BREAKING!! Michael Mann.....climate criminal?


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Oh.....this is classic!!!

Michael Mann Faces Bankruptcy as his Courtroom Climate Capers Collapse

"The fact Mann refused to disclose his ‘hockey stick’ graph metadata in the British Columbia Supreme Court, as he is required to do under Canadian civil rules of procedure, constituted a fatal omission to comply, rendering his lawsuit unwinnable. As such, Dr Ball, by default, has substantiated his now famous assertion that Mann belongs "in the state pen, not Penn. State." In short, Mann failed to show he did not fake his tree ring proxy data for the past 1,000 years, so Ball’s assessment stands as fair comment. Moreover, many hundreds of papers in the field of paleoclimate temperature reconstructions that cite Mann’s work are likewise tainted, heaping more misery on the discredited UN’s Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) which has a knack of relying on such sub prime science."

In other words........Mann is a fraud and climate change is a fraud!!!

Why is this dick hiding the data?

Sure as hell looks like the "evidence" for global warming was intentionally and illegally concocted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michael Mann Faces Bankruptcy as his Courtroom Climate Capers Collapse

Even I gotta admit, never expected such a precipitous fall by those perpetuating this hoax. We can now look forward to ClimateGate II.

And anybody surprised by this? These people have been fucking with the data forever.

Loving seeing these nuts getting repeatedly kicked in the nut sack.:eusa_dance::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:
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The mann is a bully and an idiot....such a combination can't help but fall. If and when that metadata ever comes out, it will take decades for legitimate climate scientists to recover their reputation. The damage mann and his team have done to science is incalculable.
And think about......what Ive been saying for almost two clueless the AGW alarmist zombies look. HOLY see historic naïve every day in life but this is beyond the pale of laughing hysteria. It was just a matter of time.

To all my compadres on this forum......make sure to keep this thread "pinned" up at the top of the page moving forward. It is critically important for the uninformed who come into this forum to know what the real score is with this climate change BS.
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Got a lot of "views" of this thread in the past hour.......k00ks who are having their jaws drop to their balls but not wanting to weigh in. This thread cant fall off the page fast enough so they can return to all bomb throwing all the time.

how gay?
My question is......might the climate k00ks now have to move their efforts to Mars???






Here ya go Matthew!!!!

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Got a lot of "views" of this thread in the past hour.......k00ks who are having their jaws drop to their balls but not wanting to weigh in. This thread cant fall off the page fast enough so they can return to all bomb throwing all the time.

how gay?

None of the climate religion's high priests wants to reveal their metadata.....someone might find something wrong with it and they can't have that.....the science is settled don't you know.
So it is a Hitler scale fraud and lie on the public....

The loss of life and amount of misery caused by enviro wackos makes hitler's doings seem like those of a small time hood in queens. Hell, they even put stalin to shame.
Check it out, some more Mann Derangement Syndrome from the loonies. Conspiracy kookery is literally all they have left.

I would ask the kooks if it bothers them that the whole planet is laughing at them, but there's no need. It clearly does bother them, a lot.
Check it out, some more Mann Derangement Syndrome from the loonies. Conspiracy kookery is literally all they have left.

I would ask the kooks if it bothers them that the whole planet is laughing at them, but there's no need. It clearly does bother them, a lot.

More irony from a true believer.
Check it out, some more Mann Derangement Syndrome from the loonies. Conspiracy kookery is literally all they have left.

:lol: You're the one who still believes all that shit. :lol:

Check it out, some more Mann Derangement Syndrome from the loonies. Conspiracy kookery is literally all they have left.

I would ask the kooks if it bothers them that the whole planet is laughing at them, but there's no need. It clearly does bother them, a lot.

You know that you are a laughing stock.....don't you?
Let's look at the article writer, one John O'Sullivan, Tim Ball's "legal consultant" in the Mann libel trial. He's not a lawyer. The degree he purchased online (yes, he did do that) doesn't count. He has, though, often misrepresented himself as a lawyer.

I don't know who wrote the motion, but it lies with chutzpah. For example, it accuses Mann of blocking discovery, when Mann has been the one pressing for discovery and Ball has been trying to block it with motion after motion. It also flat out lies about Mann not realeasing the data. It's just one of a long series of crap motions Steyn is throwing out, just to delay things, and will be dismissed like all the others.

But let's get back to John O'Sullivan, the new denialist hero of this thread. Here's another piece of O'Sullivan's work, where he talks about the unfairness of Age of Consent laws and defends a "kiddie-fiddler" (his own words). It's semi-autobiographical. O'Sullivan was acquitted of the molestation charges, but was banned from teaching forever. I'm not going to link or post the passages here, since that would border on violating board rules. Go find them if you've got the stomach. Just search on this.

"VANILLA GIRL: A fact-based crime story of a teacher's struggle to control his erotic obsession with a schoolgirl"

So, an unapologetic kiddie fiddler is now being quoted as a trusted source by many denialists. I couldn't make up stuff this funny if I wanted to.

(Too their credit, other denialists, such as Watts, are calling BS on the guy and wanting nothing to do with him.)
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Check it out, some more Mann Derangement Syndrome from the loonies. Conspiracy kookery is literally all they have left.

I would ask the kooks if it bothers them that the whole planet is laughing at them, but there's no need. It clearly does bother them, a lot.

Fuck off, Warmer
Let's look at the article writer, one John O'Sullivan, Tim Ball's "legal consultant" in the Mann libel trial. He's not a lawyer. The degree he purchased online (yes, he did do that) doesn't count. He has, though, often misrepresented himself as a lawyer.

I don't know who wrote the motion, but it lies with chutzpah. For example, it accuses Mann of blocking discovery, when Mann has been the one pressing for discovery and Ball has been trying to block it with motion after motion. It also flat out lies about Mann not realeasing the data. It's just one of a long series of crap motions Steyn is throwing out, just to delay things, and will be dismissed like all the others.

But let's get back to John O'Sullivan, the new denialist hero of this thread. Here's another piece of O'Sullivan's work, where he talks about the unfairness of Age of Consent laws and defends a "kiddie-fiddler" (his own words). It's semi-autobiographical. O'Sullivan was acquitted of the molestation charges, but was banned from teaching forever. I'm not going to link or post the passages here, since that would border on violating board rules. Go find them if you've got the stomach. Just search on this.

"VANILLA GIRL: A fact-based crime story of a teacher's struggle to control his erotic obsession with a schoolgirl"

So, an unapologetic kiddie fiddler is now being quoted as a trusted source by many denialists. I couldn't make up stuff this funny if I wanted to.

(Too their credit, other denialists, such as Watts, are calling BS on the guy and wanting nothing to do with him.)

Mann is a complete fucking fraud

Absolute Complete Bernie Madoff Fraud

Total 100% fabricated the data

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