Breaking News from Genesis 1:9

We have an NT from 300AD.
It’s identical to what you’ll buy in Barnes and Noble today.
I'd appreciate a link if you would. What I know:
Textual scholar Bart D. Ehrman writes: "It is true, of course, that the New Testament is abundantly attested in the manuscripts produced through the ages, but most of these manuscripts are many centuries removed from the originals, and none of them perfectly accurate. They all contain mistakes - altogether many thousands of mistakes. It is not an easy task to reconstruct the original words of the New Testament...."[32]
Maybe you should list the errors that you think change the meaning.

But read the link first.

Hasn't the Bible been rewritten so many times that we can't trust it anymore? |
what line by Daniel is being "rebutted"?

I had trouble understanding Daniel, but I think the flood referred to in it isn't an actual flood by water. It tells us how fast and violent the end will come.

If you have a verse, then we can look at it to discuss.
How does this prove the biblical flood when it happened billions of years before biblical humans?
From someone who rebuts the Book of Daniel by saying people write things down?
Oops, more silly whiny fantasy. I didn't rebut anything. I said that the fact that it was written down doesn't make it special. Dude, try to focus, you are rabid and making stupid errors.
From someone who rebuts the Book of Daniel by saying people write things down?
Oops, more silly whiny fantasy. I didn't rebut anything. I said that the fact that it was written down doesn't make it special. Dude, try to focus, you are rabid and making stupid errors.
Are you on crack? Your logic says yes.
From someone who rebuts the Book of Daniel by saying people write things down?
Oops, more silly whiny fantasy. I didn't rebut anything. I said that the fact that it was written down doesn't make it special. Dude, try to focus, you are rabid and making stupid errors.
Are you on crack? Your logic says yes.
Oh look, the troll again turns his own thread into a thread about me. This must be a Saturday.

Do you have anything else, other than your childlike wonder that someone wrote something down and --hey look at that! -- it is still written down, to argue for the book of Daniel being uniquely special?

If so, bring it. Or just whine all day. Your call.
How does this prove the biblical flood when it happened billions of years before biblical humans?
You should trouble yourself with a Bible study on the verse stated in the subject line.
That was directed at james bond. He referred to the flood on page 1.
But considering genesis, it also states plants were made before the sun. So im not sure that is a good go to for anything scientific.
How does this prove the biblical flood when it happened billions of years before biblical humans?
You should trouble yourself with a Bible study on the verse stated in the subject line.
That was directed at james bond. He referred to the flood on page 1.
But considering genesis, it also states plants were made before the sun. So im not sure that is a good go to for anything scientific.
It's painfully obvious that Genesis was just a first and worst attempt by abjectly ignorant, superstitious people to explain the world.
From someone who rebuts the Book of Daniel by saying people write things down?
Oops, more silly whiny fantasy. I didn't rebut anything. I said that the fact that it was written down doesn't make it special. Dude, try to focus, you are rabid and making stupid errors.
Are you on crack? Your logic says yes.
Oh look, the troll again turns his own thread into a thread about me. This must be a Saturday.

Do you have anything else, other than your childlike wonder that someone wrote something down and --hey look at that! -- it is still written down, to argue for the book of Daniel being uniquely special?

If so, bring it. Or just whine all day. Your call.
Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt your logic that because people write things down makes the Bible illegitimate.
Science and Genesis are one in the same.

Who told you that? A talking snake?
You don’t even know which bathroom to use.

Weird deflection...
Just reminding you that your level of science is < 2 years old.

Do you believe in talking snakes?
Do you believe the rock in your front planter may one day write a concerto?
Who told you that? A talking snake?
You don’t even know which bathroom to use.

Weird deflection...
Just reminding you that your level of science is < 2 years old.

Do you believe in talking snakes?
Do you believe the rock in your front planter may one day write a concerto?

Just answer. It's a very simple question. Do you believe that a snake talked at any time in history?

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