BREAKING! McCabe Received $1.25 Million From Clinton Insiders During FBI Hillary Email Investigation

An investigation led by him no doubt. Nevertheless, the Inspector General is zeroing in on this new revelation.

INSPECTOR GENERAL Probes $1.25 Million McCabe Received From Clinton Insiders During FBI's Hillary Investigation – True Pundit
I've heard this rumor but it has yet to be substantiated. I give it an 80% chance of being correct as most of the information can be cooberated by other methods and sources.

IF this is proved then its not only McCabe who is in deep shit but it goes right up the chain to Obama and Clinton buying a false narrative.

This ends in treason charges.. I think in any event McCabe is in deep shit!
An investigation led by him no doubt. Nevertheless, the Inspector General is zeroing in on this new revelation.

INSPECTOR GENERAL Probes $1.25 Million McCabe Received From Clinton Insiders During FBI's Hillary Investigation – True Pundit
fyi.... his wife's race was done and over with before he was promoted to deputy director of the FBI in February 2016, and he went to the agencies Ethics Lawyers on his wife running and they advised him on how to proceed, without conflicts, which he followed.
Andrew McCabe - Wikipedia

McCabe began his FBI career in the New York Field Office[9] in 1996.[11] While there, he was on the SWAT team.[12] In 2003, he began work as a supervisory special agent at the Eurasian Organized Crime Task Force.[13] Later, McCabe held management positions in the FBI Counterterrorism Division,[9] the FBI National Security Branch[14] and the FBI's Washington Field Office.[15] In 2009, he served as the first director of the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, a program to research interrogation techniques that was created after the Department of Defense Directive 2310 ban of waterboarding and other interrogation techniques.[8] McCabe was part of the investigation of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.[12] McCabe secured the arrest of Ahmed Abu Khattala for suspected involvement in the 2012 Benghazi attack.[12]

FBI Director Comey appointed McCabe as Deputy Director of the FBI on January 29, 2016, and he assumed those duties on February 1, 2016.[16]

McCabe speaking in 2016
The Inspector General of the Department of Justice and the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee are investigating McCabe for concerns that he should have recused himself from the investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server because of a potential conflict of interest caused by donations to his wife's Virginia State Senate campaign.[17][18] FBI documents released in January 2018 showed that McCabe had in 2015, before his wife ran for political office in Virginia, notified the FBI about his wife's plans and consulted with the FBI about how he would avoid a conflict of interest.[19] The documents showed that McCabe followed FBI protocol regarding potential conflicts of interest.[20] McCabe did not oversee the Clinton email server probe while his wife was running for office and he was excluded from FBI investigations into public corruption cases in Virginia.[19] According to USA Today, "the internal documents, published on the FBI's website, support what the bureau has asserted previously: that McCabe had no conflicts when he assumed oversight of the Clinton investigation. His role began in February 2016, following his appointment as deputy director and three months after his wife, Jill McCabe, lost her bid for a state Senate seat."[19]
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Fake Alt Right Media
I agree with you because of this:

"The Inspector General probing the FBI is taking a very close look at over $1.2 million donated by Hillary Clinton-backed campaign bundlers to the political coffers of Dr.Jill McCabe, the wife of defrocked FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, federal sources confirm, at the same time McCabe was spearheading the Bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton."'

Unnamed Sources = Bullshit

Gotta hold all media to the same standard.

Unfortunately, CNN, MSNBC, et al, cite to no one other than "sources confirm" in fucking ALL their reporting.

So, while I normally expect TruePundit to name sources, they are bullshiting on this story until the sources are relieved, period.
Just because a person has a government job doesn't mean their spouse can't run for a political office... and doing so means getting campaign contributions. McCabe is a lifetime Republican. His wife is a Democrat. This is the U.S. and each individual is ALLOWED to have their own political position. This isn't Russia.
An investigation led by him no doubt. Nevertheless, the Inspector General is zeroing in on this new revelation.

INSPECTOR GENERAL Probes $1.25 Million McCabe Received From Clinton Insiders During FBI's Hillary Investigation – True Pundit

Wray Letter Suggests McCabe Left Due to Upcoming IG Report

FBI Director Christopher Wray in a letter to bureau employees reportedly suggested that Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's decision to retire early was related to a forthcoming inspector general report on the handling of the Hillary Clinton investigation.

NBC reported that the letter, which the news organization obtained after it was sent late Monday, made reference to Wray's having seen parts of the IG report into the probe of the former secretary of state's private email server and that he connected that to McCabe's decision to step down.

McCabe, a veteran FBI employee, was named acting director after President Donald Trump fired James Comey in May. He returned to his prior role as deputy when the Senate confirmed Wray to lead the bureau in August. His involvement in the Clinton investigation has been a target of criticism from Trump and other Republicans, who have accused him of bias in large part because his wife received contributions from then-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime ally of Bill and Hillary Clinton, during an unsuccessful campaign for Virginia Senate in 2015.

On Monday, the White House denied a role in McCabe’s departure. McCabe was due to retire in mid-March. He will remain on the payroll on leave until that time to be eligible for full benefits.

Taunted by Trump and Pressured From Above, McCabe Steps Down as F.B.I. Deputy

Agents and lawyers expect the report by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, to be highly critical of some F.B.I. actions in 2016, when the bureau was investigating both Hillary Clinton’s email use and the Trump campaign’s connections to Russia. The report is expected to address whether Mr. McCabe should have recused himself from the Clinton investigation because of his wife’s failed State Senate campaign, in which she accepted nearly a half-million dollars in contributions from the political organization of Terry McAuliffe, then the governor of Virginia, who is a longtime friend of Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

Taunted by Trump and Pressured From Above, McCabe Steps Down as F.B.I. Deputy

Top FBI official grilled on Comey, Clinton - CNNPolitics -

Thursday, before the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, McCabe faced intense questioning from Republicans about the FBI's handling of the Clinton email investigation, which many in the GOP believe was unfair. The panel's Republicans forced McCabe to answer questions about internal emails they believe showed Comey mishandled the investigation, according to multiple sources.

Top FBI official grilled on Comey, Clinton - CNNPolitics

If McCabe had nothing to hide, why the abrupt removal from his job? They said he could stay but be demoted but he chose to take a leave and then retire in March.

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