Breaking News: Alabama Chief Justice Orders Judges to Just Ignore Pro-Gay Marriage Federal Ruling

Sad indeed to see such small minded morons that think whites being treated like 2nd class citizens is OK....its just more proof there is no reasoning with the unreasonable...

If you think allowing gays to marry makes you a 2nd class citizen, you are simply delusional.

I will ask you again, what rights have you lost? What makes you a 2nd class citizen besides your own inferiority complex? How have you been denied anything or lost anything?
Negro's get AA along with women,jews,homosexuals,etc etc.Homosexuals get to redefine what marriage truly is amongst other things. Again what part of EVERY race has laws or politicians etc that advocate for them or get laws changed for them or have quotas just for them etc...NO straight white person has that and never will...We are an ignored class and that in its self is dangerous once the white race has regained its focus and goes after what it must to survive.

Affirmative action is a completely different topic. I do not agree with it at all.

And as for redefining marriage, there has been nothing removed from the definition of marriage. It has merely been expanded to include more of our citizens. That this bothers you so much, especially when you are unable to articulate any harm done to you, is what is amazing.
So its been redefined. Exactly like I already said. Its making a mockery out of marriage...just like man/beast and man/daughter will be making an even bigger mockery of it.

It is certainly not making a mockery out of marriage. And considering that 50% of marriages end in divorce, domestic abuse is the leading cause of injury for women 15 to 44, and huge numbers of people cheat on their spouses every year, it is not gays who made a mockery of marriage. Straights did that long ago.

And this "slippery slope" nonsense was put forth when interracial marriage was first made legal in the entire US. It didn't happen then and it won't happen now. There is a reason for denying incestuous marriages. And the simple concept of Consenting Adults cures your fears of bestiality becoming legal.

Same sex marriage does not change one thing for you. Your marriage is the same as it was before.
Sad indeed to see such small minded morons that think whites being treated like 2nd class citizens is OK....its just more proof there is no reasoning with the unreasonable...

If you think allowing gays to marry makes you a 2nd class citizen, you are simply delusional.

I will ask you again, what rights have you lost? What makes you a 2nd class citizen besides your own inferiority complex? How have you been denied anything or lost anything?
..We are an ignored class and that in its self is dangerous once the white race has regained its focus and goes after what it must to survive.

As a white person myself- I have to ask 'what white race'? And what makes you believe you are ignored?

In all of my working life, virtually every top management position has been held by a white man. White men control most of the wealth of the country, white men hold most of the top positions in companies throughout the United States.

As a 'white man' myself- I have NEVER, EVER been denied any position or advantage based upon my race or gender. I have never been the target of any discrimination based upon my skin color or gender.

And I never, ever worry about 'the white race'....whatever that is.
Can't apply marriage "equally" to homosexuals when marriage is between 1 man and 1 it is being applied equally....any man can marry any woman and any woman can marry any man.

Anti-gay marriage #1- it ain't discrimination if we only discriminate based upon gender.
There is no discrimination PERIOD. Marriage is 1 man 1 woman. ANY man can marry ANY woman,ANY woman can marry ANY man...its a pretty simple concept.

Like I said- anti-gay marriage 'argument #1'
Sigh...another self hating white retard. These are the ones that claim there is no white race yet there is a black race and asian race and every other kind of race...please do the world a favor and off yourself.
Can't apply marriage "equally" to homosexuals when marriage is between 1 man and 1 it is being applied equally....any man can marry any woman and any woman can marry any man.

Anti-gay marriage #1- it ain't discrimination if we only discriminate based upon gender.
There is no discrimination PERIOD. Marriage is 1 man 1 woman. ANY man can marry ANY woman,ANY woman can marry ANY man...its a pretty simple concept.

Like I said- anti-gay marriage 'argument #1'
Like I said you have no argument. :)
Sad indeed to see such small minded morons that think whites being treated like 2nd class citizens is OK....its just more proof there is no reasoning with the unreasonable...

If you think allowing gays to marry makes you a 2nd class citizen, you are simply delusional.

I will ask you again, what rights have you lost? What makes you a 2nd class citizen besides your own inferiority complex? How have you been denied anything or lost anything?
Negro's get AA along with women,jews,homosexuals,etc etc.Homosexuals get to redefine what marriage truly is amongst other things. Again what part of EVERY race has laws or politicians etc that advocate for them or get laws changed for them or have quotas just for them etc...NO straight white person has that and never will...We are an ignored class and that in its self is dangerous once the white race has regained its focus and goes after what it must to survive.

Affirmative action is a completely different topic. I do not agree with it at all.

And as for redefining marriage, there has been nothing removed from the definition of marriage. It has merely been expanded to include more of our citizens. That this bothers you so much, especially when you are unable to articulate any harm done to you, is what is amazing.
So its been redefined. Exactly like I already said. Its making a mockery out of marriage...just like man/beast and man/daughter will be making an even bigger mockery of it.

I have been married over 20 years- doesn't mock my marriage- doesn't affect my marriage.

If your marriage is threatened by allowing 2 men or 2 women the same legal rights, then the problem is with your marriage- not with theirs.
Sigh...another self hating white retard. These are the ones that claim there is no white race yet there is a black race and asian race and every other kind of race...please do the world a favor and off yourself.

How about we wait for one of your redneck heros to try work up the balls to come and off us? That sounds like way more fun!
Sigh...another self hating white retard. These are the ones that claim there is no white race yet there is a black race and asian race and every other kind of race...please do the world a favor and off yourself.

LOL- another American hating white supremacist in action.

Whine whine whine- 'poor me- Affirmative action is why I didn't get into Harvard, or graduate from high school'
Sigh...another self hating white retard. These are the ones that claim there is no white race yet there is a black race and asian race and every other kind of race...please do the world a favor and off yourself.

How about we wait for one of your redneck heros to try work up the balls to come and off us? That sounds like way more fun!
Funny thing is about white anti whites is the people they are trying to promote as equal and just like us are USUALLY the ones that end up taking care of the problem for us. :) I have the perfect example.
Can't apply marriage "equally" when marriage is between 1 man and 1 it is being applied equally....any man can marry any woman and any woman can marry any man.

I guess it comes down to who has the authority to make that determination and who just gets to rant on an political forum.

Judge Granade ruled and the SCOTUS has refused to overrule. The definition of marriage has been expanded. Nothing was taken away from the old definition. It was expanded to include same-sex couples.
Oh and the only reason these people have this "power" is because we the people allow it. For now.

Oooooooh.....scarey implied threats....but with
Sigh...another self hating white retard. These are the ones that claim there is no white race yet there is a black race and asian race and every other kind of race...please do the world a favor and off yourself.

LOL- another American hating white supremacist in action.

Whine whine whine- 'poor me- Affirmative action is why I didn't get into Harvard, or graduate from high school'
You are one ignorant fuck. You can't even comprehend sarcasm when its used. Yawn...nothing but a leach on society son...
The 14th is not about same sex marriage.

"Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival.... To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the state's citizens of liberty without due process of law."

Chief Justice Earl Warren

The Chief Justice verifies that the 14th Amendment was ratified for Former Slaves because of his reference to race in the SCOTUS case of Loving v. Virginia.

No he doesn't.

Like the court said in Zablocki:

Zablocki v. Rehail

AlthoughLovingarose in the context of racial discrimination, prior and subsequent decisions of this Court confirm that the right to marry is of fundamental importance for all individuals.
Sigh...another self hating white retard. These are the ones that claim there is no white race yet there is a black race and asian race and every other kind of race...please do the world a favor and off yourself.

How about we wait for one of your redneck heros to try work up the balls to come and off us? That sounds like way more fun!
Funny thing is about white anti whites is the people they are trying to promote as equal and just like us are USUALLY the ones that end up taking care of the problem for us. :) I have the perfect example.

The funny thing about white supremacists is that they blame everyone but themselves for their own failures.
Sigh...another self hating white retard. These are the ones that claim there is no white race yet there is a black race and asian race and every other kind of race...please do the world a favor and off yourself.

LOL- another American hating white supremacist in action.

Whine whine whine- 'poor me- Affirmative action is why I didn't get into Harvard, or graduate from high school'
You are one ignorant fuck. You can't even comprehend sarcasm when its used. Yawn...nothing but a leach on society son...

LOL- another American hating white supremacist in action.

Whine whine whine- 'poor me- Affirmative action is why I didn't get into Harvard, or graduate from high school'
Sigh...another self hating white retard. These are the ones that claim there is no white race yet there is a black race and asian race and every other kind of race...please do the world a favor and off yourself.

How about we wait for one of your redneck heros to try work up the balls to come and off us? That sounds like way more fun!
Funny thing is about white anti whites is the people they are trying to promote as equal and just like us are USUALLY the ones that end up taking care of the problem for us. :) I have the perfect example.

So you are depending on married gay couples taking us out?? LMAO!!! yeah, I guess the chances are about the same. Zero.
LOL SPLC Writer Murdered by Blacks While Hiking Daily Stormer

See white anti whites always get what's coming to them..usually by the ones they are trying to "help" LOL

Yeah- not shocking that a white supremacist would laugh at someone being murdered.
Of course your simple minded self can't comprehend why its funny....this retard is much like you...yet he got what he deserved by those he was trying to promote as our equals! LMAO...What can I expect from someone who can't comprehend sarcasm.
Of course you would link to The Daily Stormer. Why I am hardly surprised?

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