Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

Yes. Christians are trying to conquer the world.

There have been Muslims in this country since inception.

I am ambivalent about America. What exactly is it I should love about it?
Need a one way ticket to Syria? I am buying
Sure. is it refundable?
Only if you get beheaded
Do I frighten you that badly? Let me guess you must be a Muslim if you want me to be beheaded right?
No, you frighten no one. the probability of you getting beheaded in Syria is very good if you are a angry american negro.
So you are not a Muslim but you want me beheaded. You cant be a Christian then.
As opposed to being lynched? I guess that would depend on which one hurt the most.

Oh, when was the last time someone was dragged out of their home in the US and lynched?
What does that have to do with my point that people that called themselves Christians lynched people? Some sold off the body parts as souvenirs and had their children watch carefully for future reference.

What are you talking about? Are you mentally ill? That isn't the point you made. Get a grip, loon.
Now you are trying to tell me what point I was making? Your inability to comprehend the written language must be a severe handicap for you.

The key word is "trying". You are great at spouting ridiculous comments, then, later, pretending you meant something else.

You didn't make the point you said you made. You said "As opposed to being lynched" which doesn't reference Christians, or even a point in history, you lunatic.

Meanwhile, we're all glad that someone at that workplace had a gun:

"Turns out the chief operating officer of Vaughn Foods is also a reserve sheriff’s deputy and had his gun with him at work. He shot Nolen, which ended the attack. (Nolen’s in the hospital but is expected to survive, so cops will soon have an idea of motive straight from the horse’s mouth.) “This was not going to stop if he didn’t stop it,” said one cop of the COO’s heroism. “It could have gotten a lot worse.”

Oklahoma woman beheaded in workplace attack by man who had allegedly tried to convert co-workers to Islam Update No evidence of link to terror groups Hot Air

Another Christian hero puts an end to a violent attack by an anti-Christian lunatic.

Gun violence is out of control.

No one need a gun anyways. The criminal will just take away your gun and kill you with it.

BAN GUNS!!@!@!
No dots to connect unless you are stupid. He got fired dimwit. Its a workplace violence issue. He happened to be Muslim. The next Christian that does this I'm sure you will crying for all Christians to be deported right?

Christians aren't trying to conquer the world.

Muslims are infiltrating our country, our government.

Do you love America or not???

Yes. Christians are trying to conquer the world.

There have been Muslims in this country since inception.

I am ambivalent about America. What exactly is it I should love about it?

Well, you could love the fact that you don't get dragged out of your house at night and get hacked to bits.
As opposed to being lynched? I guess that would depend on which one hurt the most.

Don't evade his point. It's an important one.

You sound like an ingrate.

Do you realize just how fucking LUCKY you are to have been born in America???

Man, we all won the Birthplace Lotto!

Of all the shit holes in the world where we COULD have been born and raised and be stuck, we were born HERE! So what made US so worthy of these freedoms we enjoy (or take for granted...AHEM) here?

For THAT alone, every swingin dick in this country should get on his knees and thank God!

I addressed his point. I live in one of the most racist countries in the world. I could have been born a number of places in the world and been happy. Matter of fact I have friends from several different countries that live just fine and have zero desire to come here.
oh no it's my faith made me do it ploy...
I guess it's easier to criticize the method.
jeffrey dahmer had a bunch of heads in a beer cooler and nobody blamed his religion
Why not a disgruntled jihadist as the op reports? You decide to minimize his faith, why is that?
Because Christians kill people and no one claims it was because they were Christian.
Right. Christians do not kill people who won't convert today. Muslims do. He was Muslim (recent convert) and he did try to convert and he behead a woman. Maybe more had he not been stopped.

But yeah, his faith had nothing to do with it.
My neighbor didnt behead me when I told him thanks but no thanks to Islam.
I'm so happy for you

The guy in the op is among those who do.
Is it all Muslims are just the crazy ones that do the beheading? From what you are claiming my neighbor should have hacked my head off.
Nope, not taking the bait

Here I can 1) call you a liar 2) assume you think you're clever or 3) you're just dumb. I'm going with 2 but letting you know you fail.
oh no it's my faith made me do it ploy...
I guess it's easier to criticize the method.
jeffrey dahmer had a bunch of heads in a beer cooler and nobody blamed his religion

Jeffrey Dahmer's religion wasn't the motivating factor when he committed his crimes.
yep, yer OFF TOPIC and doing a subject change Esmerelda !!
No I am not. I am showing you that the premise of the OP lacks logical reasoning: obviously this is over your head.

The OP is making a sweeping generalization about Muslims. The premise of the OP is completely illogical, but all you Muslim haters are on board. None of you is able to think logically, apparently.

Make you're own thread about domestic violence and people can be appalled there. This happens to be a crazy muslim cutting peoples heads off and an entirely different topic. Logic would tell us that only Muslims are into beheading people these days and if we don't want people beheaded we start by dealing with muslims.
The dune coon deserves a beating after he heals some. Hopefully someone will mix up the mix on the lethal injection before descends to hell.
I would guess getting fired was motivating factor in this case.

oh no it's my faith made me do it ploy...
I guess it's easier to criticize the method.
jeffrey dahmer had a bunch of heads in a beer cooler and nobody blamed his religion

Jeffrey Dahmer's religion wasn't the motivating factor when he committed his crimes.
Christians aren't trying to conquer the world.

Muslims are infiltrating our country, our government.

Do you love America or not???

Yes. Christians are trying to conquer the world.

There have been Muslims in this country since inception.

I am ambivalent about America. What exactly is it I should love about it?

Well, you could love the fact that you don't get dragged out of your house at night and get hacked to bits.
As opposed to being lynched? I guess that would depend on which one hurt the most.

Don't evade his point. It's an important one.

You sound like an ingrate.

Do you realize just how fucking LUCKY you are to have been born in America???

Man, we all won the Birthplace Lotto!

Of all the shit holes in the world where we COULD have been born and raised and be stuck, we were born HERE! So what made US so worthy of these freedoms we enjoy (or take for granted...AHEM) here?

For THAT alone, every swingin dick in this country should get on his knees and thank God!

I addressed his point. I live in one of the most racist countries in the world. I could have been born a number of places in the world and been happy. Matter of fact I have friends from several different countries that live just fine and have zero desire to come here.
Then why don't you move there? Because you'd refuse to assimilate there, too. And you'd expect them to cater to your self-segregation and then you'll consider the US the second most racist country. You're creepy.
oh no it's my faith made me do it ploy...
I guess it's easier to criticize the method.
jeffrey dahmer had a bunch of heads in a beer cooler and nobody blamed his religion

Jeffrey Dahmer's religion wasn't the motivating factor when he committed his crimes.
you wanna stick with that?
Jeffrey Dahmer: Born Again Fundamentalist ChristianJeffrey Dahmer is the son of a Born Again Fundamentalist (Church of Christ) father. Jeffrey's Born Again Fundamentalist home life led him to feel he could not acknowledge his homosexuality to his Fundamentalist father, and instead he developed an intense hatred of himself and of other gay men.
Well Jeffrey has now come home. He has become a Born Again Fundamentalist, baptized by a minister of the Church of Christ.

The following 3 articles chronicle the story of Jeffrey Dahmer's pilgrimage of faith: from Born Again Fundamentalist home to Born Again Fundamentalist prison cell, from Church of Christ to Church of Christ.

"Anger at his homosexuality led Dahmer to kill, psychiatrist says"
[Milwaukee Sentinel, 7 Feb 92, by David Doege, Sentinel Staff Writer]

Serial killer Jeffrey L. Dahmer killed his victims out of anger at his homosexuality and kept body parts as trophies, like a hunter, a psychiatrist testified in Dahmer's sanity trial Thursday.

"I don't believe his behavior was sexually motivated," psychiatrist George Palermo said. "I believe Jeffrey Dahmer killed his victims because he hated homosexuality."

Palermo, the first mental health expert in Dahmer's trial to testify that he was sane and criminally responsible when he murdered, also said that Dahmer has lied for years and still lies today.

"He lied to the judge in 1989 (when Dahmer was sentenced for sexual assault)," Palermo said. "He lied to his lawyer.

"He lied to many doctors to get the (sleeping) pills. It is my feeling he has embellished a great deal in the things he has said he did."

Palermo was the first witness to testify after defense attorney Gerald P. Boyle rested his case. Appointed by Circuit Judge Laurence C. Gram, Jr. as an impartial examiner, Palermo put Boyle in the position of attacking a psychiatric opinion for the first time in the trial.

While Boyle could not get Palermo to back down on his opinion that Dahmer was criminally responsible for his killings, Boyle did get the psychiatrist to concede that Dahmer needed treatment to stop his killing spree.

"If he doesn't go for any help at all, he would have killed again, wouldn't he?" asked Boyle, who called the previous mental health experts to testify as defense witnesses.

"I would say so," Palermo acknowledged.

"Palermo's testimony Thursday came as Dahmer's trial on 15 counts of first-degree intentional homicide neared the halfway point. Dist. Atty. E. Michael McCann is to begin presenting the prosecution's case Friday.

Dahmer, 31, has pleaded guilty, but insane, to the homicide charges stemming from the slayings of 15 young men and boys in West Allis and Milwaukee.

A jury is hearing the case to determine whether Dahmer should be imprisoned because he was sane when he killed or if he should be committed to a mental health institution because he was criminally insane and could not conform his conduct to the law.

Jeffrey Dahmer Born Again Fundamentalist Christian
I would guess getting fired was motivating factor in this case.

oh no it's my faith made me do it ploy...
I guess it's easier to criticize the method.
jeffrey dahmer had a bunch of heads in a beer cooler and nobody blamed his religion

Jeffrey Dahmer's religion wasn't the motivating factor when he committed his crimes.

What about all the other millions of cases where people kill in the name of Islam?
Well here it is folks. Had enough yet ?

Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said Friday that 30-year-old Alton Nolen had been terminated from Vaughan Foods in Moore shortly before the incident took place on Thursday afternoon.

Colleen Hufford, 54, was beheaded and another woman, 43-year-old Traci Johnson, was stabbed. Both victims were employees of Vaughan Foods, but according to Lewis, it appeared the women were not targeted and were instead stabbed at random.

Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News

To Esmeralda;

If you have two puppies and one of them is ALMOST house broken and the other is taking a longer time to figure out where to potty.

In the morning you find out that ONE of the puppies went potty on the kitchen floor.

You THINK it was puppy A. But it could have been puppy B.

Rather than trying to detect which one is the pisser, the one certain solution to peeing on your floor is to put both of them in the garage til they are house trained.

We can't always figure out which Muslims are going to commit acts of violent jihad before the fact so the only prudent course of action is to simply limit our potential liability exposure to ALL Muslims.

The United States routinely denied entry to this country by people infected with communicable diseases and conditions.

Because you can't figure out which one was which, safe or contagious upon sight, anyone who has been exposed to those who are contagious or those who might be asymptomatic carriers are kept out at least for a while until their health status can be ascertained.

Limit the numbers of ALL Muslims in America.
How do you propose to do that?

Hell, I've done MY part!

I'll leave THAT part up to you to figure out!


:D really have no plan to put forward, eh? Does just ranting about something help you feel better in some way? Does it solve anything?
Because Christians kill people and no one claims it was because they were Christian.
Right. Christians do not kill people who won't convert today. Muslims do. He was Muslim (recent convert) and he did try to convert and he behead a woman. Maybe more had he not been stopped.

But yeah, his faith had nothing to do with it.
My neighbor didnt behead me when I told him thanks but no thanks to Islam.
I'm so happy for you

The guy in the op is among those who do.
Is it all Muslims are just the crazy ones that do the beheading? From what you are claiming my neighbor should have hacked my head off.
Nope, not taking the bait

Here I can 1) call you a liar 2) assume you think you're clever or 3) you're just dumb. I'm going with 2 but letting you know you fail.
IOW you cant intelligently answer the question without exposing the weakness in your position. Thanks for admitting that.
The man had just been fired earlier that day. He came back shortly after with the same kind of knife they use in the plant. This wasn't a jihadist. He was a disgruntled employee.
Yet he BEHEADED the coworker, and I'll be darn he turns out to be a Muslim who was pissed off that other coworkers wouldn't convert.

Can you connect the dots ?
No dots to connect unless you are stupid. He got fired dimwit. Its a workplace violence issue. He happened to be Muslim. The next Christian that does this I'm sure you will crying for all Christians to be deported right?
Hey dimwit, did you miss this part ?

According to the police statement, after interviewing the suspect’s former co-workers, “information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion.
naw Brian , its being reported on FOX that he was saying the old alahu akbar phrase as he was doing the stalking . Course will that tidbit keep being reported , I don't know .
oh no it's my faith made me do it ploy...
I guess it's easier to criticize the method.
jeffrey dahmer had a bunch of heads in a beer cooler and nobody blamed his religion

Jeffrey Dahmer's religion wasn't the motivating factor when he committed his crimes.
This guys religion wasn't the motivating factor either. My guess is that he was pissed he got fired.
Fort Hood terrorist stopped by a civilian cop.
Oklahoma beheading terrorist stopped by reserve cop.

Terrorists being stopped by cops may soon be a new reality thanks to what our nation is becoming.
Why not a disgruntled jihadist as the op reports? You decide to minimize his faith, why is that?
Because Christians kill people and no one claims it was because they were Christian.
Right. Christians do not kill people who won't convert today. Muslims do. He was Muslim (recent convert) and he did try to convert and he behead a woman. Maybe more had he not been stopped.

But yeah, his faith had nothing to do with it.
My neighbor didnt behead me when I told him thanks but no thanks to Islam.
I'm so happy for you

The guy in the op is among those who do.
Is it all Muslims are just the crazy ones that do the beheading? From what you are claiming my neighbor should have hacked my head off.

There are moderate Muslims who do not, will not or can not perform a more aggressive form of Jihad but Jihad is required of all Muslims.

Some Jihad is peaceful. Some is solitary. Some is violent.

We can't figure out WHO is shitting in our bed so we need to put ALL of the puppies in the garage.

Because if we don't we will be in a world of shit.

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