Breaking — McCloskeys charged with felony by Kim Gardner…

I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Remember, kids, threatening to kill someone and destroying their property doesn't mean you wish them harm.

pknopp laughed at this post.

That says a great deal about him. And none of it complimentary.

I laughed because no one was threatened. Well, the homeowners weren't.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Remember, kids, threatening to kill someone and destroying their property doesn't mean you wish them harm.

pknopp laughed at this post.

That says a great deal about him. And none of it complimentary.

I laughed because no one was threatened. Well, the homeowners weren't.
If the Klan walked up to the front lawn of a black couple's home, even if they never said a single word, (which is not what happened here, but just for the sake of comparison, let's say it), would anyone criticize, investigate, seize the property of, or charge the black couple with a crime for doing the same thing?
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Remember, kids, threatening to kill someone and destroying their property doesn't mean you wish them harm.

pknopp laughed at this post.

That says a great deal about him. And none of it complimentary.

I laughed because no one was threatened. Well, the homeowners weren't.
If the Klan walked up to the front lawn of a black couple's home, even if they never said a single word, (which is not what happened here, but just for the sake of comparison, let's say it), would anyone criticize, investigate, seize the property of, or charge the black couple with a crime for doing the same thing?

Probably not and if you read what I've said there is no justification for charges here also.

Do you just want to argue or what?
When the event happened I was loudly and roundly criticized for saying that the McCloskey's were idiots. I said that they had acted stupidly from a strategic standpoint, a tactical standpoint, and possibly a legal standpoint. Waving the bang stick around tends to get charges filed. I pointed out that in Georgia, they would have been arrested same day for Aggravated Assault.

I was told that they were heroes, and deserved our admiration. I was right about the Strategic, and right about the Tactical, and now I have been proven right by the filing of charges on the legal issue.

Now what should they have done? Gone inside and called the police, and then kept their weapons at hand INSIDE the house. If the trespassers threatening violence had tried to enter the house, then you can shoot them legally. You have a leg to stand on, you are defending yourself in your home. Self Defense comes into play, and if like me you have USCCA insurance than they'll pay for your legal defense. However, if you are out in the yard waving the bang stick around in violation of the law, even if it is a chicken shit charge, chances are that USCCA will try to weasel out of paying saying you were committing a crime.

People need to be smart when it comes to guns, and these idiots were not. Now they have the expense of a legal defense, and their ability to purchase firearms in the foreseeable future is in jeopardy. If anyone lends them or sells them a gun privately, they will be committing a federal felony. Fine if they want more legal problems.

The truth is you have no idea how you would have reacted in their exact situation. Gloating over their "graves" as you claim 20/20 hindsight makes you come off sounding like some kind of jerk. That said, you are correct—from a keyboard commando/safe in his easy chair at home point of view. They should have remained inside, behind good solid defilade, awaiting the police and loaded up for bear or radical leftist scum. However, these two law abiding American gun owners are not trained soldiers, nor were they thinking clearly at the time . . . same as you'd likely be shitting in your pants had you been in their exact situation. Then again, had they followed your play by play advice they might have gone up in flames with their home and property.

Drill Sergeant Hughes told me to seek cover. Many Sergeants have reinforced that lesson during my time in the Army. Avoiding getting shot means I remain combat effective. So my trained instinct is to be aware of cover.

You are right though. They were not thinking. They were angry. Angry and scared. It takes time and training to think in a dangerous situation. About two years for a properly trained soldier. Or five minutes in combat.

Am I gloating? No. I want the wannabe heroes reading to think about it now in case it happens to them. Take five minutes and imagine the scene now so if, God Forbid, the crowd is ever on their lawn they have a clue and aren’t pulling a stupid answer out of their asses. I want people to think.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Remember, kids, threatening to kill someone and destroying their property doesn't mean you wish them harm.

pknopp laughed at this post.

That says a great deal about him. And none of it complimentary.

I laughed because no one was threatened. Well, the homeowners weren't.
If the Klan walked up to the front lawn of a black couple's home, even if they never said a single word, (which is not what happened here, but just for the sake of comparison, let's say it), would anyone criticize, investigate, seize the property of, or charge the black couple with a crime for doing the same thing?

Probably not and if you read what I've said there is no justification for charges here also.

Do you just want to argue or what?
No, I just want to illustrate the glaring double standard.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
they were on private property
riots are going on all over the streets in their own city

you are giving them zero benefit of the situation they were in and you are PRETENDING the "crowd" was simply law abiding citizens on their way to tell the mayor of their disapproval.

law abiding citizens don't trespass and tear down gates and threaten dogs / families. you pull a gun on me cause i'm on your yard i'm going to simply say my bad and apologies, not cuss them out.

now fuck off with this shit.
Goddamn bitch!

She's probably spent the last month searching and searching in her law books trying her hardest to come up with a way to charge them with something.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
they were on private property
riots are going on all over the streets in their own city

you are giving them zero benefit of the situation they were in and you are PRETENDING the "crowd" was simply law abiding citizens on their way to tell the mayor of their disapproval.

law abiding citizens don't trespass and tear down gates and threaten dogs / families. you pull a gun on me cause i'm on your yard i'm going to simply say my bad and apologies, not cuss them out.

now fuck off with this shit.

It doesn't matter what the scenario was. I noted they could do what they did.
Desperate Americans who protect their lives and property are just political pawns in the democrat party's hate filled lust for political power. Will Americans wake up? Who knows.

NO. Just observe past performance for your answer. Modern Americans are spineless.
It's pathetic to see Americans still silenced into shame to defend their rights and surrendering to tyrants so easily. unbelievable.

Exactly. How many of us concerned Second Amendment champions rushed to this couple's defense, either legally or as part of a citizen Mike Force? Zero.

And look at Portland, night after night for over 50 days we've set back and allowed this shit to go on. A handful of patriots now and then will show up, but nothing happens.
We've always said that we have all the guns so nothing is going to happen. We are just a bunch of bluster.

Here's what it comes down to. We have too much to lose. We know we will be thrown in jail and we'll lose everything we've worked for.
Individually, we want something done, but we're not willing to risk it all. The protesters are mainly a bunch of losers who have nothing to lose.
I look at myself, I started working full time in Oct of 1974. I am close to retiring. If I get involved in shit like this and end up shooting someone, I'm done, I lose everything I've worked for. I think this is the sort of thing that goes through the minds of all of us on our side, so in the end, we end up staying home and hoping the police clean up the mess for us.
The evil bitch charges them with a felony, then says she will seek a diversionary program with no jail time. Duh, it is still a felony charge.

Missouri Governor indicates that he will pardon them. Do it now, Mr. Governor.

Screw those Liberal assholes.
Imagine the shame the founding fathers would feel learning that a feral ape is undermining the rule of law at the bidding of an America-hating, foreign nazi shitstain.

Know the enemy.

Missouri's AG Eric Schmitt has had enough of Gardner. He's intervening and going to get the case dismissed.

His own words.

Eric Schmitt


Citizens shouldn’t be targeted for exercising their #2A right to self-defense STL prosecutor Kim Gardner is engaged in a political prosecution As AG I’m entering the case seeking a dismissal & defend all Missourians’ right to protect their lives/property


Attorney General Eric Schmitt
6:07 PM · Jul 20, 2020
Ignorant assed blue cities. Hey, if they're racist, so is this guy.
What a complete racist piece of shit lawyer.
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I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Remember, kids, threatening to kill someone and destroying their property doesn't mean you wish them harm.

pknopp laughed at this post.

That says a great deal about him. And none of it complimentary.
I missed that. Thanks for pointing it out.
The evil bitch charges them with a felony, then says she will seek a diversionary program with no jail time. Duh, it is still a felony charge.

Missouri Governor indicates that he will pardon them. Do it now, Mr. Governor.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey are both personal injury attorneys in their 60s. Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner told The Associated Press that their actions risked creating a violent situation during an otherwise nonviolent protest last month.

The nonviolent protest that began with breaking down a security gate and trespassing?
Stop lying, their protest didn't begin with breaking down the gate...

You may not like it....but like I've said 100 times in the ain't seen NOTHING yet.
If you are still of the thinking that you can remain silent, and they won't come for your guns, you are sadly mistaken. They WILL.
"All that is required for evil men to prevail and deny ALL your "rights" is for good men to continue to do nothing"
And that's a guarantee

it is likely that up to 80% of Americans will RUN to turn in their weapons when they pass a new law saying it's a felony to possess
Then they will focus on the 20%, whittling that down to 5%

That final 5% will be met with brute force.

If they win in November, the first serious push at confiscation will begin.

If you're not yet a solid participating member of a militia, you are first.
Yes, use your guns illegally, the government will come after them.
Yes, use your guns illegally, the government will come after them.

Aren't you cute?

Did all the Brits ALL use their guns illegally? They took em anyway.
Did all the Aussies ALL use their guns illegally? No. They took em anyway.

Ownership is how the left will define "Illegal Use" of guns.
It's already that way in "crime free" NYC, Chicago, LA and everywhere Democrats breed and fester.

You know that. Stop being a putz.
The evil bitch charges them with a felony, then says she will seek a diversionary program with no jail time. Duh, it is still a felony charge.

Missouri Governor indicates that he will pardon them. Do it now, Mr. Governor.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey are both personal injury attorneys in their 60s. Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner told The Associated Press that their actions risked creating a violent situation during an otherwise nonviolent protest last month.

The nonviolent protest that began with breaking down a security gate and trespassing?

“This is all private property. There are no public sidewalks or public streets,” McCloskey said. “We were told that we would be killed, our home burned and our dog killed. We were all alone facing an angry mob.”

Yup. Nonviolent.

The McCloskeys are racist for not letting the protesters kill them.
The McCloskey's were the ones who initiated the threat. That's why they're charged.

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