Breaking News Alert: Alleged Ted Cruz Mistress Promptly Deletes Her Cruz Twitter History

While liberals may not have started this, they have no problem piling on....

1. Anyone remember back to when (and they still do) liberals argued that a President's sexual exploits were none of anyone's business and that having affairs did not take away from a man's ability to run a country? This was, and continues to be, the liberal defense of Bill 'Slick Willy' Clinton...however, just as they tried to declare...and succeeded in doing, with Herman Cain, those same standards do not apply to Republicans.

Having no shame, liberals proudly flaunt their hypocrisy.

2. I find it amusing that the same liberals who squeal about how THEIR politicians are innocent until found guilt5y in a court of law, are the same ones who have already pronounced Cruz to be guilty of unproven indiscretions.

Again, having NO shame, liberals proudly flaunt their hypocrisy.
Does the term "hypocrisy" mean anything to you at all?
Those are fakes, bub.

What are fakes Jake? And as far as Trump behind it? Bullshit. Brietbart wouldn't touch this story and they are pro Trump.

"The truth behind the rumor-mongering, however, is a little more complex. A half-dozen GOP operatives and media figures tell The Daily Beast that Cruz’s opponents have been pushing charges of adultery for at least six months now—and that allies of former GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio were involved in spreading the smears.

For months and months, anti-Cruz operatives have pitched a variety of #CruzSexScandal stories to a host of prominent national publications, according to Republican operatives and media figures. The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg News, Politico, and ABC News—reporters at all those outlets heard some version of the Cruz-is-cheating story. None of them decided to run with rumors. Those publications’ representatives all declined to provide on-the-record comments when The Daily Beast reached out for this article.

Breitbart News, the notoriously Trump-friendly conservative outlet, was also pitched the story of Cruz’s extramarital affairs, according to a source close to the publication. That source said an operative allied with Marco Rubio—but not associated with his official campaign—showed the publication a compilation video of Cruz and a woman other than his wife coming out of the Capitol Grille restaurant and a hotel on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But the outlet opted not to report on the video, which demonstrated no direct evidence of an affair."

Ted Cruz ‘Affair’ Rumors Peddled by Marco Rubio’s Allies
Seriously this needs to be spotlighted. It's all true. He cheated on Heidi. That's why you don't see Ted mention Amanda carpenter. Because he's hoping we don't ask details with all this evidence.

So the fact there is still zero evidence doesn't bother you at all?

Cruz giving 500k to a primary opponent is evidence enough. If you are that much out of touch from reality. Then it's pointless to point truth to you.

So you don't see any reason why one Pac would give another pac that is running conservative candidates against establishment candidates at all levels?

Especially when two days ago you guys were saying the only reason to give money to that pac is to stop trump?

Stop trump, elect conservative candidates. both really good reasons other than extortion

And lets not forget that Cruz has no control over what super PACs do.

No. Lets do the huge conspiracy theory instead. Because spreading rumors and then reporting on the rumors you create is all the evidence you need
There's hotel camera footage of Cruz walking into a hotel room with a female. Perhaps more into the video that's supposedly going to drop this week. The video is apprently getting big money offers.
Seriously this needs to be spotlighted. It's all true. He cheated on Heidi. That's why you don't see Ted mention Amanda carpenter. Because he's hoping we don't ask details with all this evidence.

So the fact there is still zero evidence doesn't bother you at all?

Cruz giving 500k to a primary opponent is evidence enough. If you are that much out of touch from reality. Then it's pointless to point truth to you.

And lets not forget that Cruz has no control over what super PACs do.
His operatives can, and don't say it can't happen, it can.
There's hotel camera footage of Cruz walking into a hotel room with a female. Perhaps more into the video that's supposedly going to drop this week. The video is apprently getting big money offers.
The video shows a pattern of Cruz and her entering the hotel on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
It's funny how the misinformed still claim Trump started this or behind it, when Rubio is the actual one who created the facts. Not to mention Cruz holding off on a lawsuit. biggest red flag of them all.

I can't imagine why people are saying trump started this fake story. Maybe because it's published by trumps friend Mr pecker in a tabloid that has endorsed Donald trump whose only source mentioned in the story is Roger Stone who works for Donald trumps campaign. And this just happens to be released when trump is losing in Wisconsin and had developments in his fraud case.

Can't imagine why people are seeing a trump connection
There's hotel camera footage of Cruz walking into a hotel room with a female. Perhaps more into the video that's supposedly going to drop this week. The video is apprently getting big money offers.
More libel, which is punishable by law.
There's hotel camera footage of Cruz walking into a hotel room with a female. Perhaps more into the video that's supposedly going to drop this week. The video is apprently getting big money offers.
The video shows a pattern of Cruz and her entering the hotel on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
More libel and they will be punished by the law.
Seriously this needs to be spotlighted. It's all true. He cheated on Heidi. That's why you don't see Ted mention Amanda carpenter. Because he's hoping we don't ask details with all this evidence.

So the fact there is still zero evidence doesn't bother you at all?

Cruz giving 500k to a primary opponent is evidence enough. If you are that much out of touch from reality. Then it's pointless to point truth to you.

So you don't see any reason why one Pac would give another pac that is running conservative candidates against establishment candidates at all levels?

Especially when two days ago you guys were saying the only reason to give money to that pac is to stop trump?

Stop trump, elect conservative candidates. both really good reasons other than extortion

And lets not forget that Cruz has no control over what super PACs do.

No. Lets do the huge conspiracy theory instead. Because spreading rumors and then reporting on the rumors you create is all the evidence you need

It is rare. It is not the norm. And the reason the super pac said it gave Carly half a million dollars was to make sure "Carly's voice got heard".

Liberals and liberalism will be destroyed once and for all.

Oh, now I see the problem. You're a maladapted over-aged child who doesn't know how to deal with other people being different in the way that a normal, healthy adult does.

Get a job lib, pay your own bills.

Well that was meaningful.

I'm not really interested in the opinions of tax and spend illegal alien defending liberal traitors.
Seriously this needs to be spotlighted. It's all true. He cheated on Heidi. That's why you don't see Ted mention Amanda carpenter. Because he's hoping we don't ask details with all this evidence.

So the fact there is still zero evidence doesn't bother you at all?

Cruz giving 500k to a primary opponent is evidence enough. If you are that much out of touch from reality. Then it's pointless to point truth to you.

So you don't see any reason why one Pac would give another pac that is running conservative candidates against establishment candidates at all levels?

Especially when two days ago you guys were saying the only reason to give money to that pac is to stop trump?

Stop trump, elect conservative candidates. both really good reasons other than extortion

And lets not forget that Cruz has no control over what super PACs do.

No. Lets do the huge conspiracy theory instead. Because spreading rumors and then reporting on the rumors you create is all the evidence you need

It is rare. It is not the norm. And the reason the super pac said it gave Carly half a million dollars was to make sure "Carly's voice got heard".


How dare you not accept the establishments BS at face value.
There's hotel camera footage of Cruz walking into a hotel room with a female. Perhaps more into the video that's supposedly going to drop this week. The video is apprently getting big money offers.
The video shows a pattern of Cruz and her entering the hotel on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
More libel and they will be punished by the law.

Have you got the quote of Cruz asking for a retraction or that Cruz will sue? Link?

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