BREAKING: New bill opens Arctic Refuge to Big Oil!

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Once again the GOP/ Trump are pushing their anti environmental policies and won’t be happy until they let the fossil fuel companies totally dominate the EPA.

IT'S ABOUT TIME, that area was a set aside for exploration to begin with, then the mulatto messiah took it off the table. Ignorance says we should buy our oil from people that hate us. You appear to be one of the ignorant ones, even electric machines require lubrication.

We don't need to drill in pristine areas of our country. There's so few areas left. Let's start in your backyard with the oil spills running into your living room.
This thread is about drilling in the pristine Arctic refuge. Try to keep up.
Have you ever been to the "pristine Arctic refuge" or seen a picture of that shit hole?

NOBODY can seriously argue that drilling with fuck up that span of worthless tundra. You commies just don't want economic growth. It is all part of your Bolshevik plot.
Yes I've been there and it was gorgeous and worth preserving. And we've had economic growth the better part of 8 years without destroying this valuable area.
Have I told you lately you're an idiot?

Tapping available resources to strengthen this country makes perfect sense. With today’s technology, it can be done with little risk of hurting the environment.
Obviously you have no respect for Mother Nature which means you have no respect for yourself but looking at who you are it's understandable you have no personal dignity
I am so hurt.

Maybe you're right about preserving the refuge.

Nah. Fuck you. You're a motherfucking commie rat bastard who is only interested in killing capitalism. Your green preaching is bullshit.
I want the USA to use its natural resources like every other nation does.

If there is alot of oil that we can use, we should use it.

MOTHER NATURE MADE OIL, RIGHT? It's dead fucking dinosaurs from 100 million years ago.

Do you think mother nature likes ABORTIONS? Do you respect mother nature?
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Once again the GOP/ Trump are pushing their anti environmental policies and won’t be happy until they let the fossil fuel companies totally dominate the EPA.

IT'S ABOUT TIME, that area was a set aside for exploration to begin with, then the mulatto messiah took it off the table. Ignorance says we should buy our oil from people that hate us. You appear to be one of the ignorant ones, even electric machines require lubrication.

We don't need to drill in pristine areas of our country. There's so few areas left. Let's start in your backyard with the oil spills running into your living room.

Have you ever been to an oil rig? I would have no problem having one in my back yard except for the noise. Horizontal drilling allows them to access a pretty large area form one location.

Tapping available resources to strengthen this country makes perfect sense. With today’s technology, it can be done with little risk of hurting the environment
Oh, no. That is IMPOSSIBLE. There is NO compromise. There must be no drilling or the spotted fruit-bat snow aardvarks will fuck 2% less than normal.

It's all commie bullshit. They know good and goddamn well the drilling will cause no damage. They just don't want economic growth, because they want us to be a communist nation.

Don't buy into their sanctimonious virtue signaling. The real goal is Red in nature.
This thread is about drilling in the pristine Arctic refuge. Try to keep up.
Have you ever been to the "pristine Arctic refuge" or seen a picture of that shit hole?

NOBODY can seriously argue that drilling with fuck up that span of worthless tundra. You commies just don't want economic growth. It is all part of your Bolshevik plot.
Yes I've been there and it was gorgeous and worth preserving. And we've had economic growth the better part of 8 years without destroying this valuable area.
Have I told you lately you're an idiot?

They won't destroy anything, quit being such a drama queen.

Tapping available resources to strengthen this country makes perfect sense. With today’s technology, it can be done with little risk of hurting the environment
Oh, no. That is IMPOSSIBLE. There is NO compromise. There must be no drilling or the spotted fruit-bat snow aardvarks will fuck 2% less than normal.

It's all commie bullshit. They know good and goddamn well the drilling will cause no damage. They just don't want economic growth, because they want us to be a communist nation.

Don't buy into their sanctimonious virtue signaling. The real goal is Red in nature.
People like Reasonable are normally over dramatic and short sighted. All we can do is smile and give them a gentle :itsok:.
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Tapping available resources to strengthen this country makes perfect sense. With today’s technology, it can be done with little risk of hurting the environment.

The left keeps forgetting that man controls and can fix the environment at will, just as any global warming advocate can tell ya. So if they break it, they can fix it.

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Once again the GOP/ Trump are pushing their anti environmental policies and won’t be happy until they let the fossil fuel companies totally dominate the EPA.
The American people voted they don't care about the environment. Jobs and cheap oil are more important.
No, more people voted against that. 3 million more.
And a clean environment does not mean jobs will be hurt.
There are huge opportunities in alternative energy. Ask all the countries that are way far ahead of us in clean energy jobs..

There are huge opportunities in alternative energy.


Many low productivity "clean energy" jobs are created when we shovel enough taxpayer money out the door.

Ask all the countries that are way far ahead of us in clean energy jobs..

Exactly!! Ask Spain how that's working for them. Let me know what they say.
They said good

View attachment 159731 View attachment 159725

Once again the GOP/ Trump are pushing their anti environmental policies and won’t be happy until they let the fossil fuel companies totally dominate the EPA.
The American people voted they don't care about the environment. Jobs and cheap oil are more important.
No, more people voted against that. 3 million more.
And a clean environment does not mean jobs will be hurt.
There are huge opportunities in alternative energy. Ask all the countries that are way far ahead of us in clean energy jobs..

There are huge opportunities in alternative energy.


Many low productivity "clean energy" jobs are created when we shovel enough taxpayer money out the door.

Ask all the countries that are way far ahead of us in clean energy jobs..

Exactly!! Ask Spain how that's working for them. Let me know what they say.

Germany too which has going

back to coal

I just posted a link to prove you to be a liar.Germany is the world’s leader in alternative energy.
Germany’s transition from coal to renewable energy offers lessons for the rest of the world

Fuck you

you are the one with your head up your fat ass

your lies are just that lies

France and Germany Turn to Coal
OCTOBER 24, 2016
France and Germany Turn to Coal

Germany to complete yet another coal plant
by Craig Morris
01 Feb 2017

Germany to complete yet another coal plant

Germany Runs Up Against the Limits of Renewables
Even as Germany adds lots of wind and solar power to the electric grid, the country’s carbon emissions are rising. Will the rest of the world learn from its lesson?

Loading up on wind and solar is causing new problems for Germany

Germany's dirty little coal secret
Germany's reputation as a pioneer of clean, green energy seems a far cry from the reality on the ground in the village of Atterwasch.

Brown coal mines challenge Germany's clean energy reputation

get your leftarded head out your ass for once
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Once again the GOP/ Trump are pushing their anti environmental policies and won’t be happy until they let the fossil fuel companies totally dominate the EPA.
The American people voted they don't care about the environment. Jobs and cheap oil are more important.
No, more people voted against that. 3 million more.
And a clean environment does not mean jobs will be hurt.
There are huge opportunities in alternative energy. Ask all the countries that are way far ahead of us in clean energy jobs..

We already have a clean environment. More stringent environmental laws means higher costs and fewer jobs with no discernable improvement in the environment.
This thread is about drilling in the pristine Arctic refuge. Try to keep up.
They don't care. Even if or should I say WHEN there's an oil spill they won't be sorry. God forbid we figure out a better way before consuming all our natural resources
View attachment 159731 View attachment 159725

Once again the GOP/ Trump are pushing their anti environmental policies and won’t be happy until they let the fossil fuel companies totally dominate the EPA.
The American people voted they don't care about the environment. Jobs and cheap oil are more important.
No, more people voted against that. 3 million more.
And a clean environment does not mean jobs will be hurt.
There are huge opportunities in alternative energy. Ask all the countries that are way far ahead of us in clean energy jobs..

We already have a clean environment. More stringent environmental laws means higher costs and fewer jobs with no discernable improvement in the environment.
This thread is about drilling in the pristine Arctic refuge. Try to keep up.
They don't care. Even if or should I say WHEN there's an oil spill they won't be sorry. God forbid we figure out a better way before consuming all our natural resources

If you'd prefer a massive expansion of nuclear power, to reduce the need for oil,
you'd have some conservative support.
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Once again the GOP/ Trump are pushing their anti environmental policies and won’t be happy until they let the fossil fuel companies totally dominate the EPA.

I am taking BIG ACTION.

To make sure this patriotic bill is approved.

Make America great again! Arctic? People can't even live there anyway, that's the best place to drill by far.
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Once again the GOP/ Trump are pushing their anti environmental policies and won’t be happy until they let the fossil fuel companies totally dominate the EPA.
One question for you.
In light of "global warming" evangelistas saying the Arctic is getting warmer, how was it that there is oil exploration in an area that's not conducive to plant life which is from what
oil is created? In other words was there ever a time the Arctic had a temperature conducive to plant life?

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