BREAKING NEWS: Gowdy’s bombshell decision — won’t seek re-election

Steve McGarrett is hearing rumors and that is Gowdy will be appointed special councel to go after the Deep State criminals that the memo will expose. You read it here first.

Gowdy will ALWAYS be known as the Joe McCarthy of the Benghazi inquisition.
Except Joe actually got some convictions, IIRC.
You do know that Gowdy is in Congress, right? You realize he cannot prosecute anyone in that capacity.

And you do know that multiple people who are supposed to protect our rights and follow the rule of law in the FBI and DOJ have lost their jobs and are now under Criminal Investigation.

This includes the former head of the FBI, the 2nd in command at The FBI, and many of The FBI's (KGB) "G" men. Essentially anyone that personally knew Obama or Clinton are now under Criminal Investigation.

You can't be this stupid, are you?

Anyone that was involved with The Clintons ends up under investigation, in jail, or are about to go to jail, end up sexually assaulted or raped, or end up dead.
Oh Blow it out your ass. You buttfucks .....

RD is the 1st to be unable to continue the discussion without engaging in profanity and insults, signifying his intellectual surrender in this discussion....

Sorry, no participation trophy for you......
Mueller has 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas.......with Trump himself under Criminal investigation. So....
None having anything to do with 'Collusion', which is not a crime, and none of them being evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting the Left's Witch Hunt.

Snowflakes claiming these as justification for the continued butt-hurt liberal Witch Hunt is the equivalent to butt-hurt snowflakes who refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election insisting Hillary should be President now because she won an insignificant popularity contest!

These Republicans are leaving because they see what's coming and they don't want to endure being the minority party in the House after all the shit they've pulled as the majority.
Steve McGarrett is hearing rumors and that is Gowdy will be appointed special councel to go after the Deep State criminals that the memo will expose. You read it here first.

Gowdy will ALWAYS be known as the Joe McCarthy of the Benghazi inquisition.
Except Joe actually got some convictions, IIRC.
You do know that Gowdy is in Congress, right? You realize he cannot prosecute anyone in that capacity.

And you do know that multiple people who are supposed to protect our rights and follow the rule of law in the FBI and DOJ have lost their jobs and are now under Criminal Investigation.

This includes the former head of the FBI, the 2nd in command at The FBI, and many of The FBI's (KGB) "G" men. Essentially anyone that personally knew Obama or Clinton are now under Criminal Investigation.

You can't be this stupid, are you?

Anyone that was involved with The Clintons ends up under investigation, in jail, or are about to go to jail, end up sexually assaulted or raped, or end up dead.
Oh Blow it out your ass. You buttfucks .....

RD is the 1st to be unable to continue the discussion without engaging in profanity and insults, signifying his intellectual surrender in this discussion....

Sorry, no participation trophy for you......

You are unable to continue the conversation withoiut expressing your ignorance & stupidity & lies.

I have several participation trophies & I bet you failed to get any. Mine are called diplomas.
How many Gowdy investigations actually resulted in any charges, convictions, prison? How many fish did Gowdy net in all his fishing expeditions?
This is the continued moronic mantra of the willingly ignorant snowflakes...

...who know, gladly, that it is impossible to indict and convict Liberal Criminals when the 'kingpin' OWNS the US AG, OWNS the DOJ, OWNS the FBI, OWNS the CIA, etc....

Hillary is a perfect example. Anyone who uses an ounce of intellectual honesty who knows the evidence against Hillary knows she committed felonies and perpetrated thousands of counts of crimes. Period Dot. It is UNDENIABLE....if rabid partisanship is dropped and intellectual honesty is applied.

Your post is NOT based on intellectual honesty but is instead based on the same rabid partisan denial of reality, facts, and evidence as always.
Maybe if you dropped all your "rabid partisan denial of reality, facts, and evidence", you'd see why there are no convictions. She isn't guilty, despite your wishing otherwise.
These Republicans are leaving because they see what's coming and they don't want to endure being the minority party in the House after all the shit they've pulled as the majority.
What's coming?

Criminal Liberal infestation has been exposed in the DOJ, FBI, NSA, IRS, EPA, etc...

Democrats have not only been exposed for criminal sexual misconduct that has spanned DECADES, they have also been exposed for STEALING $17+ MILLION tax dollars to silence their victims, a process / Committee instituted within Congress by ousted Perv Democrat John Conyers.

Democrats have openly declared treason against the US as long as the GOP and Trump are in office, and evidence has already been presented proving that treason to exist...

Democrats just sided with illegals over Americans in order to shut the govt down...

They have openly opposed the massive success under this administration that has benefitted the Middle Class, the Middle Class they continue to attack and whom they ignore in order to stand with criminals....

The GOD-AWFUL display, from start to finish, put on by Democrats - televised to the world - was despivable and certainly did not endear themselves to the majority of Americans. (75% of Americans liked the SoTU ... which means there is a 25% minority of reality denying butt-hurt leftists who refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election) .

The ONLY thing the Democrats have gong for them right now is the number of Republicans retiring / stepping down...because the Democrats have offered NOTHING up to the American people except for the above.

The BEST thing Democrats have going for them are the GOP...leaving.
Gowdy will ALWAYS be known as the Joe McCarthy of the Benghazi inquisition.
Except Joe actually got some convictions, IIRC.
You do know that Gowdy is in Congress, right? You realize he cannot prosecute anyone in that capacity.

And you do know that multiple people who are supposed to protect our rights and follow the rule of law in the FBI and DOJ have lost their jobs and are now under Criminal Investigation.

This includes the former head of the FBI, the 2nd in command at The FBI, and many of The FBI's (KGB) "G" men. Essentially anyone that personally knew Obama or Clinton are now under Criminal Investigation.

You can't be this stupid, are you?

Anyone that was involved with The Clintons ends up under investigation, in jail, or are about to go to jail, end up sexually assaulted or raped, or end up dead.
Oh Blow it out your ass. You buttfucks .....

RD is the 1st to be unable to continue the discussion without engaging in profanity and insults, signifying his intellectual surrender in this discussion....

Sorry, no participation trophy for you......

You are unable to continue the conversation withoiut expressing your ignorance & stupidity & lies.

I have several participation trophies & I bet you failed to get any. Mine are called diplomas.
Fail. The decision has been made. You lose. No Participation Trophy for you!
How many Gowdy investigations actually resulted in any charges, convictions, prison? How many fish did Gowdy net in all his fishing expeditions?
This is the continued moronic mantra of the willingly ignorant snowflakes...

...who know, gladly, that it is impossible to indict and convict Liberal Criminals when the 'kingpin' OWNS the US AG, OWNS the DOJ, OWNS the FBI, OWNS the CIA, etc....

Hillary is a perfect example. Anyone who uses an ounce of intellectual honesty who knows the evidence against Hillary knows she committed felonies and perpetrated thousands of counts of crimes. Period Dot. It is UNDENIABLE....if rabid partisanship is dropped and intellectual honesty is applied.

Your post is NOT based on intellectual honesty but is instead based on the same rabid partisan denial of reality, facts, and evidence as always.
Maybe if you dropped all your "rabid partisan denial of reality, facts, and evidence", you'd see why there are no convictions. She isn't guilty, despite your wishing otherwise.
You have GOT to be looking in a mirror. It is always interesting watching snowflakes accuse others of doing exactly what they are doing.

Your personal attacks without having anything else to offer is the intellectual equivalent of, 'UH-UH!'

You must be suffering from the same mental instability D-Feinstein is - 'BRAIN CONGESTION'. :p
The left will always hate people who practice ethics, observe the rule of law and know right from wrong.

It probably disgusted Gowdy to see the corruption in The FBI and DOJ, and disgusted him to have to work next to people like Adam Schiff who didn't give a fuck about ethics nor wanted to do anything about the corruption in DC.

A guy like that, needs to be in The Justice System, rather than in Congress. Had the FBI been full of people like Gowdy, This Scandal Never Happens, and Clinton is not allowed to run for Office, and No Fake Russian Investigation is launched and no Illegal Wire Tapping occurs based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama and Hillary Clinton.
GOWDY should have been made the US AG....

Half of the proven criminals on the Left would have been indicted by now - Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, Rice, Power.....Obama.....
How many Gowdy investigations actually resulted in any charges, convictions, prison? How many fish did Gowdy net in all his fishing expeditions?

Well so far 8 FBI, DOJ and Mueller Sycophants lost their jobs, and now The FBI and DOJ are under Criminal Investigation.


The correct answer is ZERO.

Will you at some point even BEGIN to touch reality, or do you plan to spend the rest of your days cocooned in half backed fantasies?
Steve McGarrett is hearing rumors and that is Gowdy will be appointed special councel to go after the Deep State criminals that the memo will expose. You read it here first.

Gowdy will ALWAYS be known as the Joe McCarthy of the Benghazi inquisition.
Except Joe actually got some convictions, IIRC.
You do know that Gowdy is in Congress, right? You realize he cannot prosecute anyone in that capacity.

And you do know that multiple people who are supposed to protect our rights and follow the rule of law in the FBI and DOJ have lost their jobs and are now under Criminal Investigation.

This includes the former head of the FBI, the 2nd in command at The FBI, and many of The FBI's (KGB) "G" men. Essentially anyone that personally knew Obama or Clinton are now under Criminal Investigation.

You can't be this stupid, are you?

Anyone that was involved with The Clintons ends up under investigation, in jail, or are about to go to jail, end up sexually assaulted or raped, or end up dead.
Oh Blow it out your ass. You buttfucks have been investigating the Clintons for over 30 years & all you got was Bill talking about getting head in the Oval Office.

OMG Whitewater. OMG Travel Gate. OMG Foster. OMG Monica Lewinski. OMG The EMAILS The EMAILS THE EMAILS OMG OMG OMG. OMG the uranium, OMG the sniper fire. OMG Sir Edmund. OMG the Clinton Foundation. OMG OMG pantsuits!!!!!!

'Really. Do you sassholes EDVER quit being such dumbasses?
Lol, awe, you've been...........
The left will always hate people who practice ethics, observe the rule of law and know right from wrong.

It probably disgusted Gowdy to see the corruption in The FBI and DOJ, and disgusted him to have to work next to people like Adam Schiff who didn't give a fuck about ethics nor wanted to do anything about the corruption in DC.

A guy like that, needs to be in The Justice System, rather than in Congress. Had the FBI been full of people like Gowdy, This Scandal Never Happens, and Clinton is not allowed to run for Office, and No Fake Russian Investigation is launched and no Illegal Wire Tapping occurs based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama and Hillary Clinton.
GOWDY should have been made the US AG....

Half of the proven criminals on the Left would have been indicted by now - Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, Rice, Power.....Obama.....
How many Gowdy investigations actually resulted in any charges, convictions, prison? How many fish did Gowdy net in all his fishing expeditions?

Well so far 8 FBI, DOJ and Mueller Sycophants lost their jobs, and now The FBI and DOJ are under Criminal Investigation.


The correct answer is ZERO.
Sorry, for refusing to accept reality, you LOSE.

As I pointed out and as Obama and his criminal clown car administration demonstrated, no indictment could be made when the criminal kingpin owned the US AG, the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, etc....

Crimes were proven while nothing was allowed to be done about them.
Maybe if you dropped all your "rabid partisan denial of reality, facts, and evidence", you'd see why there are no convictions. She isn't guilty, despite your wishing otherwise.

Queasy has already indicted, tried and convicted her......His half brain will NEVER accept that she may perhaps be guilty of arrogance, but not a criminal as he has hoped.
The left will always hate people who practice ethics, observe the rule of law and know right from wrong.

It probably disgusted Gowdy to see the corruption in The FBI and DOJ, and disgusted him to have to work next to people like Adam Schiff who didn't give a fuck about ethics nor wanted to do anything about the corruption in DC.

A guy like that, needs to be in The Justice System, rather than in Congress. Had the FBI been full of people like Gowdy, This Scandal Never Happens, and Clinton is not allowed to run for Office, and No Fake Russian Investigation is launched and no Illegal Wire Tapping occurs based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama and Hillary Clinton.
GOWDY should have been made the US AG....

Half of the proven criminals on the Left would have been indicted by now - Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, Rice, Power.....Obama.....
How many Gowdy investigations actually resulted in any charges, convictions, prison? How many fish did Gowdy net in all his fishing expeditions?

Well so far 8 FBI, DOJ and Mueller Sycophants lost their jobs, and now The FBI and DOJ are under Criminal Investigation.


The correct answer is ZERO.
Sorry, for refusing to accept reality, you LOSE.

As I pointed out and as Obama and his criminal clown car administration demonstrated, no indictment could be made when the criminal kingpin owned the US AG, the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, etc....

Crimes were proven while nothing was allowed to be done about them.

Yep, it was all a big bad conspiracy between Obama and all the Republicans like Comey :21:

Obama was everywhere, controlling everything....or maybe he and his team simply adhered to ethical and legal way of doing things.
How many Gowdy investigations actually resulted in any charges, convictions, prison? How many fish did Gowdy net in all his fishing expeditions?
This is the continued moronic mantra of the willingly ignorant snowflakes...

...who know, gladly, that it is impossible to indict and convict Liberal Criminals when the 'kingpin' OWNS the US AG, OWNS the DOJ, OWNS the FBI, OWNS the CIA, etc....

Hillary is a perfect example. Anyone who uses an ounce of intellectual honesty who knows the evidence against Hillary knows she committed felonies and perpetrated thousands of counts of crimes. Period Dot. It is UNDENIABLE....if rabid partisanship is dropped and intellectual honesty is applied.

Your post is NOT based on intellectual honesty but is instead based on the same rabid partisan denial of reality, facts, and evidence as always.
Of course a dumbfuck like you thinks everyone who are career professionals in the FBI, etc are all liberals.

Is that right?

What evidence that Hillary committed what felony?

Congress investigated, their report said nothing found illegal.

Meanwhile Trump lied about Russian contact & some of his campaign were indicted. Trump is trying to obstruct justice.

And you bring up Clinton.
Of course a dumbfuck like you thinks everyone who are career professionals in the FBI, etc are all liberals.

remember when right wingers were all on the side of law-enforcement entities????....Well, that was BEFORE the orange clown....LOL
Smarter right wingers in congress are seeing the writing on the wall.....

Rep. Trey Gowdy announced Wednesday that he will retire from Congress at the end of the year, becoming the eighth Republican chairman of a congressional committee to decide to leave the House at the end of this session.
No conservative will ever vote for a progressive career politician... ever
The left will always hate people who practice ethics, observe the rule of law and know right from wrong.

It probably disgusted Gowdy to see the corruption in The FBI and DOJ, and disgusted him to have to work next to people like Adam Schiff who didn't give a fuck about ethics nor wanted to do anything about the corruption in DC.

A guy like that, needs to be in The Justice System, rather than in Congress. Had the FBI been full of people like Gowdy, This Scandal Never Happens, and Clinton is not allowed to run for Office, and No Fake Russian Investigation is launched and no Illegal Wire Tapping occurs based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama and Hillary Clinton.
GOWDY should have been made the US AG....

Half of the proven criminals on the Left would have been indicted by now - Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, Rice, Power.....Obama.....

It's too bad because he had such a promising future. I was hoping he'd run for President after Trump. If he loves the justice system so much, I hope Trump considers him for one of the openings for a federal judge.

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