BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

I agree. All that means is that if Russia is already hacking, he hopes that they can reveal all of Shillary's crooked deals and foreign policy mistakes. He's not asking Russia to start hacking her. Russia, like many other countries, easily downloaded the Suckretary of State's secrets but kept them quietly in the Kremlin so they could thwart her anti-Russian aggressive moves if she became President.

But that makes Trump guilty of what you're accusing Rachel Maddow of doing. Soliciting stolen property. Trump asked the Russians to deliver property he knew to be stolen, to a third party for his own benefit.
You lied, you got called on it.

If you don't like being identified as a liar, start telling the truth occasionally. I know, you live to serve your Fuhrer and the GLORIOUS PEOPLES democratic party. Truth is only what the party decrees.

As I said, you may be right, Trump didn't ask the Russians to hack Clintons server. Trump conspired with the Russians to release the emails the Russians has already illegally obtained by hacking into Clintons server,.

Conspiracy, collusion, and solicitation.

Nothing illegal about asking them to release emails they got legally or illegally,'re grasping for straws and fighting for air now
Whether they were obtained legally or illegally changes the situation.
Not in the context I provided

Want to buy Tom Brady's 2016 superbowl jersey?
Not the context I provided, in the context I provided you woud not be guilty of committing a crime, under the one you pretend to be my context you would be committing a crime for just asking me that...i.e. are you committing a crime now for just asking that? see how important the actual context is? by keeping it in the proper context you made my point for me.
Not the context I provided, in the context I provided you woud not be guilty of committing a crime, under the one you pretend to be my context you would be committing a crime for just asking me that...i.e. are you committing a crime now for just asking that? see how important the actual context is? by keeping it in the proper context you made my point for me.

From what I can see, Russia releasing the stolen property, ie hacked emails from Clintons server, would benefit Trump. Receiving stolen property only requires it transfer to somebody that gives you a material benefit. Ex: You buy a stolen item on Craigs list, and have it delivered to your mothers house. You are guilty of receiving stolen property. Because you knew it was stolen, and your mother didn't. And you colluded in the transfer. So you committed the crime.

Did Rachel Maddow know the Trump tax returns were stolen? I don't know, but it is presumed she did not. Did Trump know the Hillary e-mails were stolen? Maybe? The current trend is to deny Trump asked the Russians to get her e-mail, and change it to Trump merely asked the Russians to release the e-mail's they had already gotten.
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One thing we learned


without the alternative minimum tax he and other billionaires would pay near nil.
Is that what we learned? Really?

I'm thinking we learned there's no level of insane the left will not go to over anything Trump. And then we learned that even if you paid 38 million in taxes that isn't enough for the left. They still want more.
Pres Trump and his Trumpettes cry too much...everything is UNFAIR for the special snowflakes.

You right wingers sure could dish it out the past 8 years, but are whiny little whimps when it comes to your precious Magog....what's up with that?
What's up with it is called seeing what you want to see and not seeing what you do not want to see. You lefties are still screaming bloody murder and you think it's going to be covered up with your projection?
WHO is screaming bloody murder??? near all the threads on this tax release are all started by CONsevatives?

It's great that the multi billionaire Trump paid federal income taxes in the year 2005! BRAVO for him!!!

there, ya happy now? or do you think we should all bow down and kiss his feet, or wash them with our tears and wipe them off with our hair?
You had to excuse yourself to change socks, hack?

It was how the thread evolved. Trump couldn't have asked the Russians to hack Hillary's server, if it had already been hacked before he asked.

Closer to Trump couldn't have asked the Russians to hack Hillary's server, because Roger Stone had already been in contact with the Russians, and told Trump to merely signal their release. So Trump couldn't be guilty of asking the Russians to hack Clinton's server which we know to be illegal. Hence they changed the meme to something that would be legal
You had to excuse yourself to change socks, hack?

It was how the thread evolved. Trump couldn't have asked the Russians to hack Hillary's server, if it had already been hacked before he asked.

Closer to Trump couldn't have asked the Russians to hack Hillary's server, because Roger Stone had already been in contact with the Russians, and told Trump to merely signal their release.
Nice supposition. Sadly, that's all it is.
Nice supposition. Sadly, that's all it is.

We know Stone had been tweeting back and forth with Guccifer 2.0, and we know Guccifer 2.0 was just a covert for Russian hackers, either state hackers, state supported hackers, or start sponsored hackers, and once again, those contacts were at first denied by Stone. As they say, where there's smoke, don't try to cover it up. You'll only get burned.
Nice supposition. Sadly, that's all it is.

We know Stone had been tweeting back and forth with Guccifer 2.0, and we know Guccifer 2.0 was just a covert for Russian hackers, either state hackers, state supported hackers, or start sponsored hackers, and once again, those contacts were at first denied by Stone. As they say, where there's smoke, don't try to cover it up. You'll only get burned.
IOW, supposition. Get back to us when there's proof.

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