Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.

I have yet to meet a father who would allow his son to be thrown in prison by criminals.
- Bill Clinton rejected his illegitimate son, yeah....
- Hunter Biden is a drug-using, alcoholic, adulterous, treasonous dead-beat dad,,,yeah

But Flynn was not going to let these scumbags throw his son in prison
This Flynn case has not been dropped. It has to be decided by a judge.
According to the reports posted on here, it was dropped, and the other crime he admitted to, never prosecuted. To tell the truth, it was not even adjudicated dropped with prejudice so that cannot be tried, unless I missed something, although I highly doubt it will be. I really wonder if he is going to sue his first legal team for failing to give responsible legal counsel in his defense. before he and they signed his guilty plea. With this outcome, I sure wouldn't pay them.
Trump should fire Wray and appoint Flynn as head of the FBI. Heads will........

BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.

I have yet to meet a father who would allow his son to be thrown in prison by criminals.
- Bill Clinton rejected his illegitimate son, yeah....
- Hunter Biden is a drug-using, alcoholic, adulterous, treasonous dead-beat dad,,,yeah

But Flynn was not going to let these scumbags throw his son in prison
This Flynn case has not been dropped. It has to be decided by a judge.
wow - de nile all the way to these forums.

how cute.

so you're saying reuters and all these major news outlets are lying.

you keep that blankie close. you're going to need it.
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.

I have yet to meet a father who would allow his son to be thrown in prison by criminals.
- Bill Clinton rejected his illegitimate son, yeah....
- Hunter Biden is a drug-using, alcoholic, adulterous, treasonous dead-beat dad,,,yeah

But Flynn was not going to let these scumbags throw his son in prison
This Flynn case has not been dropped. It has to be decided by a judge.
By Emmitt Sullivan and the likelihood he doesn’t, seeing as the prosecution withheld evidence from him and Flynn’s attorneys, I seriously doubt he wouldn’t.
DOJ recommended to drop. So far that is all.
Prosecutors withheld evidence from Trial Judge Emmett Sullivan for three years. Defense attorneys said prosecutors falsified, withheld, suppressed and lost their evidence too. Over 6300 pages of evidence withheld. Such as FBI officials originally stated they didn’t think Flynn had lied, then turned around and framed him by falsifying documents, and threats.
Now they need to charge him for conspiracy to kidnap for his role in trying to plan out kidnapping the Turkish cleric in PA with his son. View attachment 333222
All innuendo. If they could have thrown that at him, they would have. They wanted to take him down for good and the most they could come up with was doctoring documents stating originally they didn’t think he was lying to he did lie. Losing his original 302 until just recently.
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.

I have yet to meet a father who would allow his son to be thrown in prison by criminals.
- Bill Clinton rejected his illegitimate son, yeah....
- Hunter Biden is a drug-using, alcoholic, adulterous, treasonous dead-beat dad,,,yeah

But Flynn was not going to let these scumbags throw his son in prison
This Flynn case has not been dropped. It has to be decided by a judge.
According to the reports posted on here, it was dropped, and the other crime he admitted to, never prosecuted. To tell the truth, it was not even adjudicated dropped with prejudice so that cannot be tried, unless I missed something, although I highly doubt it will be. I really wonder if he is going to sue his first legal team for failing to give responsible legal counsel in his defense. before he and they signed his guilty plea. With this outcome, I sure wouldn't pay them.
This should help :

"The bombshell court filing asking U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss the case bore the signature of only one prosecutor: U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Timothy Shea, a former Barr aide named to the post in January."

"The dismissal of the case is subject to Sullivan's approval, but the Justice Department's filing Thursday suggested that should be more or less a formality. It would be extraordinary for a judge to order prosecutors to proceed with a case they are seeking to drop."

Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?
Honey, sorry some actually care about their families and will do whatever they have to to preserve it.
And of course VP Pence said he knew nothing for 18 days. Lying is so prevalent in this admin it makes heads spin.
Now they need to charge him for conspiracy to kidnap for his role in trying to plan out kidnapping the Turkish cleric in PA with his son. View attachment 333222
All innuendo. If they could have thrown that at him, they would have. They wanted to take him down for good and the most they could come up with was doctoring documents stating originally they didn’t think he was lying to he did lie. Losing his original 302 until just recently.

You think a simple lying to the FBI is more serious than conspiracy to commit kidnapping with a foreign country?
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.
You think your way. I'll think my way. God help us if the wrong General falls into enemy hands on the battlefield if you evaluations of Generals holds true. Ever had and SEAR training? I have. He has. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he taught it and went so far as to get waterboarded, just to know what it is like. What branch of the military did you serve in, again?

Another fraud
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.

I have yet to meet a father who would allow his son to be thrown in prison by criminals.
- Bill Clinton rejected his illegitimate son, yeah....
- Hunter Biden is a drug-using, alcoholic, adulterous, treasonous dead-beat dad,,,yeah

But Flynn was not going to let these scumbags throw his son in prison
This Flynn case has not been dropped. It has to be decided by a judge.
According to the reports posted on here, it was dropped, and the other crime he admitted to, never prosecuted. To tell the truth, it was not even adjudicated dropped with prejudice so that cannot be tried, unless I missed something, although I highly doubt it will be. I really wonder if he is going to sue his first legal team for failing to give responsible legal counsel in his defense. before he and they signed his guilty plea. With this outcome, I sure wouldn't pay them.
This should help :

"The bombshell court filing asking U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss the case bore the signature of only one prosecutor: U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Timothy Shea, a former Barr aide named to the post in January."

"The dismissal of the case is subject to Sullivan's approval, but the Justice Department's filing Thursday suggested that should be more or less a formality. It would be extraordinary for a judge to order prosecutors to proceed with a case they are seeking to drop."

The FBI leadership was as disgusting as Hillary.
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.

I have yet to meet a father who would allow his son to be thrown in prison by criminals.
- Bill Clinton rejected his illegitimate son, yeah....
- Hunter Biden is a drug-using, alcoholic, adulterous, treasonous dead-beat dad,,,yeah

But Flynn was not going to let these scumbags throw his son in prison
This Flynn case has not been dropped. It has to be decided by a judge.
According to the reports posted on here, it was dropped, and the other crime he admitted to, never prosecuted. To tell the truth, it was not even adjudicated dropped with prejudice so that cannot be tried, unless I missed something, although I highly doubt it will be. I really wonder if he is going to sue his first legal team for failing to give responsible legal counsel in his defense. before he and they signed his guilty plea. With this outcome, I sure wouldn't pay them.
This should help :

"The bombshell court filing asking U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss the case bore the signature of only one prosecutor: U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Timothy Shea, a former Barr aide named to the post in January."

"The dismissal of the case is subject to Sullivan's approval, but the Justice Department's filing Thursday suggested that should be more or less a formality. It would be extraordinary for a judge to order prosecutors to proceed with a case they are seeking to drop."

And your point?
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.

I have yet to meet a father who would allow his son to be thrown in prison by criminals.
- Bill Clinton rejected his illegitimate son, yeah....
- Hunter Biden is a drug-using, alcoholic, adulterous, treasonous dead-beat dad,,,yeah

But Flynn was not going to let these scumbags throw his son in prison
This Flynn case has not been dropped. It has to be decided by a judge.
According to the reports posted on here, it was dropped, and the other crime he admitted to, never prosecuted. To tell the truth, it was not even adjudicated dropped with prejudice so that cannot be tried, unless I missed something, although I highly doubt it will be. I really wonder if he is going to sue his first legal team for failing to give responsible legal counsel in his defense. before he and they signed his guilty plea. With this outcome, I sure wouldn't pay them.
This should help :

"The bombshell court filing asking U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss the case bore the signature of only one prosecutor: U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Timothy Shea, a former Barr aide named to the post in January."

"The dismissal of the case is subject to Sullivan's approval, but the Justice Department's filing Thursday suggested that should be more or less a formality. It would be extraordinary for a judge to order prosecutors to proceed with a case they are seeking to drop."

And your point?
The dismissal of the case is subject to Sullivan's approval. Pointed.

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