Breaking! Merrick Garland informs Trump he will be indicted next week.

Garland is scum.
Biden is scum.

They are weaponicing the DOJ to eliminate Tater’s biggest political rival.

I know, right? First the FBI plants classified documents in Trump's residence, then they charge him with illegally being in possession of classified documents. It's the kind of thing Stalin would have done!
And that is the manipulation that has been poured into them since the day Limbaugh went national.

No matter what the evidence, no matter the testimony, no matter what the facts, none of them will give in. They will always dismiss, deny and deflect. Period.

They didn't earn the descriptor "cult" for nothing.
And you didn't become a stupid leftard overnight either.
Trump just put this out.


Many crimes against the English language there...
Had he just turned over the documents that the grand jury subpoena required, we wouldn’t be here.

There was no need for all of this other than Trump’s own stupidity.
Someone has yet to prove any classified documents were recovered.

You stupid fucktards are just bleating at the moon.
Someone has yet to prove any classified documents were recovered.

You stupid fucktards are just bleating at the moon.
That’s a pretty thin strand of hope you’re clinging to. I don’t think it’s giving to hold very long.
I know, right? First the FBI plants classified documents in Trump's residence, then they charge him with illegally being in possession of classified documents. It's the kind of thing Stalin would have done!
Did they do the same to Barry Hussein?


Dismissed, Dope.
No, Hillary was the target in 2016. How have you rubes forgotten so quickly?

Lock Her Up was something said at campaign
No, Hillary was the target in 2016. How have you rubes forgotten so quickly?

Lock Her Up was something said during campaign rallies. It wasn’t part of a corrupt government investigation. When Trump took office, he did not instruct the AG to go after her.
Lock Her Up was something said at campaign

Lock Her Up was something said during campaign rallies. It wasn’t part of a corrupt government investigation. When Trump took office, he did not instruct the AG to go after her.
How quickly you tards forget Hillary was under investigation during the 2016 cycle.

Not only did you cultists NOT whine about "election interference", you were positively OVERJOYED.
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How quickly you tards forget Hillary was under investigation during the 2016 cycle.

Not only did your cultists NOT whine about "election interference", you were positively OVERJOYED.
She was let off the hook. There was never a serious investigation. The corrupt Obama Justice department gave her cover.

Trump didn’t use his power to go after her once he took office.

You left wingers are idiots.
All this bullshit about a "banana republic". Trump's cult is completely blind to the banana republic tactics of their Dear Leader.

Let's take a look at what a REAL third world banana republic leader looks like, shall we?

One indicator of a banana republic is someone who would imprison his political opponents.

Clinton: So once again, go to We have literally Trump - you can fact check him in real time. Last time at the first debate ,we had millions of people fact checking so I expect we will have millions more fact checking because, you know, it’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.

: Because you would be in jail.


Another indicator of a banana republic is a leader who refuses to accept a loss and attempts to overthrow an election.


Another indicator of a banana republic is the total distortion of reality in order to serve Dear Leader.

"They were invited in."





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Liberals condone corruption when their side are the perpetrators.

Biden: Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.

House Majority Whip Clyburn: I say to young people all the time, we should stand together in solidarity for that which we know to be the purpose for our existence, and that is to make a better country, a better world for those who must come after us. Breaking out a window will not contribute to that. Setting a fire, throwing stones at police officers, that's destructive behavior which will not contribute to anything that will make this a better country and make a better future for our children and our grandchildren.

Also, I tell my daughters all the time, just think about what you're doing and ask yourself the question will this make things better or worse.

African American community leaders on Sunday told the Register that they fear the scenes of broken windows and police confrontations are shifting the focus away from the original intent.

"We're losing the message about justice," said state Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad, D-Des Moines. "The focus is now on the violence."
Abdul-Samad said he believes some people in the protests aren't thinking about justice but are using them for their own agendas and "misleading young people who are in pain."

He said he has concerns about safety, including for children who have been caught up in the protests. He urged parents to keep them at home late at night.

"When you start talking about burning a police station, when you start talking about looting a building, they're just setting up for nothing but destruction," he said. "You're setting up for someone to get hurt very bad."

“This is NOT the Black Lives Matter movement. This is chaos,” Kali Ladd, executive director of KairosPDX, wrote in a Facebook post. “These white actors are enacting dominance in a different form under the guise of equity ... White supremacy has many forms.”

Demonstrations elsewhere in the city have also grown increasingly violent. Early Friday, someone broke the windows of a federal courthouse and threw fireworks that started a fire inside the building.

One prominent Black leader wrote to Mayor Ted Wheeler and said some clashes had unfolded three blocks from his house. He said the problem was with “elements” that were “99% white” and did not represent the Black Lives Matter movement.

“It has nothing to do with helping Black people. These hoodlums are needlessly scaring neighbors and their children,” said Ron Herndon, who has fought for racial justice in Portland for four decades and led a school boycott in 1979 after the city closed predominantly Black schools. “At some point, enough is enough.”

Newly appointed Police Chief Chuck Lovell, who is Black, said the violence in North Portland was “offensive and hurtful” and has cost the city at least $6.2 million in overtime for its officers.

“People in that neighborhood were upset. That’s not something they’re going to tolerate ... and they came out and were very vocal,” Lovell said. “I think people sometimes look at the protest movement as one homogeneous group — and there’s definitely a segment here that is very violent.”

Alderman Raymond Lopez, whose ward is on the South Side, said he saw no connection between anger over police shootings and the widespread looting downtown.

“There is no social justice component to the criminal activity that we saw last night,” Mr. Lopez said. “This is simply about criminal actions by individuals who are hellbent to cause anarchy and chaos in the city of Chicago.”

Got your head on straight now, kid?
Lock Her Up was something said at campaign

Lock Her Up was something said during campaign rallies. It wasn’t part of a corrupt government investigation. When Trump took office, he did not instruct the AG to go after her.

If you're insinuating Biden instructed Garland to go after Trump, provide some proof to back that up...
Look who's talkin, dumbshit.

No one here believes you.

No one.
So when I take a position on an issue, if I agree with you to any degree, I must be lying.

That's how fucked up your thought processes are. That's what makes you a Trumpster.

"You're a left winger BECAUSE I SAY YOU ARE Mac! I don't care WHERE you stand on the issues!"


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