BREAKING: Mother of Disney star Ricky Garcia implicates Disney, Hollywood, etc in pedophile ring

There’s a video of her interviewing the kid’s mother. What is it with you people and needing to see it from your own pet media outlets? A person telling a story is a person telling a story, it doesn’t matter who the one is that reports it in a situation like this.
There’s a video of her interviewing the kid’s mother. What is it with you people and needing to see it from your own pet media outlets? A person telling a story is a person telling a story, it doesn’t matter who the one is that reports it in a situation like this.

Who's the big name that we will be shocked by, Paulie? Do you know?
The left will forgive immediately.... think Roman Polanski.
And Trump had nothing to do with it - so it doesn't fit the narrative
Listen I get the point of what you’re saying but this isn’t about politics, this is about children. It’s not about trump or Obama or Hillary this is about a kid who was disturbingly abused by an organization that people consider to be for families.
How many movies out there have only one woman in the entire cast? ... yeah, that woman had to put out for that roll ... business as usual ...
At this point it is pure hearsay, but I believe the point is would anyone really be that surprised?

What an awesome point!
There’s a video of her interviewing the kid’s mother. What is it with you people and needing to see it from your own pet media outlets? A person telling a story is a person telling a story, it doesn’t matter who the one is that reports it in a situation like this.

Who's the big name that we will be shocked by, Paulie? Do you know?

You people seriously have mental issues I swear. Just fucking read the damn thing.

What's not legitimate about that source?

I mean, it's breaking news but the lawsuit was filed in September of last year. Very legit.
The problem with the #metoo movement? There are way to many women who would have sex to get the fame and dilutes the effectiveness of the campaign......especially against the powerful, entrenched left wing monsters who control hollywood, the news and the rest of the media....

This.....children...they are helpless...there is no choice in the deal to be made with the children.....
Kamala Harris
Listen I get the point of what you’re saying but this isn’t about politics, this is about children. It’s not about trump or Obama or Hillary this is about a kid who was disturbingly abused by an organization that people consider to be for families.

I'm more worried about all the girls in Middle School in the State Capitals ... and Washington DC ... what's the point of running for public office if you can't get 13-year-olds over for dinner and a few drinks ...
The kid was abused in a bedroom at Chris Pratt’s house. This doesn’t have to mean Pratt was involved or even knew, but damn man, that’s some incredibly disturbing shit to be going on inside your own house without knowing about it
Man. This thread is dying a slow, painful death.

You fuckers need a big name and some perp walks to liven the place up.
Wait ... you're saying Disney exploits kids?!


Say it isn't so!
Man. This thread is dying a slow, painful death.

You fuckers need a big name and some perp walks to liven the place up.

I hear ya. I was disappointed that they didn't finally get Bill Clinton.

If Bill Clinton shtuped anyone under the legal age, I'd welcome his imprisonment with dancing and singing.

Let's have the evidence and the trials. I'm all about it.

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