BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

True, and it referenced if they ALREADY HAD THEM that they could RELEASE the 30,000 emails Hillary had illegally erased.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida.

Give me your best guess how the Russians would be able to obtain the 30,000 deleted emails 'legally' Where did Trump expect them to get them from? Now comes the twist.

It actually sounds like Trump already knew the Russians had them, and was just asking the Russians to release them. So that alternate version is jumping from the frying pan, and into the fire.
my my! and I thought you were just trying to dodge the Maddow temporarily ceded the the solicitation argument for you and now you want me to be "fair and balanced" in doing so..ok for the sake of your post/argument trump should get the same thing clinton got, now does that still make maddow credible in your fair and balanced view? or does the clinton treatment for trump prove she didn't lie?

The Maddow question is based on assumptions of how she came into posession of Trumps tax returns, or actually just two of a thousand pages. Unless they wiretaped her phones, or intercepted her emails and can show she solicited the information, they don't have a case against her.
True, and it referenced if they ALREADY HAD THEM that they could RELEASE the 30,000 emails Hillary had illegally erased.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida.

Give me your best guess how the Russians would be able to obtain the 30,000 deleted emails 'legally' Where did Trump expect them to get them from? Now comes the twist.

It actually sounds like Trump already knew the Russians had them, and was just asking the Russians to release them. So that alternate version is jumping from the frying pan, and into the fire.

You're chasing your own tail
Asking somebody to commit a crime, is a crime. It is unknown if Maddow asked anybody to steal Trumps tax returns. But we know that Trump asked the Russians to illegally obtain Clinton's 30,000 deleted emails.

Of course Trump could have been suggesting the Russians put in a FOIA request for them, PS that was sa joke.

And blatantly lying is blatantly lying, even if you're a Communist lying on behalf of your Fuhrer.

In this case, you are blatantly lying.

Trump did NOT make such as request, as you know. But you think if you lie enough about this you can create it as "truthiness" among people.
True, and it referenced if they ALREADY HAD THEM that they could RELEASE the 30,000 emails Hillary had illegally erased.

From the frying pan into the fire. Pot calling the kettle black, and a thousand other idioms. If Trump, presumably through Robert Stone and Stones communications with Guccifer 2.0, knew the Russians had hacked Clintons server, and could be in posession of the 30,000 deleted emails, may be the most reasonable explaination of what Trump meant when he asked the russians to find the 30,000 deleted emails.

But -- as in butt hurt -- that means that Trump knew the Russians hacked Clintons server, that the Russians collected a treasure trove of Clintons emails, and he was just asking the Russianas to search their illegal cache of emails for the ones Clinton deleted.

Conspiracy, solicitation and collusion. YUP that explains what Trump meant when he asked the russians for Clintons emails.
my my! and I thought you were just trying to dodge the Maddow temporarily ceded the the solicitation argument for you and now you want me to be "fair and balanced" in doing so..ok for the sake of your post/argument trump should get the same thing clinton got, now does that still make maddow credible in your fair and balanced view? or does the clinton treatment for trump prove she didn't lie?

The Maddow question is based on assumptions of how she came into posession of Trumps tax returns, or actually just two of a thousand pages. Unless they wiretaped her phones, or intercepted her emails and can show she solicited the information, they don't have a case against her.
Has she demanded his tax returns at any time? any case i'm not claiming she committed a crime or even care if she did...I just want to know if you still find her credible after her claim of having trumps tax returns.
This madcow bitch is perfectly suited to represent the snowflake crowd. Why she still has a TV show is absolutely amazing.
Repeating your stupid lie doesn't make it true. You are displaying your IQ and criticizing others'?

Then i'll post Trumps exact quote. Let the public decide.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida.

You aren't too smucking fart.
Just so we're all clear on this, do you have his exact request to the Russians verbatim?

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida.

That's what the quotes mean.
In this case, you are blatantly lying.

Trump did NOT make such as request, as you know. But you think if you lie enough about this you can create it as "truthiness" among people.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida.

Trump said it. Yet you deny Trump said it. WOW !!!
I think everyone is going a little overboard right about now...I am glad Maddow is being called out on an outrageous overzealous lie, but no one should be talking about prison time for her nor should anyone be claiming the virtuous high ground, the best way to deal with her and the tax thing now is to keep reminding everyone that trump has now released his tax returns and hold up the Maddow claim as proof that he do otherwise just reopens the door for the left to pretend he must do it, they cannot keep making that claim if you can point to the Maddow claim as proof that he did.
That's not the way it plays out. They'll simply take this one and demand to see last year's. Then if he shows last year's, they'll demand every one since he started filing taxes. If there's nothing there, they'll simply demand a special prosecutor to audit every single year. If they find nothing, they'll just move on to something else they think could be damaging. They will NEVER acknowledge that they could have been wrong about anything, because truth and justice have nothing to do with it.
Just so we're all clear on this, do you have his exact request to the Russians verbatim?

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida.

That's what the quotes mean.
Yeahbut they don't match your claims. Whooosh, recess is over, back to finger painting class for you.
True, and it referenced if they ALREADY HAD THEM that they could RELEASE the 30,000 emails Hillary had illegally erased.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida.

Ah, so you ARE a fucking liar. :thup:

Well, you're a Fascist Brown Shirt so lying is just part of what you are

Give me your best guess how the Russians would be able to obtain the 30,000 deleted emails 'legally' Where did Trump expect them to get them from? Now comes the twist.

It actually sounds like Trump already knew the Russians had them, and was just asking the Russians to release them. So that alternate version is jumping from the frying pan, and into the fire.

I don't need to guess;

Trump: "I will tell you what isn't fictionalized are her e-mails, where she destroyed 33,000 e-mails criminally, criminally, after getting a subpoena from the United States Congress. I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

You proved yourself to be a complete liar. Hey, that's just what you fascist do.
my my! and I thought you were just trying to dodge the Maddow temporarily ceded the the solicitation argument for you and now you want me to be "fair and balanced" in doing so..ok for the sake of your post/argument trump should get the same thing clinton got, now does that still make maddow credible in your fair and balanced view? or does the clinton treatment for trump prove she didn't lie?

The Maddow question is based on assumptions of how she came into posession of Trumps tax returns, or actually just two of a thousand pages. Unless they wiretaped her phones, or intercepted her emails and can show she solicited the information, they don't have a case against her.
You don't need any of that to determine if she is credible to you or not, you just need them to avoid the question when necessary...btw, trump is/was under no legal obligation to release his tax returns publicly, but now that he has you can see it was much ado about nothing.
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