BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!


The small part of his returns is all we have so far, and important because it shows he is vulnerable. I wouldn't be surprised if Wikileaks has the entire set of returns, and will release them later.

The return we have shows that Trump paid a higher percent of his income than Madcow or any of the DNC Fascists do. Trump paid 25.6% - Peoples hero Bernie (Mao) Sanders paid 14%

The deductions left Sanders and his wife paying $27,653 in federal income taxes in 2014, on a joint income of $205,271 — an effective federal tax rate of 13.5 percent. If that seems low to you, your instincts are right: According to the Tax Foundation, the average federal income-tax rate for a couple making $200,000 to $500,000 in 2014 was 15.2 percent. The “millionaires and billionaires” that Sanders is so fond of berating payed, on average, just more than twice as much of their income (27.4 percent) in federal taxes as he did.

Read more at: Bernie Sanders Does Not Practice What He Preaches on Taxes}

This was PRICELESS.....

The small part of his returns is all we have so far, and important because it shows he is vulnerable. I wouldn't be surprised if Wikileaks has the entire set of returns, and will release them later.

The return we have shows that Trump paid a higher percent of his income than Madcow or any of the DNC Fascists do. Trump paid 25.6% - Peoples hero Bernie (Mao) Sanders paid 14%

The deductions left Sanders and his wife paying $27,653 in federal income taxes in 2014, on a joint income of $205,271 — an effective federal tax rate of 13.5 percent. If that seems low to you, your instincts are right: According to the Tax Foundation, the average federal income-tax rate for a couple making $200,000 to $500,000 in 2014 was 15.2 percent. The “millionaires and billionaires” that Sanders is so fond of berating payed, on average, just more than twice as much of their income (27.4 percent) in federal taxes as he did.

Read more at: Bernie Sanders Does Not Practice What He Preaches on Taxes}

This was PRICELESS.....

I don't doubt that Trump searched his tax returns to find the one that made him look the best, and secretly mailed it himself. One return doesn't answer the question of why he is afraid to release all the others.
You proved yourself to be a complete liar. Hey, that's just what you fascist do.

Your link goes to nothing. Which is accurate for Politifact considering they are a far left bogus site. Owned and operated by the far left newspaper the Tampa Bay Times. Same editors, writers, janitors, facilities.
Poll: 74 percent want to see Trump's tax returns
Poll: 74 percent want to see Trump's tax returns

Now they have. How did that work out for you Brown Shirts? :dunno:

No. One return from 12 years ago is not what is needed. He needs to quit spending his time making up shit like his claim that Obama tapped him, and act like a grownup.

Four years from now, we will still be hearing people say he needs to stop lying and act like a president.

He's 70yo and acting like a spoiled toddler has always worked for him. Reading posts by the RWNJ Pootarians shows that its still working.

What is truly sickening is that his almost daily lies are now considered normal. The RWNJ race to the bottom has just about arrived.

The small part of his returns is all we have so far, and important because it shows he is vulnerable. I wouldn't be surprised if Wikileaks has the entire set of returns, and will release them later.

The return we have shows that Trump paid a higher percent of his income than Madcow or any of the DNC Fascists do. Trump paid 25.6% - Peoples hero Bernie (Mao) Sanders paid 14%

The deductions left Sanders and his wife paying $27,653 in federal income taxes in 2014, on a joint income of $205,271 — an effective federal tax rate of 13.5 percent. If that seems low to you, your instincts are right: According to the Tax Foundation, the average federal income-tax rate for a couple making $200,000 to $500,000 in 2014 was 15.2 percent. The “millionaires and billionaires” that Sanders is so fond of berating payed, on average, just more than twice as much of their income (27.4 percent) in federal taxes as he did.

Read more at: Bernie Sanders Does Not Practice What He Preaches on Taxes}

This was PRICELESS.....

I don't doubt that Trump searched his tax returns to find the one that made him look the best, and secretly mailed it himself. One return doesn't answer the question of why he is afraid to release all the others.

I agree. He needed to get attention away from his lie about his 'wires being tapped'. What will next week's lie be?

The return -- If we look at the amount of income, the tax he paid and the losses he took, there is no way that he has wealth in the billions, as he has said.

The small part of his returns is all we have so far, and important because it shows he is vulnerable. I wouldn't be surprised if Wikileaks has the entire set of returns, and will release them later.

The return we have shows that Trump paid a higher percent of his income than Madcow or any of the DNC Fascists do. Trump paid 25.6% - Peoples hero Bernie (Mao) Sanders paid 14%

The deductions left Sanders and his wife paying $27,653 in federal income taxes in 2014, on a joint income of $205,271 — an effective federal tax rate of 13.5 percent. If that seems low to you, your instincts are right: According to the Tax Foundation, the average federal income-tax rate for a couple making $200,000 to $500,000 in 2014 was 15.2 percent. The “millionaires and billionaires” that Sanders is so fond of berating payed, on average, just more than twice as much of their income (27.4 percent) in federal taxes as he did.

Read more at: Bernie Sanders Does Not Practice What He Preaches on Taxes}

This was PRICELESS.....

I don't doubt that Trump searched his tax returns to find the one that made him look the best, and secretly mailed it himself. One return doesn't answer the question of why he is afraid to release all the others.

I agree. He needed to get attention away from his lie about his 'wires being tapped'. What will next week's lie be?

The return -- If we look at the amount of income, the tax he paid and the losses he took, there is no way that he has wealth in the billions, as he has said.

No reason to believe that one return is representative of any of the others. What is the orange clown hiding?
No. One return from 12 years ago is not what is needed. He needs to quit spending his time making up shit like his claim that Obama tapped him, and act like a grownup.

What you "need" is something that harms the object of your obsessive hatred. YOU thought Madcow would deliver, but instead she/it got played like a cheap kazoo. :(

The small part of his returns is all we have so far, and important because it shows he is vulnerable. I wouldn't be surprised if Wikileaks has the entire set of returns, and will release them later.
How is he vulnerable in liberal la la land? Meanwhile we're supposed to simply ignore the fact that Hillary had foreign governments pour money into the Clinton Foundation?

Thanks for reminding me why I could never be a liberal.
Didn't Donald Trump openly request Putin hack into Clintons server, and find the 30.000 deleted e-mails.

You mean the comment he made months after the US government confiscated her server?
How can they hack a server that's not online and disassembled?

I never said Trump was smart.

You did say he asked Putin to hack something.
Unless you can post the actual quote where he used those words, the answer to your question is no.
I don't know eiither is guilty of a crime in that scenario, just that it is another left wing response to a point that wasn't made as opposed to the one that was you think trump openly asking putin to "hack" into clintons server is as big a lie as the whopper Maddow told?...see how your analogy doesn't fit the point being made? right or wrong, the trump claim is not about lying, which I suspect is why you used it instead of trying to defend the indefensible Maddow lie

Trump asked the Russians to hack into HIllarys email server and find the 30.000 deleted emails. Whether Tump knew that was possible or not, isn't the question. The solicitation is the crime. Akin to inciding a riot, and when the mayhem breaks, pretending you had nothing to do with it.

Trump asked the Russians to hack into HIllarys email server and find the 30.000 deleted emails.

Post the quote.
Didn't Donald Trump openly request Putin hack into Clintons server, and find the 30.000 deleted e-mails.
No. You'd have to be a retard to take it that way.

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida.

If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing

Find them, not hack them? Interesting.

Maybe they're in a box with the Rose Law Firm billing records?
Of with Craig Livingstone's FBI files?
I don't doubt that Trump searched his tax returns to find the one that made him look the best, and secretly mailed it himself. One return doesn't answer the question of why he is afraid to release all the others.

What it did was leave you fascists standing with egg on your face.

Like the "Russian hack " idiocy there will be the fringe who throw fits from now to Jan 20. 2025; but just like the other conspiracy nuts, your accomplishment will be only to further discredit yourselves and your failing party.

This yet another reason that the next democrat president hasn't been born yet.
Four years from now, we will still be hearing people say he needs to stop lying and act like a president.

He's 70yo and acting like a spoiled toddler has always worked for him. Reading posts by the RWNJ Pootarians shows that its still working.

What is truly sickening is that his almost daily lies are now considered normal. The RWNJ race to the bottom has just about arrived.

8 years from now you'll be crying about President Pence and how the election was STOLEN from you by Venetians.

The small part of his returns is all we have so far, and important because it shows he is vulnerable. I wouldn't be surprised if Wikileaks has the entire set of returns, and will release them later.

The return we have shows that Trump paid a higher percent of his income than Madcow or any of the DNC Fascists do. Trump paid 25.6% - Peoples hero Bernie (Mao) Sanders paid 14%

The deductions left Sanders and his wife paying $27,653 in federal income taxes in 2014, on a joint income of $205,271 — an effective federal tax rate of 13.5 percent. If that seems low to you, your instincts are right: According to the Tax Foundation, the average federal income-tax rate for a couple making $200,000 to $500,000 in 2014 was 15.2 percent. The “millionaires and billionaires” that Sanders is so fond of berating payed, on average, just more than twice as much of their income (27.4 percent) in federal taxes as he did.

Read more at: Bernie Sanders Does Not Practice What He Preaches on Taxes}

This was PRICELESS.....

I don't doubt that Trump searched his tax returns to find the one that made him look the best, and secretly mailed it himself. One return doesn't answer the question of why he is afraid to release all the others.

Trump just keeps beating your asses and you guys just keep coming back for more, it's priceless entertainment.
Who cares about his taco returns let see if he can fix some of the problems America is in
The "problems' were largely created in the last eight years.
What were you demanding Obama do after fifty days in office?
The fucking DEMs are doing everything possible to delay President Trump's administration from being fully staffed. Do you believe this is the right thing to do while at the same time demanding President Trump "do something!'?

Trump has neglected hiring 1000 staff members that require no congressional approval whatsoever. Nobody is stopping him. He's just too lazy to do it.
The funny thing is, you say that like you believe it. Trump may not think they are all necessary positions, but the last thing he is is lazy.
No. One return from 12 years ago is not what is needed. He needs to quit spending his time making up shit like his claim that Obama tapped him, and act like a grownup.

What you "need" is something that harms the object of your obsessive hatred. YOU thought Madcow would deliver, but instead she/it got played like a cheap kazoo. :(

The small part of his returns is all we have so far, and important because it shows he is vulnerable. I wouldn't be surprised if Wikileaks has the entire set of returns, and will release them later.
Illegally, of course.
I don't know eiither is guilty of a crime in that scenario, just that it is another left wing response to a point that wasn't made as opposed to the one that was you think trump openly asking putin to "hack" into clintons server is as big a lie as the whopper Maddow told?...see how your analogy doesn't fit the point being made? right or wrong, the trump claim is not about lying, which I suspect is why you used it instead of trying to defend the indefensible Maddow lie

Trump asked the Russians to hack into HIllarys email server and find the 30.000 deleted emails. Whether Tump knew that was possible or not, isn't the question. The solicitation is the crime. Akin to inciding a riot, and when the mayhem breaks, pretending you had nothing to do with it.

OK, for the sake of your post lets say he's guilty of solicitation ok? he's guilty of solicitation ok? we there yet? ok, he's guilty of solicittion...Maddow lied and got caught big she still credible in your opinion? or does trumps guilt prove to you she didn't lie?

What did Maddow lie about?

Please be specific.

True, and it referenced if they ALREADY HAD THEM that they could RELEASE the 30,000 emails Hillary had illegally erased.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida.

Give me your best guess how the Russians would be able to obtain the 30,000 deleted emails 'legally' Where did Trump expect them to get them from? Now comes the twist.

It actually sounds like Trump already knew the Russians had them, and was just asking the Russians to release them. So that alternate version is jumping from the frying pan, and into the fire.

That was a very interesting blunder. A tip off that Pooting was working with him to steal the election.
One thing we learned


without the alternative minimum tax he and other billionaires would pay near nil.
Is that what we learned? Really?

I'm thinking we learned there's no level of insane the left will not go to over anything Trump. And then we learned that even if you paid 38 million in taxes that isn't enough for the left. They still want more.
Pres Trump and his Trumpettes cry too much...everything is UNFAIR for the special snowflakes.

You right wingers sure could dish it out the past 8 years, but are whiny little whimps when it comes to your precious Magog....what's up with that?
What's up with it is called seeing what you want to see and not seeing what you do not want to see. You lefties are still screaming bloody murder and you think it's going to be covered up with your projection?
WHO is screaming bloody murder??? near all the threads on this tax release are all started by CONsevatives?

It's great that the multi billionaire Trump paid federal income taxes in the year 2005! BRAVO for him!!!

there, ya happy now? or do you think we should all bow down and kiss his feet, or wash them with our tears and wipe them off with our hair?
What was the point in demanding they be released then? just something to whine about until they were? I wish he would have never released less thing for the liberals to give themselves ulcers over...I want trump to ask russia to release the e-mails again
so we know of any foreign financial involvements with Nations, Banks, Oligarchs etc,

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