Breaking News and Confirmed: Arizona Senate Passes Presidential Eligibility Bill 21-9

Now it heads to the Arizona republican dominated house and then to Governor Jan Brewers desk to be signed. This is going to make the White House implode over this as this is now mainstream thanks to Trump making this constitutional crisis come to light. Now since Arizona Senate has taken the first step in becoming the first state to pass a presidential eligibility bill to make sure a candidate produces more documentation to ensure that they are actually a natural born citizen, I think it will make other states like Texas go ahead and pass theirs with other states following. Obama is in trouble.

Arizona Senate Passes Proof of Eligibility Legislation; One Step Closer To... Got Papers!? | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

As reported, Montana, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Indiana, Connecticut, Missouri and Iowa are pursuing legislation that will require presidential and vice-presidential candidates prove they're Constitutionally Eligible. The Arizona legislation just passed HB 2177 in the Senate and it now moves on to the Arizona House and then to Gov. Brewer for her signature.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Arizona....a total crack up! :lol::lol::lol:

Yes we know, liberals think adhereing to the US Constitution is a joke. GUESS WHAT?? We had the last laugh. LMAO Time for your messiah to man up or ship the fuck out! Bwhahahahahahaha WoooOOOoooOOOot, it's a great day!!!!

Hey, how did it turn out? Last laugh, remember?
OMFG...this law is clearly unconstitutional. First you have US Term Limits vs Thornton and then there is "Full Faith and Credit". I thought Tea Baggers were supposed to be the "Constitutionalists"? :rolleyes:

no one has said Arizona will not accept Hawaii's long form BC try again.

Not the issue, the Constitutional issue arises if Arizona rejects Hawaii's short from birth certificate issued as a public record under the Full Faith and Credit clause (Article IV Section 1) of the United States Constitution unless exempted to do so by the United States Congress as required by that same section.


How did this turn out by the way.
Gov. Jan Brewer on Wednesday shot down an effort by the Arizona Legislature to require presidential candidates to provide proof of citizenship in order to get on the state's ballot.

In her veto letter, Brewer said House Bill 2177 "creates significant new problems while failing to do anything constructive for Arizona."

The House and Senate could override the governor's veto with a two-thirds majority vote in each chamber, but on Monday, such a move appeared unlikely

Brewer vetoes presidential 'birther' bill

Two things, First, Gov. Brewer is exactly correct, the bill does nothing constructive for Arizona and I'm very sure the Sec. of State who has said publicly the bill has constitutional issues, our state would find itself in another court room. The other thing is this, regardless of the outcome of this bill President Obama is unlikely to win Arizona in the gerneral election against pretty much any Republican candidate.
Gov. Jan Brewer on Wednesday shot down an effort by the Arizona Legislature to require presidential candidates to provide proof of citizenship in order to get on the state's ballot.

In her veto letter, Brewer said House Bill 2177 "creates significant new problems while failing to do anything constructive for Arizona."

The House and Senate could override the governor's veto with a two-thirds majority vote in each chamber, but on Monday, such a move appeared unlikely

Brewer vetoes presidential 'birther' bill

Two things, First, Gov. Brewer is exactly correct, the bill does nothing constructive for Arizona and I'm very sure the Sec. of State who has said publicly the bill has constitutional issues, our state would find itself in another court room. The other thing is this, regardless of the outcome of this bill President Obama is unlikely to win Arizona in the gerneral election against pretty much any Republican candidate.

obama off the ballot in Arizona? what would be think about that? Why would obama do such a thing the people wll ask what is he hiding.
Gov. Jan Brewer on Wednesday shot down an effort by the Arizona Legislature to require presidential candidates to provide proof of citizenship in order to get on the state's ballot.

In her veto letter, Brewer said House Bill 2177 "creates significant new problems while failing to do anything constructive for Arizona."

The House and Senate could override the governor's veto with a two-thirds majority vote in each chamber, but on Monday, such a move appeared unlikely

Brewer vetoes presidential 'birther' bill

Two things, First, Gov. Brewer is exactly correct, the bill does nothing constructive for Arizona and I'm very sure the Sec. of State who has said publicly the bill has constitutional issues, our state would find itself in another court room. The other thing is this, regardless of the outcome of this bill President Obama is unlikely to win Arizona in the gerneral election against pretty much any Republican candidate.

obama off the ballot in Arizona? what would be think about that? Why would obama do such a thing the people wll ask what is he hiding.

Red, the point is that here in Arizona it really doesn't matter if he is on the ballot in terms of the General election because he is NOT likely to win. So by passing a bill that keeps him off the ballot would simply not accomplish anything here other than a symbolic gesture. Even so, you and I both know that if it came to that, the President would likely go to the 9th Circ. and he would be back on the ballot with the same result. So I suggest for those who believe that the President was not born here, passing legislation to keep him off a ballot in a state you know he clearly cannot win accomplishes little in my opinion. Perhaps your best track is through the Judicial process. and from what I can tell so far the Supreme Court has refused to hear these cases.
Gov. Jan Brewer on Wednesday shot down an effort by the Arizona Legislature to require presidential candidates to provide proof of citizenship in order to get on the state's ballot.

In her veto letter, Brewer said House Bill 2177 "creates significant new problems while failing to do anything constructive for Arizona."

The House and Senate could override the governor's veto with a two-thirds majority vote in each chamber, but on Monday, such a move appeared unlikely

Brewer vetoes presidential 'birther' bill

Two things, First, Gov. Brewer is exactly correct, the bill does nothing constructive for Arizona and I'm very sure the Sec. of State who has said publicly the bill has constitutional issues, our state would find itself in another court room. The other thing is this, regardless of the outcome of this bill President Obama is unlikely to win Arizona in the gerneral election against pretty much any Republican candidate.

obama off the ballot in Arizona? what would be think about that? Why would obama do such a thing the people wll ask what is he hiding.

Red, the point is that here in Arizona it really doesn't matter if he is on the ballot in terms of the General election because he is NOT likely to win. So by passing a bill that keeps him off the ballot would simply not accomplish anything here other than a symbolic gesture. Even so, you and I both know that if it came to that, the President would likely go to the 9th Circ. and he would be back on the ballot with the same result. So I suggest for those who believe that the President was not born here, passing legislation to keep him off a ballot in a state you know he clearly cannot win accomplishes little in my opinion. Perhaps your best track is through the Judicial process. and from what I can tell so far the Supreme Court has refused to hear these cases.

Just let him skirt around a state an not place himself on the ballot and see how that works out in other states.
Gov. Jan Brewer on Wednesday shot down an effort by the Arizona Legislature to require presidential candidates to provide proof of citizenship in order to get on the state's ballot.

In her veto letter, Brewer said House Bill 2177 "creates significant new problems while failing to do anything constructive for Arizona."

The House and Senate could override the governor's veto with a two-thirds majority vote in each chamber, but on Monday, such a move appeared unlikely

Brewer vetoes presidential 'birther' bill

Two things, First, Gov. Brewer is exactly correct, the bill does nothing constructive for Arizona and I'm very sure the Sec. of State who has said publicly the bill has constitutional issues, our state would find itself in another court room. The other thing is this, regardless of the outcome of this bill President Obama is unlikely to win Arizona in the gerneral election against pretty much any Republican candidate.

Agreed on both points. I can only imagine she listened to her secretary of state who had previously said this would be a nightmare.
Gov. Jan Brewer on Wednesday shot down an effort by the Arizona Legislature to require presidential candidates to provide proof of citizenship in order to get on the state's ballot.

In her veto letter, Brewer said House Bill 2177 "creates significant new problems while failing to do anything constructive for Arizona."

The House and Senate could override the governor's veto with a two-thirds majority vote in each chamber, but on Monday, such a move appeared unlikely

Brewer vetoes presidential 'birther' bill

Two things, First, Gov. Brewer is exactly correct, the bill does nothing constructive for Arizona and I'm very sure the Sec. of State who has said publicly the bill has constitutional issues, our state would find itself in another court room. The other thing is this, regardless of the outcome of this bill President Obama is unlikely to win Arizona in the gerneral election against pretty much any Republican candidate.

obama off the ballot in Arizona? what would be think about that? Why would obama do such a thing the people wll ask what is he hiding.

Red, the point is that here in Arizona it really doesn't matter if he is on the ballot in terms of the General election because he is NOT likely to win. So by passing a bill that keeps him off the ballot would simply not accomplish anything here other than a symbolic gesture. Even so, you and I both know that if it came to that, the President would likely go to the 9th Circ. and he would be back on the ballot with the same result. So I suggest for those who believe that the President was not born here, passing legislation to keep him off a ballot in a state you know he clearly cannot win accomplishes little in my opinion. Perhaps your best track is through the Judicial process. and from what I can tell so far the Supreme Court has refused to hear these cases.

And every other court. The birthers have lost something like 75+ straight court motions and cases. They have yet to win any significant court issue on the matter, as the law is evident on the issue and Hawaii's COLB is viewed as proof of being born in the state of Hawaii. They have also managed to get a (very stupid) Army LTC court martialed when he failed to report for deployment until the CINC showed his B.C.

Legally, they are a shit-house on wheels.

Of course, that doesn't phase them.
Arizona Republicans are too batshit crazy for their own governor.


As much of a raving LUNATIC that Brewer is, she snapped out of her drunken stupor long enough to realize that passing that racist bill would only HURT AZ.
Gov. Jan Brewer on Wednesday shot down an effort by the Arizona Legislature to require presidential candidates to provide proof of citizenship in order to get on the state's ballot.

In her veto letter, Brewer said House Bill 2177 "creates significant new problems while failing to do anything constructive for Arizona."

The House and Senate could override the governor's veto with a two-thirds majority vote in each chamber, but on Monday, such a move appeared unlikely

Brewer vetoes presidential 'birther' bill

Two things, First, Gov. Brewer is exactly correct, the bill does nothing constructive for Arizona and I'm very sure the Sec. of State who has said publicly the bill has constitutional issues, our state would find itself in another court room. The other thing is this, regardless of the outcome of this bill President Obama is unlikely to win Arizona in the gerneral election against pretty much any Republican candidate.

Agreed on both points. I can only imagine she listened to her secretary of state who had previously said this would be a nightmare.

One would hope so, I have contended that issues like this one especially belong in the courts and for our legislature to take up matters such as these with ALL the problems facing our state, it would seem they would have better things to do. There are many Republicans in Arizona that didn't seem to share the legislature's opinion on this subject when it comes to the Presidents birthplace, among those, Jeff Flake, John McCain, and many others...

Republican Arizona Congressman Jeff Flake believes that birthers should “accept the reality” and acknowledge the fact that President Obama was born in the US.

“Barack Obama is a citizen of the country,” Flake said in an interview with CNN on Thursday. “We ought to get off this kick. And there are plenty of differences we have with the president between Republicans and Democrats than to spend time on something like this.”

Jeff Flake Birthers | | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

One of things lost here was the Gov. also put her veto on the campus gun bill which would have allowed students to carry guns on campus at Arizonas public Univirsites and schools. Again, our legislature seems to be lost in legislation such as this and unable to come to grips with the real problems of our state and thats a huge deficit that was left by the previous administration (now Homeland Security Director), just to name a few.
I've always liked Flake. Not being a birfer gains him more respect.
I've always liked Flake. Not being a birfer gains him more respect.

I do too Toro, there is a bit of a rumor here that he will seek John Kyl's Senate seat next year. It should prove to be an interesting race, because many are still hoping that Gabby Giffords will recover in time to run for it as well. Although, I would not be at all surprised to see JD Hayworth run for it again.

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