BREAKING: New bill opens Arctic Refuge to Big Oil!

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Once again the GOP/ Trump are pushing their anti environmental policies and won’t be happy until they let the fossil fuel companies totally dominate the EPA.
The American people voted they don't care about the environment. Jobs and cheap oil are more important.
No, more people voted against that. 3 million more.
And a clean environment does not mean jobs will be hurt.
There are huge opportunities in alternative energy. Ask all the countries that are way far ahead of us in clean energy jobs..

You mean China's wind farms for example?
The study, published in Nature, found a “significant warming trend” of up to 0.72C (1.37F) per decade, particularly at night-time, over wind farms relative to near-by non-wind-farm regions.
“The spatial pattern of the warming resembles the geographic distribution of wind turbines and the year-to-year land surface temperature over wind farms shows a persistent upward trend from 2003 to 2011, consistent with the increasing number of operational wind turbines with time,” said Prof Zhou.
However Prof Zhou pointed out the most extreme changes were just at night and the overall changes may be smaller.
Wind farms can cause climate change, finds new study

hmmm... so turbines disturb the environment.

Environmental Impacts of Solar Power
The potential environmental impacts associated with solar power — land use and habitat loss, water use, and the use of hazardous materials in manufacturing — can vary greatly depending on the technology, which includes two broad categories: photovoltaic (PV) solar cells or concentrating solar thermal plants (CSP).
hmmm.... so solar panels have negative effect on the environment.
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Once again the GOP/ Trump are pushing their anti environmental policies and won’t be happy until they let the fossil fuel companies totally dominate the EPA.
The American people voted they don't care about the environment. Jobs and cheap oil are more important.
Cheap oil is more important than US military personnel's lives.... why would they care about polar bears when they don't care about Americans?
The OP didn't provide a link. So i'll have to assume he or she is lying again. Movin on...
by the time ANWR is cleared to drill 7/8's of the old " big oil "morons will be worm dirt.
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Once again the GOP/ Trump are pushing their anti environmental policies and won’t be happy until they let the fossil fuel companies totally dominate the EPA.
One question for you.
In light of "global warming" evangelistas saying the Arctic is getting warmer, how was it that there is oil exploration in an area that's not conducive to plant life which is from what
oil is created? In other words was there ever a time the Arctic had a temperature conducive to plant life?

Don’t ask them to think critically.

Man is the only force to ever change anything on the planet. Liberals are absolutely conceited.
Worst excuse ever for raping our beautiful wilderness

I'll explain it to you like your five:
"Mom, what will happen to all the moose if the pipeline goes in? Where will the find their food?"
"5 feet to the right or the left of the pipeline, sweetheart."

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