Breaking News: Conservatives blame Obama for earthquake

Scientists have determine Obama policies are indeed responsible for today's earthquake in Washington:

The U.S.G.S. was puzzled today by the multiple epicenters in the area surrounding the nations capitol recorded during the 5.8 magnitude earthquake.

After further investigation, it was discovered that these epicenters were focused on and around historic cemeteries and national monuments.

The cause was eventually determine to be the result of all the founding fathers spinning in their graves.
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A FoxNews poll shows that 64% of people polled that identify themselves as "Conservatives" feel that Obama is to blame for the earthquake that occurred at approximately 2:00 PM EST in Virginia.

When pressed further, respondents claimed that they felt the Obama administration was causing earthquakes to test the effectiveness of Obama-care in a crisis situation.

In a prepared statement, Congresswoman Michelle Bachman said "Shame on you President Obama, you should know better than to test your Liberal/Intellectual Elitist/Socialist/Mad Scientist Earthquake Machines on US soil!".

Conservative commentator/author Anne Coulter said, "Oh yeah, he did it, but what would you expect from a Liberal? It's well known that FDR used HIS earthquake machine back in the 30's to sabotage our recovery from the Great Depression."
Well, what else should we have expected?

Christ, all those ATM's, internet laden computers, Tea Partiers, Republicans, Arab Springs, Tsunami's, Japanese Earthquakes, Heat waves, and BAD LUCKS have placed tremendous strain on the area.

None of this would have happened if Obama was not on vacation
Per Pants Full of Macaroni!! at Fark

It is NEVER too early to blame the Communist Nazi Muslim Socialist Peacenik Elitist Dhimmicrat Man-Child Celebrity Jihadist Appeaser Usurper Dictator Manchurian-Candidate Empty-Suit Tyrant Hypocrite Non-Citizen America-Hater Arugula-Muncher Marxist Terrorist Liberal Leftist Stalinist Welfare-Statist Narcissist Islamofascist Blame-America-Firster Fearmonger Racist Atheist Kenyan Keynesian Militant Flag-Burner Gun-Grabber Union-Thug Anti-Semite Media-Darling Fifth-Columnist Black-Liberationist Abortionist Antichrist Coward Traitor Death-Panelist Evolutionist Fraudster Alinskyite Taxaholic Spendthrift Job-Killer Illegal-Alien Hip-Hop-Barbecuer Grey-Poupon-Supremacist Long-Legged Mackdaddy for anything bad that happens in America.
oh yeah he caused it!!the president has that kind of power!!remember Katrina??:eek:
I heard it wasn't an earthquake after all.

When Obama's approval number hit 38%, his ego collapsed.
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Actually, the BUSH FAULT released a lil' energy today.....The plates slipped, and the BUSH FAULT was rockin' DC!
oh yeah he caused it!!the president has that kind of power!!remember Katrina??:eek:

No wonder Jr. flew over New Orleans and didn't want to come off of vacation.

He was busy working on his hurricane generating powers.

Too bad he caused a catastrophe that his admin couldn't handle.
Editec reports ...YOU decide!

The Science and Economic Politics of the Earthquake.

Unidentified spokeman for the RNC told reporters that while they cannot prove that godless heathen scientists actually caused yesterday's earthquake by "teaching heretical geo-science to God's children," they warn that:​

"If we have any other earthquakes, anywhere on earth, in the next few days, that will prove that GOD is angry and is punishing us for being prideful and supporting teachers unions"

Unidentified spokeman for the DNC posit that the earthquake was caused by " massive income and wealth descrepancies which have destabilized the tectonic plates of North America."

One noted east coast internet publisher (who prefers not to be identified) submits that the earthquakes are: "​

".. entirely the fault of trade imbalances which could ' into the deep bosum of the ocean' bury the entire east coast of North America.

Meanwhile a bunch of boring old scientists insist that "Sometimes an earthquake is just an earthquake!"
oh yeah he caused it!!the president has that kind of power!!remember Katrina??:eek:

No wonder Jr. flew over New Orleans and didn't want to come off of vacation.

He was busy working on his hurricane generating powers.

Too bad he caused a catastrophe that his admin couldn't handle.
so you wanted the military and rescue teams to have their equipment on hand before the flooding started?? and who would have rescued the rescuers from the flood??:cuckoo::cuckoo:
It's funny that the OP is a "joke" but obviously there are haters on here who believe it...

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