying.

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