Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
The DOJ certainly cannot undo that.
He withdrew his plea, moron.
Which no one can do after being convicted, dope. Either way, it still needs to be adjudicated.
As usual, you're wrong. Also, your use of the word "adjudicated" is meaningless.
As usual, you're wrong. Also, your use of the word "adjudicated" is meaningless.
Explain to us what the next step(s) are, professor. What action(s) and by whom must be done to finalize this?

It means that the criminal act of railroading the perpetrators of this should be indicted, and tried for their crime(s) and adjudged by their peers.
It means that the criminal act of railroading the perpetrators of this should be indicted, and tried for their crime(s) and adjudged by their peers.
This move by the DOJ only works on idiots like yourself. There were no "criminal acts of railroading", dope.

"Last year Mr. Flynn asked the federal judge to throw out his conviction because, he claimed, the prosecutors and F.B.I. agents on his case had engaged in misconduct. The judge rejected his request, finding that the agents had not entrapped Mr. Flynn. And a report by the Justice Department’s inspector general found that the bureau had sufficient evidence to investigate Mr. Flynn as part of its inquiry into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, even as the report was sharply critical of the F.B.I.’s broader handling of that investigation."
and we now have the facts the FBI did, in fact, have misconduct during the Flynn witchhunt.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.
Oh, and we know now why it went missing. They had to create a new one stating he lied to be able to charge him with anything.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
The DOJ certainly cannot undo that.
He withdrew his plea, moron.
Which no one can do after being convicted, dope. Either way, it still needs to be adjudicated.
As usual, you're wrong. Also, your use of the word "adjudicated" is meaningless.
As usual, you're wrong. Also, your use of the word "adjudicated" is meaningless.
Explain to us what the next step(s) are, professor. What action(s) and by whom must be done to finalize this?

It means that the criminal act of railroading the perpetrators of this should be indicted, and tried for their crime(s) and adjudged by their peers.
It means that the criminal act of railroading the perpetrators of this should be indicted, and tried for their crime(s) and adjudged by their peers.
This move by the DOJ only works on idiots like yourself. There were no "criminal acts of railroading", dope.

"Last year Mr. Flynn asked the federal judge to throw out his conviction because, he claimed, the prosecutors and F.B.I. agents on his case had engaged in misconduct. The judge rejected his request, finding that the agents had not entrapped Mr. Flynn. And a report by the Justice Department’s inspector general found that the bureau had sufficient evidence to investigate Mr. Flynn as part of its inquiry into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, even as the report was sharply critical of the F.B.I.’s broader handling of that investigation."
and we now have the facts the FBI did, in fact, have misconduct during the Flynn witchhunt.
Page 1 THE OP
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.

Says who?
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
The DOJ certainly cannot undo that.
He withdrew his plea, moron.
Which no one can do after being convicted, dope. Either way, it still needs to be adjudicated.
As usual, you're wrong. Also, your use of the word "adjudicated" is meaningless.
As usual, you're wrong. Also, your use of the word "adjudicated" is meaningless.
Explain to us what the next step(s) are, professor. What action(s) and by whom must be done to finalize this?

It means that the criminal act of railroading the perpetrators of this should be indicted, and tried for their crime(s) and adjudged by their peers.
It means that the criminal act of railroading the perpetrators of this should be indicted, and tried for their crime(s) and adjudged by their peers.
This move by the DOJ only works on idiots like yourself. There were no "criminal acts of railroading", dope.

"Last year Mr. Flynn asked the federal judge to throw out his conviction because, he claimed, the prosecutors and F.B.I. agents on his case had engaged in misconduct. The judge rejected his request, finding that the agents had not entrapped Mr. Flynn. And a report by the Justice Department’s inspector general found that the bureau had sufficient evidence to investigate Mr. Flynn as part of its inquiry into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, even as the report was sharply critical of the F.B.I.’s broader handling of that investigation."
and we now have the facts the FBI did, in fact, have misconduct during the Flynn witchhunt.
Page 1 THE OP

All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.

Says who?


Do you get the feeling that he doesn't read any news that isn't filtered through leftwing propaganda organs? These TDS morons don't seem to be aware of what the DOJ released yesterday.
I'm well aware of it, dope. I'm simply arguing that the actions of the DOJ don't mean what you dopes are claiming they mean.

I'm not an attorney so I don't know but it does seem that there's some chance you may be correct. The plea was accepted and all that was left was sentencing.

If the judge doesn't go along I think that, ultimately, Flynn wins on appeal or in the Supreme Court or, if all that fails or the process extends past the election, Trump pardons him. He actually could end up in prison. It won't be right or fair or, considering the new evidence, even constitutional. But leftist judges have proven time and again, as ultimately supported on appeal or in the Supreme Court, that the Constitution does not trump their Trump derangement syndrome.
This move by the DOJ only works on idiots like yourself. There were no "criminal acts of railroading", dope.

"Last year Mr. Flynn asked the federal judge to throw out his conviction because, he claimed, the prosecutors and F.B.I. agents on his case had engaged in misconduct. The judge rejected his request, finding that the agents had not entrapped Mr. Flynn. And a report by the Justice Department’s inspector general found that the bureau had sufficient evidence to investigate Mr. Flynn as part of its inquiry into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, even as the report was sharply critical of the F.B.I.’s broader handling of that investigation."

There's a lot of new evidence now and plenty of constitutional questions that should get the Supreme Court involved, if needed. We need to let the lawyers and courts flush this out a bit. I'm certainly willing to form and voice an opinion, and so far now I have done so, but there's a lot more to learn so opinions will develop over time.
And that Trump said Flynn lied to the FBI doesn't prove a thing. Trump wasn't in on the FBI conversations or on the conversation Flynn had with the Russians.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
The DOJ certainly cannot undo that.
He withdrew his plea, moron.
Which no one can do after being convicted, dope. Either way, it still needs to be adjudicated.
As usual, you're wrong. Also, your use of the word "adjudicated" is meaningless.
As usual, you're wrong. Also, your use of the word "adjudicated" is meaningless.
Explain to us what the next step(s) are, professor. What action(s) and by whom must be done to finalize this?

It means that the criminal act of railroading the perpetrators of this should be indicted, and tried for their crime(s) and adjudged by their peers.
It means that the criminal act of railroading the perpetrators of this should be indicted, and tried for their crime(s) and adjudged by their peers.
This move by the DOJ only works on idiots like yourself. There were no "criminal acts of railroading", dope.

"Last year Mr. Flynn asked the federal judge to throw out his conviction because, he claimed, the prosecutors and F.B.I. agents on his case had engaged in misconduct. The judge rejected his request, finding that the agents had not entrapped Mr. Flynn. And a report by the Justice Department’s inspector general found that the bureau had sufficient evidence to investigate Mr. Flynn as part of its inquiry into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, even as the report was sharply critical of the F.B.I.’s broader handling of that investigation."

"Last year Mr. Flynn asked the federal judge to throw out his conviction because, he claimed, the prosecutors and F.B.I. agents on his case had engaged in misconduct.

And boy was he right.

The Mueller investigation certainly tried to dismantle the Trump presidency but it really didn't threaten it.
It was wrong to do.

People need to pay.

This is not defending Trump, this is defending the constitution.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
Actually, they do, shit for brains, once the case is officially dropped.
He's already convicted. Only a judge can undo that, dope.
He's not convicted. He withdrew his plea, moron.

It's appalling to see how bloodthirsty you TDS vermin are put an innocent man in prison.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.

The exculpatory evidence has been found and that is the reason charges were dropped.

You might have to read something besides "The Nation" and Media Matters.
Do you get the feeling that he doesn't read any news that isn't filtered through leftwing propaganda organs? These TDS morons don't seem to be aware of what the DOJ released yesterday.
Do you get the feeling that he doesn't read any news that isn't filtered through leftwing propaganda organs? These TDS morons don't seem to be aware of what the DOJ released yesterday.
I'm well aware of it, dope. I'm simply arguing that the actions of the DOJ don't mean what you dopes are claiming they mean.
Yes it does, you fucking scum bucket.

Wow! Two amazingly informative articles. Strzok and possibly others absolutely manipulated the 302. More falsifying documents by the FBI. This is so scary.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
Neither did Flynn, douchebag. The DOJ says he's innocent.

The Mueller investigation certainly tried to dismantle the Trump presidency but it really didn't threaten it.
It was wrong to do.

People need to pay.

This is not defending Trump, this is defending the constitution.

Yes, I agree. My point was that there was never a real threat because there was nothing done wrong by Trump or his team. They had nothing. All those Trump hating investigators with millions and millions of dollars and the power of forcing people into extorted plea deals and still, with all that, they couldn't come up with a thing to damage Trump.

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