Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?

What the fuck does that have to do with his son being threatened?
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?

Another fraud
Why heck Azog, pardon the hell out of me. I've only been out since 97. Hate to forget an acronym. Doesn't mean I have to send these monthly retirement payments back does it? I haven't had any more of that training since the late 80s or early 90s tops.
Does anyone think it is a coincidence that both of these things happened within hours? It has taken THREE YEARS to get these documents and notes from Rep. Adam Schiff released.

Published 18 hours ago [5/6/2020]
Sources say Russia probe transcripts affirm officials came up empty on collusion: 'Schiff is in panic mode'
By Brooke Singman | Fox News

EXCLUSIVE: Transcripts of House Intelligence Committee interviews that have been cleared for release show top law enforcement and intelligence officials affirming they had no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, senior administration and intelligence community officials told Fox News on Wednesday.

“Schiff is in panic mode,” a senior administration official told Fox News.

Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?

Another fraud

Good catch!!!
I cant stand these stolen valor assholes.
I know now to never believe anything he posts.
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?

Another fraud
Why heck Azog, pardon the hell out of me. I've only been out since 97. Hate to forget an acronym. Doesn't mean I have to send these monthly retirement payments back does it? I haven't had any more of that training since the late 80s or early 90s tops.

You were just thinking about cooking a steak right? :laughing0301:
Flynn is not going to be confirmed by the Senate for anything. Ironically he had been Trump's national sec advisor, and that job doesn't need senate confirmation.

It's a sad tale of a guy who very possibly was the US's best intelligence officer on middle east terrorism, but he seemed to contradict himself on Islam (not hard to do since the terrorists aren't motivated by actual religion so much as military domination, and not all muslims want military domination, but the terrorists themselves cloak their legitimacy in religion). He was dismissed by the intelligence community for an inability to see "the big picture." And it made him resentful and an outsider.

Personally, I never had any interest in seeing him in jail. Hopefully Sullivan will just let his conviction stand and sentence him to time served, and if Trump wants to give the guy a pardon …. whatever.
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?

Another fraud

Good catch!!!
I cant stand these stolen valor assholes.
I know now to never believe anything he posts.
FU. Which branch did you serve with? If you did, were you combat arms or support?
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.

I have yet to meet a father who would allow his son to be thrown in prison by criminals.
- Bill Clinton rejected his illegitimate son, yeah....
- Hunter Biden is a drug-using, alcoholic, adulterous, treasonous dead-beat dad,,,yeah

But Flynn was not going to let these scumbags throw his son in prison
This Flynn case has not been dropped. It has to be decided by a judge.
Have you ever heard the phrase it's all over except for the screaming and shouting? Well it's all over now dumbass. Any judge who would rule against this would be looking jail time square the eye for themself.
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.

I have yet to meet a father who would allow his son to be thrown in prison by criminals.
- Bill Clinton rejected his illegitimate son, yeah....
- Hunter Biden is a drug-using, alcoholic, adulterous, treasonous dead-beat dad,,,yeah

But Flynn was not going to let these scumbags throw his son in prison
This Flynn case has not been dropped. It has to be decided by a judge.
wow - de nile all the way to these forums.

how cute.

so you're saying reuters and all these major news outlets are lying.

you keep that blankie close. you're going to need it.
No denile. That is your expertise. Read farther in instead of jumping off the proverbial cliff.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

Not surprising that someone appointed by Barr would try to protect Trump and his supporters. You seem to ignore the answer to that question. "what is our goal?" I'm sure you haven't gone any further than that quote before setting your hair on fire, but the response was to "play it by the book"
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?

Another fraud
Why heck Azog, pardon the hell out of me. I've only been out since 97. Hate to forget an acronym. Doesn't mean I have to send these monthly retirement payments back does it? I haven't had any more of that training since the late 80s or early 90s tops.
I've been out of the military since 1974 and that kind of shit I still remember and will never forget. Could you maybe be especially stupid or are you a fraud? It's gotta be one or the other so which is it?
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?

Another fraud

Good catch!!!
I cant stand these stolen valor assholes.
I know now to never believe anything he posts.
FU. Which branch did you serve with? If you did, were you combat arms or support?

Felt no need.
Already had a good job when hostilities broke out in Iraq and I was 38 years old.

And no way in hell someone forgets something that important in their life.

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