Breaking: New CIA Source – Washington Post’s Russia Story “An Outright Lie”

Can you actually 'LEAK' an election?

It seems libs are getting the HACKED HILLARY E-MAIL' SCANDAL confused with the FAKE NEWS ' RUSSIAN HACKED US ELECTION' tale.

The premise is that because the Russians allegedly disclosed information that they hacked those sources as well as well as the election system. That is even though in the Pennsylvania federal lawsuit , neither the state nor any other entity introduced evidence that a hacking took effect.

Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources
The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election, three American officials said on Monday.

While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) does not dispute the CIA's analysis of Russian hacking operations, it has not endorsed their assessment because of a lack of conclusive evidence that Moscow intended to boost Trump over Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, said the officials, who declined to be named.

The position of the ODNI, which oversees the 17 agency-strong U.S. intelligence community, could give Trump fresh ammunition to dispute the CIA assessment, which he rejected as "ridiculous" in weekend remarks, and press his assertion that no evidence implicates Russia in the cyber attacks.

Trump's rejection of the CIA's judgment marks the latest in a string of disputes over Russia's international conduct that have erupted between the president-elect and the intelligence community he will soon command.

Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources

Clapper who heads the ODNI announce that Russia was behind the hack of DNC and Podesta in Oct.
What he claims now is they have no hard proof of intent, like an actual operative.
well how is that influence?

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process.

Joint DHS and ODNI Election Security Statement

if they are so damned confident, then that is evidence that under Obama's "leadership" we have dramatically under-performed with security and communications

thank God we are changing direction and I am confident that this is an issue the Trump Administration will address
Hmmm....with a captive audience and a polite request to provide his definitive evidence that the Russians hacked our election system, CC has chosen NOT to do so.

I am personally still confused about why it is so important to our friends on the left and in the media to draw attention to Obama's incompetence in safeguarding United States communications - just seems a little strange is all...
Hmmm....with a captive audience and a polite request to provide his definitive evidence that the Russians hacked our election system, CC has chosen NOT to do so.


Again, if you are going to make everyone else follow your rules as Trump supporters that The Donald can make any claim he wants and people have to prove him wrong, then you need to follow your same rules. The CIA said the Russians hacked the DNC and DNC headquarters in various states in order to influence the election, YOU must prove them wrong.
This just in...

Putin has admitted to hacking the DNC and giving the information to Wikileaks to release... but it wasn't to get Trump elected as many think, it was to get Gary Johnson elected.

This just in...

Putin has admitted to hacking the DNC and giving the information to Wikileaks to release... but it wasn't to get Trump elected as many think, it was to get Gary Johnson elected.

Again, if you are going to make everyone else follow your rules as Trump supporters that The Donald can make any claim he wants and people have to prove him wrong, then you need to follow your same rules. The CIA said the Russians hacked the DNC and DNC headquarters in various states in order to influence the election, YOU must prove them wrong.
I am not trying to 'make' anyone do anything. No matter what I say people can do / sy whatever they want, despite what evidence is out there or not.

As far as what Trump can say or can't, this is a free country, and people get to say whatever they want - no matter if it is true or not. (You can keep your plan if you like your plan....REALLY?) When what is said proves out to be WRONG then it and the persons who said it need to be addressed.

As far as proving the Russians did NOT hack into our elections? That can't be done right now as the investigations have been inconclusive so far. What CAN BE PROVEN so far is that No Russian Hacking of our elections have been proven.

Prove THAT? I have already done so. I have posted more than a half dozen sites which spells it out - THERE IS NO DEFINITIVE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CLAIM THE RUSSIANS HACKED OUR ELECTION. Multiple Links I have posted clearly spells that out.

I believe Julian Assange got his hands on a TON of emails that belonged to Hillary and those close to her.
- Assange says it was an inside-job.
- A LOT of people had access to Hillary's unsecured server and emails - many without Security clearances.

There is a big difference between hacking her e-mails and hacking the election, though.
This just in...

Putin has admitted to hacking the DNC and giving the information to Wikileaks to release... but it wasn't to get Trump elected as many think, it was to get Gary Johnson elected. :terror:

Ok, that's funny as hail, fight there! :lmao:
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
I bet you believe this "New CIA Source", don't you?
When two equally believable (or unbelievable) sources conflict, it's kind of hard to take either one seriously, isn't it? Thus, I have a hard time getting all excited about the whole "The Russians made everybody vote Republican" bit.
accept in 20 other states, LOL. those folks told the russians to get fked and they were voting for clinton. So much so, that population out voted Trump. Now I must ask the lefturds how the fk is that possible if Russia interfered? I don't see how those voters missed that compelling hack job to vote for trump. WTF?
Wait so when the CIA publicly comes out and says that the Russians hacked the DNC and influenced the election, the CIA was full of liars that didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground, but when an anonymous source from within the CIA says the story is bullshit, Trump supporters on this board believe it? Am I the only one that thinks Trump supporters only want to believe things that put Trump in a positive light? How the fuck can the CIA be full of shit one minute, but then an "anonymous source" within the CIA (The same CIA that full of shit a minute ago) is a credible source?

who said any such thing? The FBI and the Prez already debunked it. time to move on to attempt number five.

I'm sorry, I've not seen anything saying that's true. In fact I just read an article yesterday saying Mitch McConnell said it was true there was a Russian hack.
good for him, I don't believe him either. Assange, the guy that ended up with the emails stated it wasn't. I believe him, he got them from the source and he said it was an inside job. DOH
Why is it important to YOU that it was NOT the Russians?
Please tell us.

NO ONE has said that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians or anybody else did not hack us

Hell, we KNEW that was the case going in, and we KNEW that much of it was because of Hillary's actions - her actions were criminal. Hell, at the VERY BEST her actions were incompetent; yet y'all STILL put her up as your nominee

The question is, did the Russians actually work to disrupt or influence our elections?

Assange says no, and there is disagreement in the intelligence community - the fucking media is PATHETIC

they have been running RUMORS as actual news - the only good news is that most Americans now understand that our "traditional media" can no longer be trusted
ONLY Trump supporters believe Trump on the Russians, MOST of America do believe it's the Russians....they left signatures from the hack that lead the Intelligence community to the Russians, the Russians were the ONLY nation that had a stake in Trump being elected vs Hillary....
Congress is asking for the Intelligence community's top secret info on it to be we all can see....

The Russians had means, and had motive....

IF NOT THEM, then it was Trump Campaign or the Republican Party....

I do not believe it was a Trumpster or the RNC, they learned their lesson with watergate.

Re the bolded: huh?????? The current administration has been very weak with Russia. This administration abandoned our promise to protect Crimea from Russian aggression. Why on earth would you believe Putin would want to risk this agreeable relationship for the unknown?

The US involves themselves in elections of other countries routinely,recently Brexit and Israel. Going back further, Haiti, Congo, Honduras, Guatemala, Iran and on and on. We need to protect ourselves as best we an, of course, but to cry foul is ridiculous and hypocritical.

The U.S. Has Been Meddling In Other Countries' Elections For A Century. It Doesn't Feel Good. | The Huffington Post
Big surprise, trump ass kisser cultists kissing Putin's ass and betraying America. Defending Russia and making Russia great again. Has trump produced a hat for making Russia great again yet?
Big surprise, trump ass kisser cultists kissing Putin's ass and betraying America. Defending Russia and making Russia great again. Has trump produced a hat for making Russia great again yet?

^^^ this is why its so funny Hillary lost the libs are unhinged. :lmao:
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
I bet you believe this "New CIA Source", don't you?
When two equally believable (or unbelievable) sources conflict, it's kind of hard to take either one seriously, isn't it? Thus, I have a hard time getting all excited about the whole "The Russians made everybody vote Republican" bit.
accept in 20 other states, LOL. those folks told the russians to get fked and they were voting for clinton. So much so, that population out voted Trump. Now I must ask the lefturds how the fk is that possible if Russia interfered? I don't see how those voters missed that compelling hack job to vote for trump. WTF?
Obviously the Russians have super duper psychics who told them exactly where to force people to vote Republican.
Big surprise, trump ass kisser cultists kissing Putin's ass and betraying America. Defending Russia and making Russia great again. Has trump produced a hat for making Russia great again yet?
Why The Democrat National Committee first?


Go after the soft targets to be sure your tools are at least functional then sharpen them as you approach the more difficult.

What could have been more soft - well, except Hillary's privy server.......
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
I bet you believe this "New CIA Source", don't you?
When two equally believable (or unbelievable) sources conflict, it's kind of hard to take either one seriously, isn't it? Thus, I have a hard time getting all excited about the whole "The Russians made everybody vote Republican" bit.
accept in 20 other states, LOL. those folks told the russians to get fked and they were voting for clinton. So much so, that population out voted Trump. Now I must ask the lefturds how the fk is that possible if Russia interfered? I don't see how those voters missed that compelling hack job to vote for trump. WTF?
Obviously the Russians have super duper psychics who told them exactly where to force people to vote Republican.
or, they have no psychics and can't get people on foodstamps and illegals to vote for trump.

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