Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

I wouldn't start celebrating just yet.

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace reported Thursday that three former Justice Department officials, all Republicans, doubted that Judge Emmet Sullivan would be quick to dismiss the case against former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn even if the DOJ has decided not to prosecute.

They said “that this was a lie told to Vice President Mike Pence that they knew was a lie because Mike Flynn’s conversations with Sergey Kislyak were on intercepts, the kinds of things the intelligence community listens to, not because they’re listening for Mike Flynn, but because they’re listening to people like Ambassador Kislyak. It was that lie to the vice president that got Mike Flynn on the radar of law enforcement. Mike Flynn lied to the FBI and affirmed that admission that he’d lied to the FBI as late as 2019, according to one former Justice Department official.”

According to Wallace’s sources, those facts may give Judge Sullivan some “pause.”

In an earlier conversation, former federal prosecutor Chuck Rosenberg explained that very few federal judges are “pushovers,” recalled MSNBC’s Brian Williams. Judge Sullivan was appointed by former President George W. Bush.

Williams also noted that looking at social media he discovered that there were Russian flags and Russian memes being posted congratulating Flynn.

“Putin, if you’re listening, high-five your asset,” Williams quoted the first thing he saw on Twitter about the Flynn news.

Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to “let Flynn go,” began part of a long investigation into the president’s attempt to cover up the administration’s link to Russia. Wallace said that it’s clear Trump finally found someone who would see to it that Flynn was “let go” in Bill Barr.

The New York Times reported that Trump was prepping pardons for Flynn and friend Roger Stone as late as last week.

Just remember, Flynn pled guilty, and the judge does not have to take Barrs suggestion.
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?

Another fraud
Why heck Azog, pardon the hell out of me. I've only been out since 97. Hate to forget an acronym. Doesn't mean I have to send these monthly retirement payments back does it? I haven't had any more of that training since the late 80s or early 90s tops.
I've been out of the military since 1974 and that kind of shit I still remember and will never forget. Could you maybe be especially stupid or are you a fraud? It's gotta be one or the other so which is it?
Go with stupid if it means that much to you. Did not go through a qualification course or one that authorized a badge, but it is incorporated into everything from soldiers manual common tasks training to basic, AIT, AOB, AOAC. Most likely the same in any other combat arm field. None that I remember in CNGSC as it was not branch specific.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

Lol you dumbasses will take any small victory you can get.
Small victory? That's right bitch but this is just the continuation of the very lonnnnng LOSING streak for your dumb asses and before it's over your whores will be in the slammer or out on their asses. And you will be even a bigger LOSER!
Hey guess what idiot? Flynn getting off the hook doesn’t somehow undo the entire enormous evidence about Russia’s conspiracy altogether. You do get this is way beyond just Flynn right?
I don't think there's much of a showing of "conspiracy." Russia may have "groomed" Trump's social media/digital campaign though. But that's Off Topic
Flynn is not going to be confirmed by the Senate for anything. Ironically he had been Trump's national sec advisor, and that job doesn't need senate confirmation.

It's a sad tale of a guy who very possibly was the US's best intelligence officer on middle east terrorism, but he seemed to contradict himself on Islam (not hard to do since the terrorists aren't motivated by actual religion so much as military domination, and not all muslims want military domination, but the terrorists themselves cloak their legitimacy in religion). He was dismissed by the intelligence community for an inability to see "the big picture." And it made him resentful and an outsider.

Personally, I never had any interest in seeing him in jail. Hopefully Sullivan will just let his conviction stand and sentence him to time served, and if Trump wants to give the guy a pardon …. whatever.
"Dismissed by the intelligence community?" You mean he was dismissed by Comey, Brennan and Clapper, don't you? Whenever a TDS moron uses the term "intelligence community," you know what follows is a load of horseshit.

Apparently you don't understand that his conviction is null and void.
so its not only trump that can lie through his false teeth and get by with it, its anyone who lies , breaks the law, waiting for prison can get by with WHATEVER too -

karma is going to bite these cocksuckers in their winning ass so gd hard one day -

All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

Lol you dumbasses will take any small victory you can get.
Small victory? That's right bitch but this is just the continuation of the very lonnnnng LOSING streak for your dumb asses and before it's over your whores will be in the slammer or out on their asses. And you will be even a bigger LOSER!
Hey guess what idiot? Flynn getting off the hook doesn’t somehow undo the entire enormous evidence about Russia’s conspiracy altogether. You do get this is way beyond just Flynn right?
There never was any evidence, moron.
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?

Another fraud
Why heck Azog, pardon the hell out of me. I've only been out since 97. Hate to forget an acronym. Doesn't mean I have to send these monthly retirement payments back does it? I haven't had any more of that training since the late 80s or early 90s tops.
Sorry man. You need to send em back. He he
Flynn is not going to be confirmed by the Senate for anything. Ironically he had been Trump's national sec advisor, and that job doesn't need senate confirmation.

The republicans still control the senate. Mitch McConnell is working on confirming a judge that the ABA said wasn't qualified to be a judge. And now Mitch is going to get him onto the court of appeals by a straight party line vote.
Imo there is a significant minority of gop senators who distrust Flynn, and with good reason, for any position requiring confirmation. His temperament is suspect, and that was why Bolton was never confirmed. Flynn's already shown ready to break laws for his own financial benefit. And at the heart of all that is his actions confirm his intelligence superiors concerns that while his intelligence gather is unsurpassed, he lacks the ability see how all facts interconnect with each other, so for example, what's happening in Russia affects Syria and both affect Iran and Iraq and all affect Saudi Arabia …..

I don't see any purpose to put him in jail though.

For a second there, I thought you were gonna say lock him up for his temperament.
You came close, but didn't.....:backpedal:
You’re a moron. You are happy that a man who pleaded guilty is getting off. Good for you.

Flynn committed perjury by pleading guilty. Trump needs to pardon Flynn to keep him from being prosecuted should he lose the election.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

Lol you dumbasses will take any small victory you can get.

We always take what we can....

Who’d have thought that our “law and order” Republican USMB members would celebrate this obvious miscarriage of justice?

The man pleaded guilty. The charges don’t get dropped very often after a guilty plea.

But this is the Trump era. Things are different now.
Gee, withholding of exculpatory evidence isn’t legal is it? Funny how libtards here simply ignore that little FACT. As well as the documented misconduct by the FBI. This may well be just the start. Comey may start making plans to flee the country.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
The DOJ certainly cannot undo that.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

Lol you dumbasses will take any small victory you can get.
Small victory? That's right bitch but this is just the continuation of the very lonnnnng LOSING streak for your dumb asses and before it's over your whores will be in the slammer or out on their asses. And you will be even a bigger LOSER!
Hey guess what idiot? Flynn getting off the hook doesn’t somehow undo the entire enormous evidence about Russia’s conspiracy altogether. You do get this is way beyond just Flynn right?

Flynn getting off the hook doesn’t somehow undo the entire enormous evidence about Russia’s conspiracy altogether.

No kidding!

Which Russian meme got you to vote for Trump?

Post it here, so we can compile MORE evidence.
so its not only trump that can lie through his false teeth and get by with it, its anyone who lies , breaks the law, waiting for prison can get by with WHATEVER too -

karma is going to bite these cocksuckers in their winning ass so gd hard one day -

You mean like Hillary? Comey? McCage? Strozk? Page? Yates? Brennan, Clapper?, Ohr?
I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....

I hope Flynn is at least made whole. He was going into bankruptcy from what I understand. He needs to hit them hard and grab the cash they owe him.
Flynn is not going to be confirmed by the Senate for anything. Ironically he had been Trump's national sec advisor, and that job doesn't need senate confirmation.

The republicans still control the senate. Mitch McConnell is working on confirming a judge that the ABA said wasn't qualified to be a judge. And now Mitch is going to get him onto the court of appeals by a straight party line vote.

Mitch McConnell is working on confirming a judge that the ABA said wasn't qualified to be a judge.

Who made the ABA king?

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