Breaking News: Biden declassifies every document in the world

That's even lamer than usual for you, Assclown. If you're trying to make the case that BUREAUCRATS have the to power to overrule the authority of the chief executive on declassification, you're going to fail every time.
They do on certain types of classified material. It can only be declassified by the originating agency.
No. Biden was making a point. Putting Trumps declassification authority to the test.

So why won't any republicans talk about what was the result of that test. Did all the documents become declassified instantly or not?

I already answered this. You didn't get it because you don't grasp the difference between documents and the information on them. I'd say think about it, but that never works for you. I'll give you an easy, clear example you won't understand because you're stupid.

If a document has a classified list of spies and the word "the," according to you, they can't release the word "the" because it's on a classified document.

Yes, you are that stupid. But yes, Trump can declassify the DOCUMENT and that doesn't mean everything on it can be released. I realize you grasping this is hopeless or you would have already seen the flaw in your argument
I already answered this. You didn't get it because you don't grasp the difference between documents and the information on them.
Wait! What?

How is the document, and the information on the document, a not irrevocably linked.
If a document has a classified list of spies and the word "the," according to you, they can't release the word "the" because it's on a classified document.
That's absolutely STUPID.

Every Top Secret document, has the words TOP and SECRET on it. And they release the fact that a document is TOP SECRET all the time. Like Trump having almost 100 top secret documents at mar-a-lago.
Does anyone notice how people seem entirely focused on how Trump “declassified it all” but no concern at all about the national security implications of it all?

Either it is dangerous. Either we have a person so self absorbed he didn’t care about the effects of unilaterally declassifying it, or we have someone who deliberately took incredibly sensitive material to store at Maralago when he left office.

And what was Trump planning to do with it?
So Trump didn't declassify all those documents either?
Look, the thing is Trump took classified documents (probably not on purpose and nobody can prove it was on purpose) with him to Florida. Everyone has known of this. He has been in communication with the powers that be over it and has returned many already. The powers that be have known about it for a year and a half. Hell, they are going through things right now because they don't even know what was in the boxes, hence they are on a witch hunt because they don't know themselves what are in the boxes. They have raided his home based on media articles. Since when does the media have such power that they can do this? Is this how the DOJ and the FBI are run, they abuse their power due to things written in the media? In all this time of one and a half years no raids have been done on Trump's home, even though they knew Trump had classified information the whole time. Now, all of a sudden, just when Liz Cheney and the Democrats have been attacking Garland for not doing enough to get Trump, surprise, surprise, out comes a raid on Trump's home over classified documents which they have known about for a year and a half and did absolutely nothing about until Liz Cheney and the Democrats gave the DOJ their marching orders. You know, the same DOJ Democrats claim is independent from the administration.
But yes, Trump can declassify the DOCUMENT and that doesn't mean everything on it can be released.

Maybe you don't know the meaning of declassify. It means that everything on the document can be released.

Declassify Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary

DECLASSIFY meaning: to allow the public to see or learn about (something that has been a secret)
Does anyone notice how people seem entirely focused on how Trump “declassified it all” but no concern at all about the national security implications of it all?
I've been trying to make that point. That by declassifying a top secret document, Trump made it available to anyone, friend or foe.
Does anyone notice how people seem entirely focused on how Trump “declassified it all” but no concern at all about the national security implications of it all?

Either it is dangerous. Either we have a person so self absorbed he didn’t care about the effects of unilaterally declassifying it, or we have someone who deliberately took incredibly sensitive material to store at Maralago when he left office.

And what was Trump planning to do with it?

I like how a Democrat is suddenly worried about "national security" while you are fine with Biden and Hunter taking payouts from Ukraine and China.

But to answer the question, they were identified at one point as he took his own documents
Look, the thing is Trump took classified documents (probably not on purpose and nobody can prove it was on purpose) with him to Florida. Everyone has known of this. He has been in communication with the powers that be over it and has returned many already. The powers that be have known about it for a year and a half.
Are you sure you want to go with Trump didn't do it on purpose?

Did Trump take them to the white house residence by accident or on purpose?
I have yet to see any direct response to the real issue here….how about you?

So your thinking is if Russia sends a request for the information, we have to sent it to them under the "enemies" section of the Freedom of Information Act?

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