Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

Another rigged game that we called an injustice hoax right from the beginning and were of course right sgain
Libbies need to stop trying to turn Americans into a bunch of frightened, simpering hoax addicts of failure just like Hillary, Stormy. Russians, Kavanaugh, Ukraine, impeachment and now Covid.
That’s a laundry list of failure with Covid eventually being diagnosed as yet another one
I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

Lol you dumbasses will take any small victory you can get.
That's quite a big victory, especially considering the way all you TDS morons have been crowing about his conviction for the last couple of years.

It's called WINNING!, which is something that constantly eludes them!!
Every time they get kicked in the teeth they just whine that it's justification for more investigation.

Well, that's just what law-breaking LOSER'S usually do.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

It means you have no concept of the federal justice system.
Judges do not have to listen to the prosecutors.
Never heard of a judge continuing a case after the prosecution drops the charges. What is the trial about if there are no charges? Can you show me this law that says the prosecution can't drop the charges or that a judge can continue a case after they have been dropped?
Gee, withholding of exculpatory evidence isn’t legal is it? Funny how libtards here simply ignore that little FACT.

Actually the Supreme Court already ruled that the right to exculpatory evidence is discoverable for trial only, and overturned the 9th circuit when they tried to apply it to a plea bargain.
What is that supposed to mean, guilty please are valid even though the trial was a sham?

You're a fucking moron.
Flynn is not going to be confirmed by the Senate for anything. Ironically he had been Trump's national sec advisor, and that job doesn't need senate confirmation.

The republicans still control the senate. Mitch McConnell is working on confirming a judge that the ABA said wasn't qualified to be a judge. And now Mitch is going to get him onto the court of appeals by a straight party line vote.
Imo there is a significant minority of gop senators who distrust Flynn, and with good reason, for any position requiring confirmation. His temperament is suspect, and that was why Bolton was never confirmed. Flynn's already shown ready to break laws for his own financial benefit. And at the heart of all that is his actions confirm his intelligence superiors concerns that while his intelligence gather is unsurpassed, he lacks the ability see how all facts interconnect with each other, so for example, what's happening in Russia affects Syria and both affect Iran and Iraq and all affect Saudi Arabia …..

I don't see any purpose to put him in jail though.

For a second there, I thought you were gonna say lock him up for his temperament.
You came close, but didn't.....:backpedal:
Elliot Abrams, bob Mcfarland, Sandy Berger, John Poindexter, …...

Are you trying to make some kind of unrelated coherent point?
only to the coherent, which excludes you

Each individual case rises or falls due to their own unique merits or lack of.
This one has justifiably fallen, cooter.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.

I have yet to meet a father who would allow his son to be thrown in prison by criminals.
- Bill Clinton rejected his illegitimate son, yeah....
- Hunter Biden is a drug-using, alcoholic, adulterous, treasonous dead-beat dad,,,yeah

But Flynn was not going to let these scumbags throw his son in prison
This Flynn case has not been dropped. It has to be decided by a judge.
wow - de nile all the way to these forums.

how cute.

so you're saying reuters and all these major news outlets are lying.

you keep that blankie close. you're going to need it.
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.

I have yet to meet a father who would allow his son to be thrown in prison by criminals.
- Bill Clinton rejected his illegitimate son, yeah....
- Hunter Biden is a drug-using, alcoholic, adulterous, treasonous dead-beat dad,,,yeah

But Flynn was not going to let these scumbags throw his son in prison
This Flynn case has not been dropped. It has to be decided by a judge.
By Emmitt Sullivan and the likelihood he doesn’t, seeing as the prosecution withheld evidence from him and Flynn’s attorneys, I seriously doubt he wouldn’t.
DOJ recommended to drop. So far that is all.
They didn't "reccomend" anything. They are the party with the authority to drop a case.
The snowflakes on this board are doing their damnedest to spin overwhelming, undeniable evidence that the FBI set up Flynn. Comey even admitted he did it.

Its over. The released documents were the nail in their proverbial coffins.

Flynn is free, and the real criminals had better lawyer up because they are in deep shit.
I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.

And be sure that the Dimm captured media will be drilling this narrative every which way the 'fake news' can!
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?
What the fuck is this supposed to be about?
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
Coerced guilty pleas are not valid, & judges hate to be lied to / conned. Sullivan pretty much has no other choice, especially when withheld memos / evidence shows the FBI FOUND no evidence of crimes and recommended closing the case before Comey and Strzok set Flynn up.
I knew I smelled a rat (Billy the Bagman) when I saw this.

Top prosecutor in Flynn case abruptly withdraws amid Trump attacks

The slow moving constitutional crisis caused by the corruption of the DOJ rolls on.

Trump must have ordered this because it is more politically palatable, giving Don cover, than a pardon.

The word is now out. If you commit a crime, confess to it, but stay loyal to Capt.'ll receive a get out of jail free card.

We are officially a banana republic.

Dems, get your barf bags ready, the lies about the case from Team Trump are about to ramp up in earnest.

The slow moving constitutional crisis caused by the corruption of the DOJ rolls on.

I agree, we need to indict some of the corrupt Obama DOJ'ers.
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?
What the fuck is this supposed to be about?

They say, it's okay not to be okay.....:cuckoo:.

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