BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,
Not a word about hacking her server, no solicitation about hacking, nothing even remotely illegal in that quote, and I took you at your word when you claimed he asked Russia to hack her server. but it does however allow you to avoid answering the maddow credibility problem...I know you want to claim she is credibile, if she was/is credible you could have easily just said so, but for some reason you just don't/won't.
I think everyone is going a little overboard right about now...I am glad Maddow is being called out on an outrageous overzealous lie, but no one should be talking about prison time for her nor should anyone be claiming the virtuous high ground, the best way to deal with her and the tax thing now is to keep reminding everyone that trump has now released his tax returns and hold up the Maddow claim as proof that he do otherwise just reopens the door for the left to pretend he must do it, they cannot keep making that claim if you can point to the Maddow claim as proof that he did.
That's not the way it plays out. They'll simply take this one and demand to see last year's. Then if he shows last year's, they'll demand every one since he started filing taxes. If there's nothing there, they'll simply demand a special prosecutor to audit every single year. If they find nothing, they'll just move on to something else they think could be damaging. They will NEVER acknowledge that they could have been wrong about anything, because truth and justice have nothing to do with it.
Just show them the maddow claim..."I have trumps tax returns"...that's how she sold it, that's how you sell it back to them..Maddow already has trumps tax returns, she has even said so...make them deal with their own LWBS
“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,
Not a word about hacking her server, no solicitation about hacking, nothing even remotely illegal in that quote, and I took you at your word when you claimed he asked Russia to hack her server. but it does however allow you to avoid answering the maddow credibility problem...I know you want to claim she is credibile, if she was/is credible you could have easily just said so, but for some reason you just don't/won't.

Do grow up. When the CIA asked that somebody be silenced with extreme prejudice, they didn't mean put a gag on them. Everybody knows what Trump said, and what Trump meant.
The quote shows your claim that Trump asked the Russians to hack the HRC server to be a total lie.
Hey, you're a fascist, you lie, we get it.

You might be rifght. The quote shows Trump conspired with the Russians to release information he knew the Russians had already illegally obtained.

Do grow up. When the CIA asked that somebody be silenced with extreme prejudice, they didn't mean put a gag on them. Everybody knows what Trump said, and what Trump meant.

You lied, you got called on it.

If you don't like being identified as a liar, start telling the truth occasionally. I know, you live to serve your Fuhrer and the GLORIOUS PEOPLES democratic party. Truth is only what the party decrees.
You lied, you got called on it.

If you don't like being identified as a liar, start telling the truth occasionally. I know, you live to serve your Fuhrer and the GLORIOUS PEOPLES democratic party. Truth is only what the party decrees.

As I said, you may be right, Trump didn't ask the Russians to hack Clintons server. Trump conspired with the Russians to release the emails the Russians has already illegally obtained by hacking into Clintons server,.

Conspiracy, collusion, and solicitation.

The real question, of course, is how did Mad One legally obtain Trump's tax information?

Its reported somebody, of unknown origin, mailed them to her, unsolicited. And there's a law that anything you recieve in the mail unsolicited you're allowed to keep, and use as you see fit, it becomes legally yours.
"It's reported" means we only have her word on it, and that's not really much to go on.
Maddow blames viewers for expecting too much.

Maddow: People disappointed by Trump story expected too much

NEW YORK (AP) — Rachel Maddow says that if people felt let down by her story about President Donald Trump's 2005 tax document it's more because of the weight of expectation than anything she did.

The MSNBC host found herself in the odd position Wednesday of defending herself from criticism following one of the biggest-ever scoops for her show. Maddow's show revealed, through reporter David Cay Johnston, two pages of tax return information that showed Trump earned $150 million in 2005 and paid $38 million in income taxes that year. Trump has steadfastly refused to release his tax returns.

Maddow's tweet less than 90 minutes before her show that "we've got Trump's tax returns" set off a social media frenzy. Although a subsequent tweet specified it was only two pages from one year's returns, expectations were sky high.

Maddow told the AP that she never misrepresented what she had.

"Because I have information about the president doesn't mean that it's necessarily a scandal," she said. "It doesn't mean that it's damning information. If other people leapt to that conclusion without me indicating that it was, that hype is external to what we did."

Her story was derided as "a big nothingburger" by Fox News Channel's Steve Doocy on Wednesday. There were unflattering comparisons to Geraldo Rivera's opening of Al Capone's vault, television shorthand for an anticipated event that doesn't meet expectations. The White House's pre-emptive step of issuing a statement with Trump's income and estimated taxes for that year before Maddow's show started also took air out of the story.

Maddow: People disappointed by Trump story expected too much
"the weight of expectation"....more like the misrepresentation of expectation by the RW afraid of her on-going investigation.

As I said, you may be right, Trump didn't ask the Russians to hack Clintons server. Trump conspired with the Russians to release the emails the Russians has already illegally obtained by hacking into Clintons server,.

Conspiracy, collusion, and solicitation.


Yes, you're a fucking liar, we get it.

Such is the way of your party.
..btw, trump is/was under no legal obligation to release his tax returns publicly, but now that he has you can see it was much ado about nothing.

Trump still hasn't released his tax return(s). All the white house did is to confirm it was Trumps 2005 return, and the numbers for income, and taxes paid were accurate.
Maddow has his tax returns, if it were just 2 pages of 2005 accurately paid taxes, she would have been honest enough to say so. she would have been sure not to mislead anyone by not claiming that's all she had, the WH only commented on the returns she produced, not the ones she claims to have, where is the news in the ones she produced?...I trust she will show the rest assuming they were obtained legally
True, and it referenced if they ALREADY HAD THEM that they could RELEASE the 30,000 emails Hillary had illegally erased.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida.

Give me your best guess how the Russians would be able to obtain the 30,000 deleted emails 'legally' Where did Trump expect them to get them from? Now comes the twist.

It actually sounds like Trump already knew the Russians had them, and was just asking the Russians to release them. So that alternate version is jumping from the frying pan, and into the fire.

Putin Lootin', Scootin', and Rootin', But Not Hootin'

I agree. All that means is that if Russia is already hacking, he hopes that they can reveal all of Shillary's crooked deals and foreign policy mistakes. He's not asking Russia to start hacking her. Russia, like many other countries, easily downloaded the Suckretary of State's secrets but kept them quietly in the Kremlin so they could thwart her anti-Russian aggressive moves if she became President.
“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,
Not a word about hacking her server, no solicitation about hacking, nothing even remotely illegal in that quote, and I took you at your word when you claimed he asked Russia to hack her server. but it does however allow you to avoid answering the maddow credibility problem...I know you want to claim she is credibile, if she was/is credible you could have easily just said so, but for some reason you just don't/won't.

Do grow up. When the CIA asked that somebody be silenced with extreme prejudice, they didn't mean put a gag on them.
You did with the CIA what you did earlier with trump, the correct analogy would be if the CIA said "oh shut up" and then you claiming they said "When the CIA asked that somebody be silenced with extreme prejudice"

Everybody knows what Trump said, and what Trump meant

Much the same way we know where and how Maddow got the tax returns without wiretaps...problem with that is there is no evidence to hold up in a court that requires such things of both trump and maddow, so as I originally stated before taking your word for it that trump claimed he asked russia to hack hillary's after your wild goose chase to avoid the madow bullet lets try again..Neither seems to be a crime to me, do you find maddow credible after claiming to have trumps tax returns? "be sure to watch this space"
You lied, you got called on it.

If you don't like being identified as a liar, start telling the truth occasionally. I know, you live to serve your Fuhrer and the GLORIOUS PEOPLES democratic party. Truth is only what the party decrees.

As I said, you may be right, Trump didn't ask the Russians to hack Clintons server. Trump conspired with the Russians to release the emails the Russians has already illegally obtained by hacking into Clintons server,.

Conspiracy, collusion, and solicitation.

Hacking them is the crime, releasing them is not a crime.

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