Breaking News from Genesis 1:9

I posted this already, but the billions of years people have some explaining to do with the new evidence as it affects what Darwin wrote and the evolutionary timeline based on geology.

Darwin's timeline:
Anatomically modern humans evolve. Seventy thousand years later, their descendents create cave paintings — early expressions of consciousness.
4 million In Africa, an early hominid, affectionately named "Lucy" by scientists, lives. The ice ages begin, and many large mammals go extinct.
65 million A massive asteroid hits the Yucatan Peninsula, and ammonites and non-avian dinosaurs go extinct. Birds and mammals are among the survivors.
130 million As the continents drift toward their present positions, the earliest flowers evolve, and dinosaurs dominate the landscape. In the sea, bony fish diversify.
225 million Dinosaurs and mammals evolve. Pangea has begun to break apart.
248 million Over 90% of marine life and 70% of terrestrial life go extinct during the Earth's largest mass extinction. Ammonites are among the survivors.
250 million The supercontinent called Pangea forms. Conifer-like forests, reptiles, and synapsids (the ancestors of mammals) are common.
360 million Four-limbed vertebrates move onto the land as seed plants and large forests appear. The Earth's oceans support vast reef systems.
420 million Land plants evolve, drastically changing Earth's landscape and creating new habitats.
450 million Arthropods move onto the land. Their descendants evolve into scorpions, spiders, mites, and millipedes.
500 million Fish-like vertebrates evolve. Invertebrates, such as trilobites, crinoids, brachiopids, and cephalopods, are common in the oceans.
555 million Multi-cellular marine organisms are common. The diverse assortment of life includes bizarre-looking animals like Wiwaxia.
3.5 billion Unicellular life evolves. Photosynthetic bacteria begin to release oxygen into the atmosphere.
3.8 billion Replicating molecules (the precursors of DNA) form.
4.6 billion The Earth forms and is bombarded by meteorites and comets.

Waterworld would screw up Darwin's unicellular life. Furthermore, how do you explain today's 3/4 surface water? In the past, it was meteors and comets of ice that brought them (dumb hypothesis :auiqs.jpg:).

Important events in the history of life

It’s dishonest to attribute a timeline to Charles Darwin that he never proposed.

Your preferred timeline of 6,000 years and events described by supernaturalism is much more plausible than the rational science that has evidence to the contrary.
Noah's flood was a supernatural event, but caused naturally; I wouldn't call it a miracle exactly.
What would you call it?

Forensic science and now scientific evidence backs the Bible up.
Nope. Science clearly show there was no natural, global flood as told in the Bible. Science can't study supernatural events so they can't back up the Bible.

A miracle would be God saving someone. Death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event.

You continue to disagree when the creation scientists and I have the evidence. You didn't even know why 3 B yrs wasn't enough time for Darwin. OTOH, I had the knowledge of how billions of year old Earth was determined. Shouldn't that be something you would know like the back of your hand? One of the things that bothered me about a 4.5 B yrs old Earth was if it was fact, then why did NYT and other MSM keep repeating it when discussing evolutionary science? Now, we have the waterworld science evidence (which I believe took over a decade to get published) now screws up Darwin's timeline. Yet, no word of it. We had no word about the fine tuning facts when the CMB was discovered. We also had no word about the chicken coming before the egg. It's really weird how the MSM controls your brain.
A miracle would be God saving someone. Death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event.

You continue to disagree when the creation scientists and I have the evidence. You didn't even know why 3 B yrs wasn't enough time for Darwin. OTOH, I had the knowledge of how billions of year old Earth was determined. Shouldn't that be something you would know like the back of your hand? One of the things that bothered me about a 4.5 B yrs old Earth was if it was fact, then why did NYT and other MSM keep repeating it when discussing evolutionary science? Now, we have the waterworld science evidence (which I believe took over a decade to get published) now screws up Darwin's timeline. Yet, no word of it. We had no word about the fine tuning facts when the CMB was discovered. We also had no word about the chicken coming before the egg. It's really weird how the MSM controls your brain.
You and the creation scientists don't have the evidence, that is the point. You obviously think you do since you think it confirms the Bible, but to science it is unconvincing. Also you're confused on the role of science. Science is the study of the natural world, if death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event, then science can neither refute nor support your theory.

I think it's really weird how the Bible controls your brain yet you don't seem to even want to understand it.
Noah's flood was a supernatural event, but caused naturally; I wouldn't call it a miracle exactly.
What would you call it?

Forensic science and now scientific evidence backs the Bible up.
Nope. Science clearly show there was no natural, global flood as told in the Bible. Science can't study supernatural events so they can't back up the Bible.

A miracle would be God saving someone. Death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event.

You continue to disagree when the creation scientists and I have the evidence. You didn't even know why 3 B yrs wasn't enough time for Darwin. OTOH, I had the knowledge of how billions of year old Earth was determined. Shouldn't that be something you would know like the back of your hand? One of the things that bothered me about a 4.5 B yrs old Earth was if it was fact, then why did NYT and other MSM keep repeating it when discussing evolutionary science? Now, we have the waterworld science evidence (which I believe took over a decade to get published) now screws up Darwin's timeline. Yet, no word of it. We had no word about the fine tuning facts when the CMB was discovered. We also had no word about the chicken coming before the egg. It's really weird how the MSM controls your brain.

There’s no evidence for any of the gods saving anyone.

ID’iot creationists refuse to publish in peer reviewed journals so it’s misleading to try and claim they have evidence for anything,
I posted this already, but the billions of years people have some explaining to do with the new evidence as it affects what Darwin wrote and the evolutionary timeline based on geology.

Darwin's timeline:
Anatomically modern humans evolve. Seventy thousand years later, their descendents create cave paintings — early expressions of consciousness.
4 million In Africa, an early hominid, affectionately named "Lucy" by scientists, lives. The ice ages begin, and many large mammals go extinct.
65 million A massive asteroid hits the Yucatan Peninsula, and ammonites and non-avian dinosaurs go extinct. Birds and mammals are among the survivors.
130 million As the continents drift toward their present positions, the earliest flowers evolve, and dinosaurs dominate the landscape. In the sea, bony fish diversify.
225 million Dinosaurs and mammals evolve. Pangea has begun to break apart.
248 million Over 90% of marine life and 70% of terrestrial life go extinct during the Earth's largest mass extinction. Ammonites are among the survivors.
250 million The supercontinent called Pangea forms. Conifer-like forests, reptiles, and synapsids (the ancestors of mammals) are common.
360 million Four-limbed vertebrates move onto the land as seed plants and large forests appear. The Earth's oceans support vast reef systems.
420 million Land plants evolve, drastically changing Earth's landscape and creating new habitats.
450 million Arthropods move onto the land. Their descendants evolve into scorpions, spiders, mites, and millipedes.
500 million Fish-like vertebrates evolve. Invertebrates, such as trilobites, crinoids, brachiopids, and cephalopods, are common in the oceans.
555 million Multi-cellular marine organisms are common. The diverse assortment of life includes bizarre-looking animals like Wiwaxia.
3.5 billion Unicellular life evolves. Photosynthetic bacteria begin to release oxygen into the atmosphere.
3.8 billion Replicating molecules (the precursors of DNA) form.
4.6 billion The Earth forms and is bombarded by meteorites and comets.

Waterworld would screw up Darwin's unicellular life. Furthermore, how do you explain today's 3/4 surface water? In the past, it was meteors and comets of ice that brought them (dumb hypothesis :auiqs.jpg:).

Important events in the history of life

It’s dishonest to attribute a timeline to Charles Darwin that he never proposed.

Your preferred timeline of 6,000 years and events described by supernaturalism is much more plausible than the rational science that has evidence to the contrary.

I provided my source, but you do not have a source. All you have is a collection of news articles. You just cannot accept the falseness of evolution nor the truth of Jesus and creation science. It's like you're going through life as a zombie.
Earth may have been a waterworld covered by global ocean 3.2 billion years ago, study suggests.

Science always ends up proving what was written thousands of years ago is true.
The pesky problem with that is that if you are trying to equate that with the fable of the ARK in the bible, it won't work. Not only were humans not around 3.2 billion years ago, neither were dinosaurs.

There was no 3.2 billion years ago and how can Earth have that much water back then? No one can prove it. What this shows is evidence of a global flood in 2458 BC and science backs up the Bible once again.
A miracle would be God saving someone. Death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event.

You continue to disagree when the creation scientists and I have the evidence. You didn't even know why 3 B yrs wasn't enough time for Darwin. OTOH, I had the knowledge of how billions of year old Earth was determined. Shouldn't that be something you would know like the back of your hand? One of the things that bothered me about a 4.5 B yrs old Earth was if it was fact, then why did NYT and other MSM keep repeating it when discussing evolutionary science? Now, we have the waterworld science evidence (which I believe took over a decade to get published) now screws up Darwin's timeline. Yet, no word of it. We had no word about the fine tuning facts when the CMB was discovered. We also had no word about the chicken coming before the egg. It's really weird how the MSM controls your brain.
You and the creation scientists don't have the evidence, that is the point. You obviously think you do since you think it confirms the Bible, but to science it is unconvincing. Also you're confused on the role of science. Science is the study of the natural world, if death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event, then science can neither refute nor support your theory.

I think it's really weird how the Bible controls your brain yet you don't seem to even want to understand it.

The evidence was presented years ago. Do I have to post my source again?

Geologic Evidences for the Genesis Flood

Here's something from 1992 and different source:
Startling evidence for Noahs Flood -

I think the creation scientists are more honest as they keep up their articles while atheist scientists end up hiding their articles when it goes against evolution.

I think I have it explained this better than you. You have no explanation to explain a waterworld nor how it screws up Darwin's timeline. What really is telling is you do not provide dates; it goes to show you do not know your own evolution.

To the contrary, it's strange how Satan's Antibible of evolution goes against something God started to write around 1445 BC.
A miracle would be God saving someone. Death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event.

You continue to disagree when the creation scientists and I have the evidence. You didn't even know why 3 B yrs wasn't enough time for Darwin. OTOH, I had the knowledge of how billions of year old Earth was determined. Shouldn't that be something you would know like the back of your hand? One of the things that bothered me about a 4.5 B yrs old Earth was if it was fact, then why did NYT and other MSM keep repeating it when discussing evolutionary science? Now, we have the waterworld science evidence (which I believe took over a decade to get published) now screws up Darwin's timeline. Yet, no word of it. We had no word about the fine tuning facts when the CMB was discovered. We also had no word about the chicken coming before the egg. It's really weird how the MSM controls your brain.
You and the creation scientists don't have the evidence, that is the point. You obviously think you do since you think it confirms the Bible, but to science it is unconvincing. Also you're confused on the role of science. Science is the study of the natural world, if death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event, then science can neither refute nor support your theory.

I think it's really weird how the Bible controls your brain yet you don't seem to even want to understand it.

The evidence was presented years ago. Do I have to post my source again?

Geologic Evidences for the Genesis Flood

Here's something from 1992 and different source:
Startling evidence for Noahs Flood -

I think the creation scientists are more honest as they keep up their articles while atheist scientists end up hiding their articles when it goes against evolution.

I think I have it explained this better than you. You have no explanation to explain a waterworld nor how it screws up Darwin's timeline. What really is telling is you do not provide dates; it goes to show you do not know your own evolution.

To the contrary, it's strange how Satan's Antibible of evolution goes against something God started to write around 1445 BC.
Your sources cherry-pick what supports the Flood and ignore any and all contrary evidence. For example, how could a single flood event create hundreds or thousands of individual rock layers?

Do you have an example of atheist scientists hiding their articles when it goes against evolution?

What is it about a waterworld that requires an explanation in view of evolution? What dates are you looking for?
I posted this already, but the billions of years people have some explaining to do with the new evidence as it affects what Darwin wrote and the evolutionary timeline based on geology.

Darwin's timeline:
Anatomically modern humans evolve. Seventy thousand years later, their descendents create cave paintings — early expressions of consciousness.
4 million In Africa, an early hominid, affectionately named "Lucy" by scientists, lives. The ice ages begin, and many large mammals go extinct.
65 million A massive asteroid hits the Yucatan Peninsula, and ammonites and non-avian dinosaurs go extinct. Birds and mammals are among the survivors.
130 million As the continents drift toward their present positions, the earliest flowers evolve, and dinosaurs dominate the landscape. In the sea, bony fish diversify.
225 million Dinosaurs and mammals evolve. Pangea has begun to break apart.
248 million Over 90% of marine life and 70% of terrestrial life go extinct during the Earth's largest mass extinction. Ammonites are among the survivors.
250 million The supercontinent called Pangea forms. Conifer-like forests, reptiles, and synapsids (the ancestors of mammals) are common.
360 million Four-limbed vertebrates move onto the land as seed plants and large forests appear. The Earth's oceans support vast reef systems.
420 million Land plants evolve, drastically changing Earth's landscape and creating new habitats.
450 million Arthropods move onto the land. Their descendants evolve into scorpions, spiders, mites, and millipedes.
500 million Fish-like vertebrates evolve. Invertebrates, such as trilobites, crinoids, brachiopids, and cephalopods, are common in the oceans.
555 million Multi-cellular marine organisms are common. The diverse assortment of life includes bizarre-looking animals like Wiwaxia.
3.5 billion Unicellular life evolves. Photosynthetic bacteria begin to release oxygen into the atmosphere.
3.8 billion Replicating molecules (the precursors of DNA) form.
4.6 billion The Earth forms and is bombarded by meteorites and comets.

Waterworld would screw up Darwin's unicellular life. Furthermore, how do you explain today's 3/4 surface water? In the past, it was meteors and comets of ice that brought them (dumb hypothesis :auiqs.jpg:).

Important events in the history of life

It’s dishonest to attribute a timeline to Charles Darwin that he never proposed.

Your preferred timeline of 6,000 years and events described by supernaturalism is much more plausible than the rational science that has evidence to the contrary.

I provided my source, but you do not have a source. All you have is a collection of news articles. You just cannot accept the falseness of evolution nor the truth of Jesus and creation science. It's like you're going through life as a zombie.
Your source is someone's personal blog. As I noted, Charles Darwin never suggested the timeline that was falsely attributed to him. You cut and pasted a fraud. Why do you choose to be an accomplice to fraud?

There is no truth in bias and falsehood as promoted by creation ministries. They have a singular agenda: to press literalist, fundamentalist Christianity.
A miracle would be God saving someone. Death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event.

You continue to disagree when the creation scientists and I have the evidence. You didn't even know why 3 B yrs wasn't enough time for Darwin. OTOH, I had the knowledge of how billions of year old Earth was determined. Shouldn't that be something you would know like the back of your hand? One of the things that bothered me about a 4.5 B yrs old Earth was if it was fact, then why did NYT and other MSM keep repeating it when discussing evolutionary science? Now, we have the waterworld science evidence (which I believe took over a decade to get published) now screws up Darwin's timeline. Yet, no word of it. We had no word about the fine tuning facts when the CMB was discovered. We also had no word about the chicken coming before the egg. It's really weird how the MSM controls your brain.
You and the creation scientists don't have the evidence, that is the point. You obviously think you do since you think it confirms the Bible, but to science it is unconvincing. Also you're confused on the role of science. Science is the study of the natural world, if death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event, then science can neither refute nor support your theory.

I think it's really weird how the Bible controls your brain yet you don't seem to even want to understand it.

The evidence was presented years ago. Do I have to post my source again?

Geologic Evidences for the Genesis Flood

Here's something from 1992 and different source:
Startling evidence for Noahs Flood -

I think the creation scientists are more honest as they keep up their articles while atheist scientists end up hiding their articles when it goes against evolution.

I think I have it explained this better than you. You have no explanation to explain a waterworld nor how it screws up Darwin's timeline. What really is telling is you do not provide dates; it goes to show you do not know your own evolution.

To the contrary, it's strange how Satan's Antibible of evolution goes against something God started to write around 1445 BC.
Your sources cherry-pick what supports the Flood and ignore any and all contrary evidence. For example, how could a single flood event create hundreds or thousands of individual rock layers?

Do you have an example of atheist scientists hiding their articles when it goes against evolution?

What is it about a waterworld that requires an explanation in view of evolution? What dates are you looking for?

The forensic evidence is better for a global flood than your cherry picked forensic fossil evidence to fit evolution. Your fossil evidence is supposed to be the mountain of facts of evolution. One of its largest weaknesses is no transitional fossils. The fossil record itself is mostly marine fossils. These were found on mountain tops all over the world. The individual rocks layers are due to the catastrophism that was explained in the rapidly deposited sediment layers spread across vast areas. The scientific method of Guy Berthault has led to many experiments showing how sedimentary layering works. It doesn't take millions of years. There can be no experiment for millions of years.

Try to find fine tuning evidence. These were discovered by atheist scientists trying to explain the big bang. We had the chicken come before the egg finding in 2017. Evolutionists want to keep claiming the egg came first. It follows the cell coming first. The scientific finding for chicken coming before the egg is more difficult to find. Many science articles came out against evolution from 2007 - 2011 time period such as common ancestry was not common. DNA similarity didn't necessarily mean same species. Junk DNA doesn't mean its junk DNA. Those are difficult to find now.

I already provided Darwin's timeline. The 3.2 B years old waterworld would have screwed up the cell formation and development.
Your fossil evidence is supposed to be the mountain of facts of evolution. One of its largest weaknesses is no transitional fossils.
Can you define what you'd consider a transitional fossil? Science says that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs (see photo for an early theropod). What kind of transitional fossil would we expect to find if this is true?
A miracle would be God saving someone. Death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event.

You continue to disagree when the creation scientists and I have the evidence. You didn't even know why 3 B yrs wasn't enough time for Darwin. OTOH, I had the knowledge of how billions of year old Earth was determined. Shouldn't that be something you would know like the back of your hand? One of the things that bothered me about a 4.5 B yrs old Earth was if it was fact, then why did NYT and other MSM keep repeating it when discussing evolutionary science? Now, we have the waterworld science evidence (which I believe took over a decade to get published) now screws up Darwin's timeline. Yet, no word of it. We had no word about the fine tuning facts when the CMB was discovered. We also had no word about the chicken coming before the egg. It's really weird how the MSM controls your brain.
You and the creation scientists don't have the evidence, that is the point. You obviously think you do since you think it confirms the Bible, but to science it is unconvincing. Also you're confused on the role of science. Science is the study of the natural world, if death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event, then science can neither refute nor support your theory.

I think it's really weird how the Bible controls your brain yet you don't seem to even want to understand it.

The evidence was presented years ago. Do I have to post my source again?

Geologic Evidences for the Genesis Flood

Here's something from 1992 and different source:
Startling evidence for Noahs Flood -

I think the creation scientists are more honest as they keep up their articles while atheist scientists end up hiding their articles when it goes against evolution.

I think I have it explained this better than you. You have no explanation to explain a waterworld nor how it screws up Darwin's timeline. What really is telling is you do not provide dates; it goes to show you do not know your own evolution.

To the contrary, it's strange how Satan's Antibible of evolution goes against something God started to write around 1445 BC.
Your sources cherry-pick what supports the Flood and ignore any and all contrary evidence. For example, how could a single flood event create hundreds or thousands of individual rock layers?

Do you have an example of atheist scientists hiding their articles when it goes against evolution?

What is it about a waterworld that requires an explanation in view of evolution? What dates are you looking for?

The forensic evidence is better for a global flood than your cherry picked forensic fossil evidence to fit evolution. Your fossil evidence is supposed to be the mountain of facts of evolution. One of its largest weaknesses is no transitional fossils. The fossil record itself is mostly marine fossils. These were found on mountain tops all over the world. The individual rocks layers are due to the catastrophism that was explained in the rapidly deposited sediment layers spread across vast areas. The scientific method of Guy Berthault has led to many experiments showing how sedimentary layering works. It doesn't take millions of years. There can be no experiment for millions of years.

Try to find fine tuning evidence. These were discovered by atheist scientists trying to explain the big bang. We had the chicken come before the egg finding in 2017. Evolutionists want to keep claiming the egg came first. It follows the cell coming first. The scientific finding for chicken coming before the egg is more difficult to find. Many science articles came out against evolution from 2007 - 2011 time period such as common ancestry was not common. DNA similarity didn't necessarily mean same species. Junk DNA doesn't mean its junk DNA. Those are difficult to find now.

I already provided Darwin's timeline. The 3.2 B years old waterworld would have screwed up the cell formation and development.

There are large numbers of transitional fossils.

CC200: Transitional fossils

Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ

Can you provide data from a Christian ministry that has been submitted for peer review that refutes the above?
Your fossil evidence is supposed to be the mountain of facts of evolution. One of its largest weaknesses is no transitional fossils.
Can you define what you'd consider a transitional fossil? Science says that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs (see photo for an early theropod). What kind of transitional fossil would we expect to find if this is true?

:abgg2q.jpg:. Just give us your stock of artists' drawings.
Your fossil evidence is supposed to be the mountain of facts of evolution. One of its largest weaknesses is no transitional fossils.
Can you define what you'd consider a transitional fossil? Science says that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs (see photo for an early theropod). What kind of transitional fossil would we expect to find if this is true?

:abgg2q.jpg:. Just give us your stock of artists' drawings.

CC214: Transitional Birds

A miracle would be God saving someone. Death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event.

You continue to disagree when the creation scientists and I have the evidence. You didn't even know why 3 B yrs wasn't enough time for Darwin. OTOH, I had the knowledge of how billions of year old Earth was determined. Shouldn't that be something you would know like the back of your hand? One of the things that bothered me about a 4.5 B yrs old Earth was if it was fact, then why did NYT and other MSM keep repeating it when discussing evolutionary science? Now, we have the waterworld science evidence (which I believe took over a decade to get published) now screws up Darwin's timeline. Yet, no word of it. We had no word about the fine tuning facts when the CMB was discovered. We also had no word about the chicken coming before the egg. It's really weird how the MSM controls your brain.
You and the creation scientists don't have the evidence, that is the point. You obviously think you do since you think it confirms the Bible, but to science it is unconvincing. Also you're confused on the role of science. Science is the study of the natural world, if death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event, then science can neither refute nor support your theory.

I think it's really weird how the Bible controls your brain yet you don't seem to even want to understand it.

The evidence was presented years ago. Do I have to post my source again?

Geologic Evidences for the Genesis Flood

Here's something from 1992 and different source:
Startling evidence for Noahs Flood -

I think the creation scientists are more honest as they keep up their articles while atheist scientists end up hiding their articles when it goes against evolution.

I think I have it explained this better than you. You have no explanation to explain a waterworld nor how it screws up Darwin's timeline. What really is telling is you do not provide dates; it goes to show you do not know your own evolution.

To the contrary, it's strange how Satan's Antibible of evolution goes against something God started to write around 1445 BC.
Your sources cherry-pick what supports the Flood and ignore any and all contrary evidence. For example, how could a single flood event create hundreds or thousands of individual rock layers?

Do you have an example of atheist scientists hiding their articles when it goes against evolution?

What is it about a waterworld that requires an explanation in view of evolution? What dates are you looking for?

The forensic evidence is better for a global flood than your cherry picked forensic fossil evidence to fit evolution. Your fossil evidence is supposed to be the mountain of facts of evolution. One of its largest weaknesses is no transitional fossils. The fossil record itself is mostly marine fossils. These were found on mountain tops all over the world. The individual rocks layers are due to the catastrophism that was explained in the rapidly deposited sediment layers spread across vast areas. The scientific method of Guy Berthault has led to many experiments showing how sedimentary layering works. It doesn't take millions of years. There can be no experiment for millions of years.

Try to find fine tuning evidence. These were discovered by atheist scientists trying to explain the big bang. We had the chicken come before the egg finding in 2017. Evolutionists want to keep claiming the egg came first. It follows the cell coming first. The scientific finding for chicken coming before the egg is more difficult to find. Many science articles came out against evolution from 2007 - 2011 time period such as common ancestry was not common. DNA similarity didn't necessarily mean same species. Junk DNA doesn't mean its junk DNA. Those are difficult to find now.

I already provided Darwin's timeline. The 3.2 B years old waterworld would have screwed up the cell formation and development.

There are large numbers of transitional fossils.

CC200: Transitional fossils

Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ

Can you provide data from a Christian ministry that has been submitted for peer review that refutes the above?

First, you could not rebut anything that I posted, so it means you lost, lost, lost. I am the CHAMPION once again.

Instead, you insult me with more evolutionism which does not hold WATER. The topic is waterworld and it is clear you could not explain how Darwinism survives in a waterworld. Just much more straw men in order to show your lack of any credible answer.
Your fossil evidence is supposed to be the mountain of facts of evolution. One of its largest weaknesses is no transitional fossils.
Can you define what you'd consider a transitional fossil? Science says that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs (see photo for an early theropod). What kind of transitional fossil would we expect to find if this is true?

:abgg2q.jpg:. Just give us your stock of artists' drawings.
If you prefer the raw data:
You and the creation scientists don't have the evidence, that is the point. You obviously think you do since you think it confirms the Bible, but to science it is unconvincing. Also you're confused on the role of science. Science is the study of the natural world, if death for everyone and everything in the whole world except for the inhabitants of the Ark would be a catastrophe and supernatural event, then science can neither refute nor support your theory.

I think it's really weird how the Bible controls your brain yet you don't seem to even want to understand it.

The evidence was presented years ago. Do I have to post my source again?

Geologic Evidences for the Genesis Flood

Here's something from 1992 and different source:
Startling evidence for Noahs Flood -

I think the creation scientists are more honest as they keep up their articles while atheist scientists end up hiding their articles when it goes against evolution.

I think I have it explained this better than you. You have no explanation to explain a waterworld nor how it screws up Darwin's timeline. What really is telling is you do not provide dates; it goes to show you do not know your own evolution.

To the contrary, it's strange how Satan's Antibible of evolution goes against something God started to write around 1445 BC.
Your sources cherry-pick what supports the Flood and ignore any and all contrary evidence. For example, how could a single flood event create hundreds or thousands of individual rock layers?

Do you have an example of atheist scientists hiding their articles when it goes against evolution?

What is it about a waterworld that requires an explanation in view of evolution? What dates are you looking for?

The forensic evidence is better for a global flood than your cherry picked forensic fossil evidence to fit evolution. Your fossil evidence is supposed to be the mountain of facts of evolution. One of its largest weaknesses is no transitional fossils. The fossil record itself is mostly marine fossils. These were found on mountain tops all over the world. The individual rocks layers are due to the catastrophism that was explained in the rapidly deposited sediment layers spread across vast areas. The scientific method of Guy Berthault has led to many experiments showing how sedimentary layering works. It doesn't take millions of years. There can be no experiment for millions of years.

Try to find fine tuning evidence. These were discovered by atheist scientists trying to explain the big bang. We had the chicken come before the egg finding in 2017. Evolutionists want to keep claiming the egg came first. It follows the cell coming first. The scientific finding for chicken coming before the egg is more difficult to find. Many science articles came out against evolution from 2007 - 2011 time period such as common ancestry was not common. DNA similarity didn't necessarily mean same species. Junk DNA doesn't mean its junk DNA. Those are difficult to find now.

I already provided Darwin's timeline. The 3.2 B years old waterworld would have screwed up the cell formation and development.

There are large numbers of transitional fossils.

CC200: Transitional fossils

Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ

Can you provide data from a Christian ministry that has been submitted for peer review that refutes the above?

First, you could not rebut anything that I posted, so it means you lost, lost, lost. I am the CHAMPION once again.

Instead, you insult me with more evolutionism which does not hold WATER. The topic is waterworld and it is clear you could not explain how Darwinism survives in a waterworld. Just much more straw men in order to show your lack of any credible answer.

Well actually, I did rebut your strident, hand-wringing appeals to ID'iot creationist (religious) doctrine with facts. You can deny the facts all you wish but you obviously can't "rebut" them.

No need to feel insulted by evolutionism. You have already discovered that hiding behind religionism is not going to shield you from the facts. Your emotional outbursts aren't helpful.

Drowning in your waterworld of religious extremism? Reason and rationality is the lifesaver.


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