BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

How does Maddow still have a show on TV? Her mindless/leftist drivel would only appeal to 6 year olds
Taxes from 2005? Who gives a fuck? Who gives a fuck about his 2016 taxes? What on earth are you hoping to find? Did he find some nice tax loop holes and get some write offs? I expect that he did. Who cares, if its legal? I dont give a shit how much money the president made or didnt make.

I assume Trump, like the rest of us, paid as little in taxes as humanly possible. Are there any of you dumb enough to pay MORE than you need to? Taxes, taxes, taxes... who fucking cares?
you care if russia helped him out?
Make a thread about that topic and we can discuss that there. For now you should stick to THIS topic.
Maddow wins in the long run. The long run being more than 24 hours. While the trumers are cheering an imagined victory, it is very temporary at best. The news that will have legs is the news about trump hiding his taxes and the goofy gimmick of releasing two pages from an old, very old, tax return. Bad plan, bad execution, and bad seed to put in the news.
Are you kidding? This is tailor made for Trump. He can keep the fools salivating over his tax returns while he goes about the business of governing.

When is he going to start the that business stuff?
He already has. You were so distracted by his taxes that you missed it.

Nope. He's done no governing. Keep trying. What's he doing tonight? Wanna be honest?
He's already started the process of repealing and replacing the stool sample. He's already started implementing new immigration security precautions. Notice the recent interest rate hike? New confidence in economic strength. He's governing, you're just hypnotized by his tax returns.

Yeah. I'm hypnotized. You nailed it.
Who cares about his taco returns let see if he can fix some of the problems America is in
at least Maddow is an honest handball

Maddow? Honest?

in 2005? Msnbc in 2005 vs Trump in 2005???

Remember Trump got to write off $110 million, so he earned $110 million more than was taxed...

And this was from the near $1 billion loss that we got to see on his conveniently leaked State income taxes years earlier....

AND it was a loophole that was just plain wrong, that he took advantage of....

The Bank he borrowed the Billion dollars from and declared bankruptcy on, TOOK the Billion dollar write off for their loss, on their taxes

AND the TRUMPSTER, took the billion dollar loss as well on his taxes!!! :eek:


Impressive! Out of two pages you saw all that! Even Maddow and her comrades didn't see that much.

THEY found that he earned $150 million and paid $38 million in INCOME TAXES. More than petulant former President Obama, Sen. Bernie Sanders, MSNBC and others paid.

He did NOTHING, whatsoever that you would not have done in the exact same position.

Do you NOT take every single write off and deduction you are allowed to take? I sure do, every piece of computer equipment for my office, every dollar of depreciation I'm allowed on each of my rental properties, every mile I drive on business.

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