BREAKING NEWS EVERYONE!!!! Another "brave" man coming out of the closet!!!!

He'll be drafted. Several players and coaches will be interviewed saying it's no big deal, he's part of the team, as long as he can play, etc. The Costasholes of the world will jabber about it for a while, then it will fade as an issue and he will either succeed or fail based on what he can do on the field.

I reckon.
He'll be drafted. Several players and coaches will be interviewed saying it's no big deal, he's part of the team, as long as he can play, etc. The Costasholes of the world will jabber about it for a while, then it will fade as an issue and he will either succeed or fail based on what he can do on the field.

I reckon.

I dunno... Many players are quite outspoken about their anti-gay views. I don't think an openly gay player would be welcomed. I doubt coaches would want to be second guessed about every decision either. Gay player doesn't work out - is the kid a bust or is it homophobia? Gay player doesn't start - isn't the kid good enough or is some homophobe holding him back? Gay player starts - is he really good or is it the coach is afraid to bench him because he'll be labeled a homophobe? If I was in charge of drafting for a club, I'd avoid this guy unless his talent was so high that it outweighed all the negatives.
He'll be drafted. Several players and coaches will be interviewed saying it's no big deal, he's part of the team, as long as he can play, etc. The Costasholes of the world will jabber about it for a while, then it will fade as an issue and he will either succeed or fail based on what he can do on the field.

I reckon.

I dunno... Many players are quite outspoken about their anti-gay views. I don't think an openly gay player would be welcomed. I doubt coaches would want to be second guessed about every decision either. Gay player doesn't work out - is the kid a bust or is it homophobia? Gay player doesn't start - isn't the kid good enough or is some homophobe holding him back? Gay player starts - is he really good or is it the coach is afraid to bench him because he'll be labeled a homophobe? If I was in charge of drafting for a club, I'd avoid this guy unless his talent was so high that it outweighed all the negatives.

Most teams would accept him just fine, and performance on the field is there for all the world to see. No need to wonder about motive. It is highly likely that there already have been a number of gay players in the NFL, and it is highly likely that some or all of their teammates were aware of it. If a player can help a team win, who the hell cares?
Will he be able to play in the NFL...
If he can he plays.
If he can't he will be cut.

That's the issue.

Yeah, right.

He's not being called brave because he's gay, he's being called brave because he came out as a gay man in professional football. {CAUTION: I'm about to employ hyperbole in an analogy} It would be like guy telling Hitler he's a Jew.

or someone like me telling fellow Democrats I'm a Constitutionalist
and the ACA is anti-choice and unconstitutional.

Oops wait, that's not considered brave or speaking truth.

That's called "you must be a Republican."
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Apparently, his team mates knew back in August. And, didn't care. Neither do most other people.

Just like we've seen before, those who are comfortable with their own sexuality know that what other consenting adults do is none of their business and they just don't care.

Those who are terrified they're gay themselves will be terrified of a gay football player.
Apparently, his team mates knew back in August. And, didn't care. Neither do most other people.

Just like we've seen before, those who are comfortable with their own sexuality know that what other consenting adults do is none of their business and they just don't care.

Those who are terrified they're gay themselves will be terrified of a gay football player.

???? Really Luddly
is this how social psychology works?

Are you so adverse to conservative Republicans
because you are TERRIFIED you could secretly agree with them?

I did ask Steve Stockman on air, what if all parties were required to pay for their own agenda and programs. And he said all Democrats would become Republicans overnight.

Is that what you fear most, Luddly?

If you were comfortable with your political views
would you be okay just minding your own business
and letting others do the same as consenting adults?

If not, if you FEAR that "opposing views will be imposed on yours"
and this is why you fight back with rejection of others,

is THAT why they do the same?
they fear YOUR opposing views will get imposed on THEM
so that is why they fear you as much as you fear them?

is it FEAR that you disagree or FEAR that you agree?

I've heard the theory that the reason Republicans fear the ACA so much
is they are afraid it would work and they would have to agree it saves resources?

Is this equally true of liberals who are afraid of Conservative Christians.
That if spiritual healing really DOES work to cure diseases for FREE
(and also can heal homosexuality) then those Christians could be RIGHT

Oh no!

Is that the worst fear of liberals and atheists?
What if those Christians were right, and we were wrong to accuse and reject them?
What if science does prove spiritual healing works and allows universal health care?

Horrors! What will this lead to by mandating universal coverage?
Have we opened the door to prolife and prochristian practices to take
over prisons and health care, so we CAN afford to care for all the populations?
Curing crime and disease so people don't fear poverty and depend on govt to save them?

What a nightmare!

BTW Luddly sorry if I mess with you too much!
you seem to be very committed to your convictions so I hope it's okay to push
I found your responses on the Bullring very helpful and tried to reply
I appreciate that very much!
can I ask your help to follow up on that and I will do the same
Thanks Luddly lemme know if it's okay to mess with you like this!
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Any nfl team that has low moral standards will pay a high price.

Beware of judging by appearances.
When Jesus kept company with prostitutes and lowlifes, he felt some of them were more repentant and humble than the pharisees in the temples who judged themselves closer to God.

It is not our righteousness that determines this.
For NONE is perfectly righteous but Jesus Christ.

What makes us inseparable from God's love is forgiveness
because this opens the door to correction and perfection in Christ.

You can have all the appearances of being right, but if you are not forgiving of others,
then you miss the point of why we are saved in Christ Jesus.

When we forgive one another, then God's will comes in and makes all things right.
Agreement in Christ can't happen if we are too busy judging in division with each other.
We let that go first, and Christ enters our relationships for healing and correction.
All of the alphabet networks.....obsessing for this. Michael Sam, SEC football player comes out of the closet publicly.

Being praised for his "bravery."

ESPN will not stop talking about it.


University of Missouri Lineman Michael Sam Comes Out Before NFL Draft - ABC News


Clinton News Network

Michael Sam, college football star and top NFL prospect, says he's gay -


Michael Sam of Missouri Tigers says he's gay - ESPN

CBS Sports

Missouri's Michael Sam says he's gay in advance of 2014 NFL Draft -

Fox News

Michael Sam, star Missouri defensive end, comes out as gay | Fox News

He is so brave. Being praised for.....his sexual inclination.

Will he get a standing ovation?

I just spit in the corner and kept moving.. I thought there was news of importance

He'll be drafted. Several players and coaches will be interviewed saying it's no big deal, he's part of the team, as long as he can play, etc. The Costasholes of the world will jabber about it for a while, then it will fade as an issue and he will either succeed or fail based on what he can do on the field.

I reckon.

Yeah, and they imported ample amounts of stashed 'Pope on a Rope' because dropping the soap in the showers suddenly has taken on a new meaning

Tweet from the First Lady.....

The great Michelle Obama to Mike Sam....

"You're an inspiration to all of us. We couldn't be prouder of your courage both on and off the field." -mo
10:21 AM - 10 Feb 2014

Now, how exactly is he an inspiration to us all? For coming out of the closet? I could see if we were talking about succeeding at division I football in the SEC and thriving.

However, I do not think she was referring to that.

So, what is so inspirational about this?
Tweet from the First Lady.....

The great Michelle Obama to Mike Sam....

"You're an inspiration to all of us. We couldn't be prouder of your courage both on and off the field." -mo
10:21 AM - 10 Feb 2014

Now, how exactly is he an inspiration to us all? For coming out of the closet? I could see if we were talking about succeeding at division I football in the SEC and thriving.

However, I do not think she was referring to that.

So, what is so inspirational about this?

Are people who are into Multiple Sex Partners supposed to be Applauded and Congratulated by the First Lady of the United States if they come out and Announce it to the World?...

WTF is wrong with these people and what are they putting in their Followers Kool-Aid?...



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