BREAKING NEWS EVERYONE!!!! Another "brave" man coming out of the closet!!!!


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
All of the alphabet networks.....obsessing for this. Michael Sam, SEC football player comes out of the closet publicly.

Being praised for his "bravery."

ESPN will not stop talking about it.


University of Missouri Lineman Michael Sam Comes Out Before NFL Draft - ABC News


Clinton News Network

Michael Sam, college football star and top NFL prospect, says he's gay -


Michael Sam of Missouri Tigers says he's gay - ESPN

CBS Sports

Missouri's Michael Sam says he's gay in advance of 2014 NFL Draft -

Fox News

Michael Sam, star Missouri defensive end, comes out as gay | Fox News

He is so brave. Being praised for.....his sexual inclination.

Will he get a standing ovation?
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He'll now be treated with kid gloves. All of his teammates and coaches will be reluctant to criticize his play, in fear they'll be labeled homophobic.
He's not being called brave because he's gay, he's being called brave because he came out as a gay man in professional football. {CAUTION: I'm about to employ hyperbole in an analogy} It would be like guy telling Hitler he's a Jew.
If he doesn't get drafted as highly as HE believes he should be, now he's all set to be able to sue.
He's not being called brave because he's gay, he's being called brave because he came out as a gay man in professional football. {CAUTION: I'm about to employ hyperbole in an analogy} It would be like guy telling Hitler he's a Jew.

Are you seriously comparing the NFL to nazi germany?

The NFL is really really Diverse. In fact I would say evil white priveleged types are in the minority, so why would there be any kind of discrimination or politically incorrect thoughts going on in the NFL given how diverse it is?
He'll now be treated with kid gloves. All of his teammates and coaches will be reluctant to criticize his play, in fear they'll be labeled homophobic.

Considering a large portion of the NFL is black, and a lot of the the blacks in the NFL have very strong Christian beliefs, I am just waiting with popcorn for something to be said about this by a black christian player in a not positive light. Progressives will be stuck in a conundrum, back the brown person or the alternatively sexual person.
He'll now be treated with kid gloves. All of his teammates and coaches will be reluctant to criticize his play, in fear they'll be labeled homophobic.

Considering a large portion of the NFL is black, and a lot of the the blacks in the NFL have very strong Christian beliefs, I am just waiting with popcorn for something to be said about this by a black christian player in a not positive light. Progressives will be stuck in a conundrum, back the brown person or the alternatively sexual person.

Muslims are the highest on the liberal special status group hierarchy. They will ignore any and all acts by muslims against gays. However a black christian is lower, thus they will pay attention to it. However they will desperately want to find any homophobia coming from whites.
God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved. 32 They were fully aware of God’s death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway and encouraged others to do them, too. ROMANS 1:26-32
He's not being called brave because he's gay, he's being called brave because he came out as a gay man in professional football. {CAUTION: I'm about to employ hyperbole in an analogy} It would be like guy telling Hitler he's a Jew.

Are you seriously comparing the NFL to nazi germany?

The NFL is really really Diverse. In fact I would say evil white priveleged types are in the minority, so why would there be any kind of discrimination or politically incorrect thoughts going on in the NFL given how diverse it is?

Are you seriously going to pretend you didn't see this?

{CAUTION: I'm about to employ hyperbole in an analogy}
All of the alphabet networks.....obsessing for this. Michael Sam, SEC football player comes out of the closet publicly.

Being praised for his "bravery."

ESPN will not stop talking about it.


University of Missouri Lineman Michael Sam Comes Out Before NFL Draft - ABC News


Clinton News Network

Michael Sam, college football star and top NFL prospect, says he's gay -


Michael Sam of Missouri Tigers says he's gay - ESPN

CBS Sports

Missouri's Michael Sam says he's gay in advance of 2014 NFL Draft -

Fox News

Michael Sam, star Missouri defensive end, comes out as gay | Fox News

He is so brave. Being praised for.....his sexual inclination.

Will he get a standing ovation?

I don't share my community's sense of urgency about coming out I'm afraid. Sex is wonderful n all, but ultimately a private thing. Making it into a public spectacle is wrong. Be interesting to see a counter-movement of people 'coming out' as straight to show how ridiculous it is to make into a news item.
He's not being called brave because he's gay, he's being called brave because he came out as a gay man in professional football. {CAUTION: I'm about to employ hyperbole in an analogy} It would be like guy telling Hitler he's a Jew.


He will be better for having "come out" and anything resembling negative treatment of him will be met with Harsh Penalties from the NFL.

He's not going to be Hazed, beaten... Anything.

Nothing Brave about this but now we get to hear about the Gay all Season... Awesome.

When's Bob Costas going to sit down with him?

Those of you who Choose to Defy your Natural Design and Equipment are becoming really Tiresome at this point.

And NFL players won't see the Backlash for it.

He will do great... The average kid on a Black Team in New York where Anti-Gay Violence is on the rise by Blacks... Not so good for them.

But please, keep making your Sexual Deviancy known to everyone. :thup:


Oh shucks.

I thought Putin had finally come out.

Poor homophobes like mal and steve and gisym - face facts. They're everywhere. You might be sitting next to one right now!
The faggot made a calculated move by coming out right before the NFL draft.

Now he is assured of a place with an NFL team.

Because if he isn't picked, the screams of homophobia will be deafening. .. :doubt:
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Oh shucks.

I thought Putin had finally come out.

Poor homophobes like mal and steve and gisym - face facts. They're everywhere. You might be sitting next to one right now!

WHAT!?... There might be Gays sitting next to me right now?...


I'm pro-Civil Union and Anti-Sodomy Laws...

I am also tired of the Constant drone from the Media, Pop Culture, and now this Freshly out-of-the-closet President who can't stop talking about it.

It's every single fucking day in the news... Seriously... Every day.

You will push too hard... And in the wrong places...

Yes, that's an Analogy for the continued Dominance of the New HIV Infections in the First World and who Dominates those numbers and those Associated with them. :thup:


The faggot made a calculated move by coming out right before the NFL draft.

Now he is assured of a place with an NFL team.

Because if he isn't picked, the screams of homophobia will be deafening. .. :doubt:

How much money do you want to bet that he has already met with the Obama Administration?...

Can you imagine of there was even a hint of Bigotry Against this guy what the Response would be?...

"If I had a Gay Son, he'd look just like..."

It really has become Trite and Predictable.


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He's not being called brave because he's gay, he's being called brave because he came out as a gay man in professional football. {CAUTION: I'm about to employ hyperbole in an analogy} It would be like guy telling Hitler he's a Jew.

As brave as a Jew telling Hitler he is Jewish......

Oh dear Lord what are these left wing sheep being taught?

He's not being called brave because he's gay, he's being called brave because he came out as a gay man in professional football. {CAUTION: I'm about to employ hyperbole in an analogy} It would be like guy telling Hitler he's a Jew.

As brave as a Jew telling Hitler he is Jewish......

Oh dear Lord what are these left wing sheep being taught?


It's amazing that "she" can compare the lack of Embracement of her Sexual Deviancy by every single person in Society to Hitler's Ovens...

And this is yet another example of how they will push to far. :thup:



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