BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

I still want to see his returns, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the country does too.

No, actually you seem to be among the few. Get a grip. You lost, President Donald Trump won. Get over it.


Poll: 74 percent want to see Trump's tax returns
Poll: 74 percent want to see Trump's tax returns
It's none of your business fuck face

Sure it is bitch.
Maddow blames viewers for expecting too much.

Maddow: People disappointed by Trump story expected too much

NEW YORK (AP) — Rachel Maddow says that if people felt let down by her story about President Donald Trump's 2005 tax document it's more because of the weight of expectation than anything she did.

The MSNBC host found herself in the odd position Wednesday of defending herself from criticism following one of the biggest-ever scoops for her show. Maddow's show revealed, through reporter David Cay Johnston, two pages of tax return information that showed Trump earned $150 million in 2005 and paid $38 million in income taxes that year. Trump has steadfastly refused to release his tax returns.

Maddow's tweet less than 90 minutes before her show that "we've got Trump's tax returns" set off a social media frenzy. Although a subsequent tweet specified it was only two pages from one year's returns, expectations were sky high.

Maddow told the AP that she never misrepresented what she had.

"Because I have information about the president doesn't mean that it's necessarily a scandal," she said. "It doesn't mean that it's damning information. If other people leapt to that conclusion without me indicating that it was, that hype is external to what we did."

Her story was derided as "a big nothingburger" by Fox News Channel's Steve Doocy on Wednesday. There were unflattering comparisons to Geraldo Rivera's opening of Al Capone's vault, television shorthand for an anticipated event that doesn't meet expectations. The White House's pre-emptive step of issuing a statement with Trump's income and estimated taxes for that year before Maddow's show started also took air out of the story.

Maddow: People disappointed by Trump story expected too much
One thing we learned


without the alternative minimum tax he and other billionaires would pay near nil.
Is that what we learned? Really?

I'm thinking we learned there's no level of insane the left will not go to over anything Trump. And then we learned that even if you paid 38 million in taxes that isn't enough for the left. They still want more.
Pres Trump and his Trumpettes cry too much...everything is UNFAIR for the special snowflakes.

You right wingers sure could dish it out the past 8 years, but are whiny little whimps when it comes to your precious Magog....what's up with that?
Care4all respectfully holding back laughing at you but openly laughing at the mentally ill "snowflake" psychotics who have issues with The Donald, our President. Does anyone remember when Ted challenged Rush to a debate. :p
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Anyone who gives raunchy madcow any credibility are damn fools.

Anybody who gives Rachel Maddow a copy of Trumps tax return, if they worked for the IRS broke the law, but Maddow has no criminal liability.

Oh yes she does there are laws against her even HAVING the records much less releasing them. Any possession of any criminally obtained item is in fact a crime, All of the attempts and requests to obtain them are in fact criminal conspiracy. It is high time they were treated as such, and the people behind all of it were arrested and convicted of their crimes.
Man-brow will be charged with receiving stolen goods. Other felony charges are being drawn up by the AG today.
Bank on it!
Your legal knowledge is at a 6th grade level, clearly.
Anyone who gives raunchy madcow any credibility are damn fools.

Anybody who gives Rachel Maddow a copy of Trumps tax return, if they worked for the IRS broke the law, but Maddow has no criminal liability.

Oh yes she does there are laws against her even HAVING the records much less releasing them. Any possession of any criminally obtained item is in fact a crime, All of the attempts and requests to obtain them are in fact criminal conspiracy. It is high time they were treated as such, and the people behind all of it were arrested and convicted of their crimes.
Man-brow will be charged with receiving stolen goods. Other felony charges are being drawn up by the AG today.
Bank on it!
Your legal knowledge is at a 6th grade level, clearly.
You'd need a 7th grade education to know that, so no sale.
One thing we learned


without the alternative minimum tax he and other billionaires would pay near nil.
Is that what we learned? Really?

I'm thinking we learned there's no level of insane the left will not go to over anything Trump. And then we learned that even if you paid 38 million in taxes that isn't enough for the left. They still want more.
Pres Trump and his Trumpettes cry too much...everything is UNFAIR for the special snowflakes.

You right wingers sure could dish it out the past 8 years, but are whiny little whimps when it comes to your precious Magog....what's up with that?
What's up with it is called seeing what you want to see and not seeing what you do not want to see. You lefties are still screaming bloody murder and you think it's going to be covered up with your projection?
One thing we learned


without the alternative minimum tax he and other billionaires would pay near nil.
Thanks for admitting Trump is in fact a multi billionaire.
Now go explain this fact to the other radical LIB Trump haters on this forum........OK?
Who cares about his taco returns let see if he can fix some of the problems America is in
The "problems' were largely created in the last eight years.
What were you demanding Obama do after fifty days in office?
The fucking DEMs are doing everything possible to delay President Trump's administration from being fully staffed. Do you believe this is the right thing to do while at the same time demanding President Trump "do something!'?
Anyone who gives raunchy madcow any credibility are damn fools.

Anybody who gives Rachel Maddow a copy of Trumps tax return, if they worked for the IRS broke the law, but Maddow has no criminal liability.

Oh yes she does there are laws against her even HAVING the records much less releasing them. Any possession of any criminally obtained item is in fact a crime, All of the attempts and requests to obtain them are in fact criminal conspiracy. It is high time they were treated as such, and the people behind all of it were arrested and convicted of their crimes.
Man-brow will be charged with receiving stolen goods. Other felony charges are being drawn up by the AG today.
Bank on it!
Your legal knowledge is at a 6th grade level, clearly.
You'd need a 7th grade education to know that, so no sale.

Didn't Donald Trump openly request Putin hack into Clintons server, and find the 30.000 deleted e-mails.

Wouldn't that be the same crime Maddow would be guilty of. Solicitation?
Anybody who gives Rachel Maddow a copy of Trumps tax return, if they worked for the IRS broke the law, but Maddow has no criminal liability.

Oh yes she does there are laws against her even HAVING the records much less releasing them. Any possession of any criminally obtained item is in fact a crime, All of the attempts and requests to obtain them are in fact criminal conspiracy. It is high time they were treated as such, and the people behind all of it were arrested and convicted of their crimes.
Man-brow will be charged with receiving stolen goods. Other felony charges are being drawn up by the AG today.
Bank on it!
Your legal knowledge is at a 6th grade level, clearly.
You'd need a 7th grade education to know that, so no sale.

Didn't Donald Trump openly request Putin hack into Clintons server, and find the 30.000 deleted e-mails.

Wouldn't that be the same crime Maddow would be guilty of. Solicitation?

Didn't Donald Trump openly request Putin hack into Clintons server, and find the 30.000 deleted e-mails.

You mean the comment he made months after the US government confiscated her server?
How can they hack a server that's not online and disassembled?
Anybody who gives Rachel Maddow a copy of Trumps tax return, if they worked for the IRS broke the law, but Maddow has no criminal liability.

Oh yes she does there are laws against her even HAVING the records much less releasing them. Any possession of any criminally obtained item is in fact a crime, All of the attempts and requests to obtain them are in fact criminal conspiracy. It is high time they were treated as such, and the people behind all of it were arrested and convicted of their crimes.
Man-brow will be charged with receiving stolen goods. Other felony charges are being drawn up by the AG today.
Bank on it!
Your legal knowledge is at a 6th grade level, clearly.
You'd need a 7th grade education to know that, so no sale.

Didn't Donald Trump openly request Putin hack into Clintons server, and find the 30.000 deleted e-mails.

Wouldn't that be the same crime Maddow would be guilty of. Solicitation?
I don't know eiither is guilty of a crime in that scenario, just that it is another left wing response to a point that wasn't made as opposed to the one that was you think trump openly asking putin to "hack" into clintons server is as big a lie as the whopper Maddow told?...see how your analogy doesn't fit the point being made? right or wrong, the trump claim is not about lying, which I suspect is why you used it instead of trying to defend the indefensible Maddow lie
Anybody who gives Rachel Maddow a copy of Trumps tax return, if they worked for the IRS broke the law, but Maddow has no criminal liability.

Oh yes she does there are laws against her even HAVING the records much less releasing them. Any possession of any criminally obtained item is in fact a crime, All of the attempts and requests to obtain them are in fact criminal conspiracy. It is high time they were treated as such, and the people behind all of it were arrested and convicted of their crimes.
Man-brow will be charged with receiving stolen goods. Other felony charges are being drawn up by the AG today.
Bank on it!
Your legal knowledge is at a 6th grade level, clearly.
You'd need a 7th grade education to know that, so no sale.

Didn't Donald Trump openly request Putin hack into Clintons server, and find the 30.000 deleted e-mails.

Wouldn't that be the same crime Maddow would be guilty of. Solicitation?
Man-brow did NOT "solicit" the tax returns you asshole!
Man-brow released to the public a portion of a private citizen's (at the time) tax return.
That's illegal. The bull dyke hasn't heard the last of this.
Sessions isn't Eric Holder or Loretta Lurch.
Sessions has already tasked an investigative team of law enforcement lawyers to send the radical LIB MSM a message they will never forget.
Man-brow will fit right into a women's Federal prison.
I think everyone is going a little overboard right about now...I am glad Maddow is being called out on an outrageous overzealous lie, but no one should be talking about prison time for her nor should anyone be claiming the virtuous high ground, the best way to deal with her and the tax thing now is to keep reminding everyone that trump has now released his tax returns and hold up the Maddow claim as proof that he do otherwise just reopens the door for the left to pretend he must do it, they cannot keep making that claim if you can point to the Maddow claim as proof that he did.
Didn't Donald Trump openly request Putin hack into Clintons server, and find the 30.000 deleted e-mails.

You mean the comment he made months after the US government confiscated her server?
How can they hack a server that's not online and disassembled?

I never said Trump was smart.
He's not, maybe shrewd perhaps, but I wouldn't say smart either, but he is a whole lot smarter than those who have opposed him to this point.
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