BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

Now it's Rachel's turn, why did she FAIL TO REPORT her income mowing her bosses lawn?
HER BOSS(lawn client) became her girl friend, Last time I checked money for mowing that kind of lawn was illegal and so was not reporting her prostitution income.

Cloud 9...
The healthcare bill is in turmoil, Trumps lie about Obama "wire tapping" is getting exposed... is this glorious looking headline that Trump paid 38 million in taxes the new shiney object?


Liberals like describing opponents in terms like chaos and turmoil and you regurgitate them as if they are true, means they brainwashed you and cpntrol how you view things like puppets on a string (which they admitted already).
Fact is all bills go through these processes of first draft, arguing over the bill, everyone politicizing their 2 cents for 15 minutes of fame(see Rand Pauls manipulation of media time to understand this).
Eventually cpmpromises get made and it helps create a bill that more people are comfortable with or have no choice, because the alternative is keeping the failed former plan.
By calling the bill in turmoil is to blame Obama for leaving us the mess to clean up, a concept that should not have been implimented in the first place-BRILLIANT!
If you claim Trump is lying about being wire tapped before investigations reveal what you are not privy to know is then a lie by you as how would you know? Also he has reasons to believe this so how is it a lie withput admitting the Dems lied about everything they suspected but were false charges?
Lying to coverup lies and displacing blame for your failures is exactly why your party lost the elections. The party's activists rioting in Isis gear, attacking flags and old men, just helps the next election keep you guys out.
Funny how different we each see the situation. To me that healthcare plan is God aweful and the GOO party is rightfully divided on it. Yeah it's a lot of business as usual, Washington style, but it's definitely turmoil, that's the joke our congress has become... and anybody with two eyes and brain know Trump was talking out of his ass with that tweet and his ego won't let him admit he was wrong. It was an obvious distraction attempt to turn heads from the Sessions recusal. If he had evidence he would call a press conference and throw it in his critics faces. He would do that so fast. But he has nothing, he is searching and spinning and throwing more shiney objects around to distract in hope that the media will move on. Very transperant.
The healthcare bill is in turmoil, Trumps lie about Obama "wire tapping" is getting exposed... is this glorious looking headline that Trump paid 38 million in taxes the new shiney object?


Liberals like describing opponents in terms like chaos and turmoil and you regurgitate them as if they are true, means they brainwashed you and cpntrol how you view things like puppets on a string (which they admitted already).
Fact is all bills go through these processes of first draft, arguing over the bill, everyone politicizing their 2 cents for 15 minutes of fame(see Rand Pauls manipulation of media time to understand this).
Eventually cpmpromises get made and it helps create a bill that more people are comfortable with or have no choice, because the alternative is keeping the failed former plan.
By calling the bill in turmoil is to blame Obama for leaving us the mess to clean up, a concept that should not have been implimented in the first place-BRILLIANT!
If you claim Trump is lying about being wire tapped before investigations reveal what you are not privy to know is then a lie by you as how would you know? Also he has reasons to believe this so how is it a lie withput admitting the Dems lied about everything they suspected but were false charges?
Lying to coverup lies and displacing blame for your failures is exactly why your party lost the elections. The party's activists rioting in Isis gear, attacking flags and old men, just helps the next election keep you guys out.
Funny how different we each see the situation. To me that healthcare plan is God aweful and the GOO party is rightfully divided on it. Yeah it's a lot of business as usual, Washington style, but it's definitely turmoil, that's the joke our congress has become... and anybody with two eyes and brain know Trump was talking out of his ass with that tweet and his ego won't let him admit he was wrong. It was an obvious distraction attempt to turn heads from the Sessions recusal. If he had evidence he would call a press conference and throw it in his critics faces. He would do that so fast. But he has nothing, he is searching and spinning and throwing more shiney objects around to distract in hope that the media will move on. Very transperant.
Let's get back to the huge scandal that Trump paid $38 million in taxes inn 2005! :)
The healthcare bill is in turmoil, Trumps lie about Obama "wire tapping" is getting exposed... is this glorious looking headline that Trump paid 38 million in taxes the new shiney object?


Liberals like describing opponents in terms like chaos and turmoil and you regurgitate them as if they are true, means they brainwashed you and cpntrol how you view things like puppets on a string (which they admitted already).
Fact is all bills go through these processes of first draft, arguing over the bill, everyone politicizing their 2 cents for 15 minutes of fame(see Rand Pauls manipulation of media time to understand this).
Eventually cpmpromises get made and it helps create a bill that more people are comfortable with or have no choice, because the alternative is keeping the failed former plan.
By calling the bill in turmoil is to blame Obama for leaving us the mess to clean up, a concept that should not have been implimented in the first place-BRILLIANT!
If you claim Trump is lying about being wire tapped before investigations reveal what you are not privy to know is then a lie by you as how would you know? Also he has reasons to believe this so how is it a lie withput admitting the Dems lied about everything they suspected but were false charges?
Lying to coverup lies and displacing blame for your failures is exactly why your party lost the elections. The party's activists rioting in Isis gear, attacking flags and old men, just helps the next election keep you guys out.
Funny how different we each see the situation. To me that healthcare plan is God aweful and the GOO party is rightfully divided on it. Yeah it's a lot of business as usual, Washington style, but it's definitely turmoil, that's the joke our congress has become... and anybody with two eyes and brain know Trump was talking out of his ass with that tweet and his ego won't let him admit he was wrong. It was an obvious distraction attempt to turn heads from the Sessions recusal. If he had evidence he would call a press conference and throw it in his critics faces. He would do that so fast. But he has nothing, he is searching and spinning and throwing more shiney objects around to distract in hope that the media will move on. Very transperant.
Let's get back to the huge scandal that Trump paid $38 million in taxes inn 2005! :)
Yeah... who leaked that shit?! What do you think?
Alt Right whiners like theHawk are infuriated.

Trump can hide nothing from the people if enough of them want to know.

Tough nut for the Alt Right. :lol:
I'll tell ya, I despise the American left more each day. I've been voting since Carter, and I've never seen anything close to what has happened in this country since the election.
These people are dispicable pathetic human beings.
Its was OK to attack Obama and his family since day one, but never say anything about Trump?
The Alt Right, once again, can't take what they try to dish.
The healthcare bill is in turmoil, Trumps lie about Obama "wire tapping" is getting exposed... is this glorious looking headline that Trump paid 38 million in taxes the new shiney object?


Liberals like describing opponents in terms like chaos and turmoil and you regurgitate them as if they are true, means they brainwashed you and cpntrol how you view things like puppets on a string (which they admitted already).
Fact is all bills go through these processes of first draft, arguing over the bill, everyone politicizing their 2 cents for 15 minutes of fame(see Rand Pauls manipulation of media time to understand this).
Eventually cpmpromises get made and it helps create a bill that more people are comfortable with or have no choice, because the alternative is keeping the failed former plan.
By calling the bill in turmoil is to blame Obama for leaving us the mess to clean up, a concept that should not have been implimented in the first place-BRILLIANT!
If you claim Trump is lying about being wire tapped before investigations reveal what you are not privy to know is then a lie by you as how would you know? Also he has reasons to believe this so how is it a lie withput admitting the Dems lied about everything they suspected but were false charges?
Lying to coverup lies and displacing blame for your failures is exactly why your party lost the elections. The party's activists rioting in Isis gear, attacking flags and old men, just helps the next election keep you guys out.
Funny how different we each see the situation. To me that healthcare plan is God aweful and the GOO party is rightfully divided on it. Yeah it's a lot of business as usual, Washington style, but it's definitely turmoil, that's the joke our congress has become... and anybody with two eyes and brain know Trump was talking out of his ass with that tweet and his ego won't let him admit he was wrong. It was an obvious distraction attempt to turn heads from the Sessions recusal. If he had evidence he would call a press conference and throw it in his critics faces. He would do that so fast. But he has nothing, he is searching and spinning and throwing more shiney objects around to distract in hope that the media will move on. Very transperant.

You have to consider to view it this way:
ANYONE complaining about any policy, better have a better solution to put forth because it's easy to tear down everything, but you damn better have something better to replace what you tear down.
Both parties still govern, if Dems left the mess because they pushed it through without this debate process to shape
it better, they better be offring solutions and helping to solve not make things worse.
I find it irritating that people even Republicans saying they will own this bill, when in reality the Bill should never have existed and is still the result of the failed original source and still is both parties responsibility to shape it by suggesting viable improvements.
The healthcare bill is in turmoil, Trumps lie about Obama "wire tapping" is getting exposed... is this glorious looking headline that Trump paid 38 million in taxes the new shiney object?


Liberals like describing opponents in terms like chaos and turmoil and you regurgitate them as if they are true, means they brainwashed you and cpntrol how you view things like puppets on a string (which they admitted already).
Fact is all bills go through these processes of first draft, arguing over the bill, everyone politicizing their 2 cents for 15 minutes of fame(see Rand Pauls manipulation of media time to understand this).
Eventually cpmpromises get made and it helps create a bill that more people are comfortable with or have no choice, because the alternative is keeping the failed former plan.
By calling the bill in turmoil is to blame Obama for leaving us the mess to clean up, a concept that should not have been implimented in the first place-BRILLIANT!
If you claim Trump is lying about being wire tapped before investigations reveal what you are not privy to know is then a lie by you as how would you know? Also he has reasons to believe this so how is it a lie withput admitting the Dems lied about everything they suspected but were false charges?
Lying to coverup lies and displacing blame for your failures is exactly why your party lost the elections. The party's activists rioting in Isis gear, attacking flags and old men, just helps the next election keep you guys out.
Funny how different we each see the situation. To me that healthcare plan is God aweful and the GOO party is rightfully divided on it. Yeah it's a lot of business as usual, Washington style, but it's definitely turmoil, that's the joke our congress has become... and anybody with two eyes and brain know Trump was talking out of his ass with that tweet and his ego won't let him admit he was wrong. It was an obvious distraction attempt to turn heads from the Sessions recusal. If he had evidence he would call a press conference and throw it in his critics faces. He would do that so fast. But he has nothing, he is searching and spinning and throwing more shiney objects around to distract in hope that the media will move on. Very transperant.
Let's get back to the huge scandal that Trump paid $38 million in taxes inn 2005! :)
But the person thinking it is her duty to expose taxes has to be held to the same standard and Rachel Maddow has most likely comitted tax fraud, and the deflection is classic behavior. You think I'm joking because I'm funny, but you can look it up, she met her girfriend as one of her clients.
Democrats don't understand the legislative process is obvious... they are hyped and stupid.

I doubt Obama directly tapped Trump Tower but there's plenty of evidence that Trump Tower was tapped.. The latest rumor is that this information was released from the NSA to all intelligence agencies and a British intelligence agency any of which could be the source of these traitorous leaks Democrats are fully embracing..

The release of Trump's 2005 tax return .. (a private citizen at the time) should be troubling to any American citizen and recognized as an illegal act..
Who do you think released it and why? Best guess?
Someone in the IRS must have leaked them specifically to her. Probably a fan of hers that wants to see her get the credit. Hopefully Trump gets his lawyers going on this right away.

Actually, if she releases them that is DOJ fodder.

It is a felony for her to possess his tax returns.

No. She is protected as a journalist. She has special rights that you and I do not have.

Really? Show us the law that protects her.
Really, really? Show us the law she has broken.
Actually, if she releases them that is DOJ fodder.

It is a felony for her to possess his tax returns.

No. She is protected as a journalist. She has special rights that you and I do not have.

Really? Show us the law that protects her.
Really, really? Show us the law she has broken.

Jake- You are everything wrong about America that Mr. Trump is trying to fix. That is why you and your Democrat buddies and rhino pubs were sent out of town on a rail. The people spoke because we were, and are tired of your leftist perception of the way America should be. Sorry, we were not ready to go down the crapper even though Obama had us circling the drain. Your unicorn, pixie dust envision of America does not exist. Well, not anymore since real Americans have spoken.

Your time has passed.

Suck it up buttercup

Jake- You are everything wrong about America that Mr. Trump is trying to fix. That is why you and your Democrat buddies and rhino pubs were sent out of town on a rail. The people spoke because we were, and are tired of your leftist perception of the way America should be. Sorry, we were not ready to go down the crapper even though Obama had us circling the drain. Your unicorn, pixie dust envision of America does not exist. Well, not anymore since real Americans have spoken.

Your time has passed.

Suck it up buttercup

Real Americans support Americans, not 400 billionaire dudes.

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