Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

under Trump, we are sicker, poorer, and more divided than ever before.

but there is hope for america, and that hope is...JOE!
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

Who the hell gives a crap about Flynn, it will be the absolute clusterfuck with covid by Cheetolini till election day, guy such a moron, china created virus, were able to control it and their economy back in track, cheetolini has made a fiasco of the outbreak in usa with 1.3 million cases, 77,000 deaths, worst by far in world and counting, with economy in the crapper...

All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

Lol you dumbasses will take any small victory you can get.
That's quite a big victory, especially considering the way all you TDS morons have been crowing about his conviction for the last couple of years.

It's called WINNING!, which is something that constantly eludes them!!
Who’d have thought that our “law and order” Republican USMB members would celebrate this obvious miscarriage of justice?

The man pleaded guilty. The charges don’t get dropped very often after a guilty plea.

But this is the Trump era. Things are different now.

The charges don’t get dropped very often after a guilty plea.

We don't see this much prosecutorial abuse very often either.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
Flynn is not going to be confirmed by the Senate for anything. Ironically he had been Trump's national sec advisor, and that job doesn't need senate confirmation.

The republicans still control the senate. Mitch McConnell is working on confirming a judge that the ABA said wasn't qualified to be a judge. And now Mitch is going to get him onto the court of appeals by a straight party line vote.
Imo there is a significant minority of gop senators who distrust Flynn, and with good reason, for any position requiring confirmation. His temperament is suspect, and that was why Bolton was never confirmed. Flynn's already shown ready to break laws for his own financial benefit. And at the heart of all that is his actions confirm his intelligence superiors concerns that while his intelligence gather is unsurpassed, he lacks the ability see how all facts interconnect with each other, so for example, what's happening in Russia affects Syria and both affect Iran and Iraq and all affect Saudi Arabia …..

I don't see any purpose to put him in jail though.

For a second there, I thought you were gonna say lock him up for his temperament.
You came close, but didn't.....:backpedal:
Elliot Abrams, bob Mcfarland, Sandy Berger, John Poindexter, …...
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

Lol you dumbasses will take any small victory you can get.
That's quite a big victory, especially considering the way all you TDS morons have been crowing about his conviction for the last couple of years.

It's called WINNING!, which is something that constantly eludes them!!
Every time they get kicked in the teeth they just whine that it's justification for more investigation.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?
Flynn is not going to be confirmed by the Senate for anything. Ironically he had been Trump's national sec advisor, and that job doesn't need senate confirmation.

The republicans still control the senate. Mitch McConnell is working on confirming a judge that the ABA said wasn't qualified to be a judge. And now Mitch is going to get him onto the court of appeals by a straight party line vote.
Imo there is a significant minority of gop senators who distrust Flynn, and with good reason, for any position requiring confirmation. His temperament is suspect, and that was why Bolton was never confirmed. Flynn's already shown ready to break laws for his own financial benefit. And at the heart of all that is his actions confirm his intelligence superiors concerns that while his intelligence gather is unsurpassed, he lacks the ability see how all facts interconnect with each other, so for example, what's happening in Russia affects Syria and both affect Iran and Iraq and all affect Saudi Arabia …..

I don't see any purpose to put him in jail though.

For a second there, I thought you were gonna say lock him up for his temperament.
You came close, but didn't.....:backpedal:
Elliot Abrams, bob Mcfarland, Sandy Berger, John Poindexter, …...

Are you trying to make some kind of unrelated coherent point?
Flynn is not going to be confirmed by the Senate for anything. Ironically he had been Trump's national sec advisor, and that job doesn't need senate confirmation.

It's a sad tale of a guy who very possibly was the US's best intelligence officer on middle east terrorism, but he seemed to contradict himself on Islam (not hard to do since the terrorists aren't motivated by actual religion so much as military domination, and not all muslims want military domination, but the terrorists themselves cloak their legitimacy in religion). He was dismissed by the intelligence community for an inability to see "the big picture." And it made him resentful and an outsider.

Personally, I never had any interest in seeing him in jail. Hopefully Sullivan will just let his conviction stand and sentence him to time served, and if Trump wants to give the guy a pardon …. whatever.
Yeah, and they knew he could expose everything they had been up to in that position. They had to get rid of him.
Who’d have thought that our “law and order” Republican USMB members would celebrate this obvious miscarriage of justice?

The man pleaded guilty. The charges don’t get dropped very often after a guilty plea.

But this is the Trump era. Things are different now.

The charges don’t get dropped very often after a guilty plea.

We don't see this much prosecutorial abuse very often either.
Barr's more political oriented than Mueller ever was, but while Flynn was strong armed (extorted) to enter the plea, he nevertheless stated under penalty of perjury he was guilty of ….. wait for it …. wait for it...…
Gee, withholding of exculpatory evidence isn’t legal is it? Funny how libtards here simply ignore that little FACT.

Actually the Supreme Court already ruled that the right to exculpatory evidence is discoverable for trial only, and overturned the 9th circuit when they tried to apply it to a plea bargain.
Flynn is not going to be confirmed by the Senate for anything. Ironically he had been Trump's national sec advisor, and that job doesn't need senate confirmation.

The republicans still control the senate. Mitch McConnell is working on confirming a judge that the ABA said wasn't qualified to be a judge. And now Mitch is going to get him onto the court of appeals by a straight party line vote.
Imo there is a significant minority of gop senators who distrust Flynn, and with good reason, for any position requiring confirmation. His temperament is suspect, and that was why Bolton was never confirmed. Flynn's already shown ready to break laws for his own financial benefit. And at the heart of all that is his actions confirm his intelligence superiors concerns that while his intelligence gather is unsurpassed, he lacks the ability see how all facts interconnect with each other, so for example, what's happening in Russia affects Syria and both affect Iran and Iraq and all affect Saudi Arabia …..

I don't see any purpose to put him in jail though.

For a second there, I thought you were gonna say lock him up for his temperament.
You came close, but didn't.....:backpedal:
Elliot Abrams, bob Mcfarland, Sandy Berger, John Poindexter, …...

Are you trying to make some kind of unrelated coherent point?
only to the coherent, which excludes you
Shifty Schiff is now going after Barr!

NOPE, Shifty has his own problems! Must be a coincidence that this came our yesterday. The release of documents Schiff has been trying to stonewall for THREE YEARS, are coming to light!

All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

Lol you dumbasses will take any small victory you can get.
Small victory? You guys keep losing. The only problem is, you guys just keep stiring up shit and we are always on defense. This administration needs to pull out all stops and just crush you into the dust. Hopefully thatll happen in the next 4 years.
Who’d have thought that our “law and order” Republican USMB members would celebrate this obvious miscarriage of justice?

The man pleaded guilty. The charges don’t get dropped very often after a guilty plea.

But this is the Trump era. Things are different now.

The charges don’t get dropped very often after a guilty plea.

We don't see this much prosecutorial abuse very often either.

Gee, withholding of exculpatory evidence isn’t legal is it? Funny how libtards here simply ignore that little FACT.

Actually the Supreme Court already ruled that the right to exculpatory evidence is discoverable for trial only, and overturned the 9th circuit when they tried to apply it to a plea bargain.
I'd forgotten that but yeah. A defendant knows whether he's guilty. But in reality, the State could continue prosecuting until a guy just pled to something to make it stop. And in Flynn's case, the govt just prosecuted him to bankruptcy, and then promised to go easy if he'd spill the borsht on Trump, but then Flynn decided to try and avoid cooperating.

At that point, Tony Soprano brings out the bolt cutters (-:

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