BREAKING NEWS: Gowdy’s bombshell decision — won’t seek re-election

Not as frustrating as Obama lying to Americans and the Democrats ramming a minority supported piece of Socialist agenda legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it without ever reading it 1st, resulting in the disaster we have today, named after it's creator - OBAMAcare...

But Trump repealed the ACA and offered a BETTER, CHEAPER, plan to cover EVERYONE on day one in office, Correct?....LOL
The left will always hate people who practice ethics, observe the rule of law and know right from wrong.

It probably disgusted Gowdy to see the corruption in The FBI and DOJ, and disgusted him to have to work next to people like Adam Schiff who didn't give a fuck about ethics nor wanted to do anything about the corruption in DC.

A guy like that, needs to be in The Justice System, rather than in Congress. Had the FBI been full of people like Gowdy, This Scandal Never Happens, and Clinton is not allowed to run for Office, and No Fake Russian Investigation is launched and no Illegal Wire Tapping occurs based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama and Hillary Clinton.
GOWDY should have been made the US AG....

Half of the proven criminals on the Left would have been indicted by now - Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, Rice, Power.....Obama.....
I agree and he was my first choice.

I wonder if he didn't want it?
GOWDY should have been made the US AG....

Half of the proven criminals on the Left would have been indicted by now - Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, Rice, Power.....Obama.....

Write to him and convince him to stay, please...........
(what an :asshole: LOL)
Not as frustrating as Obama lying to Americans and the Democrats ramming a minority supported piece of Socialist agenda legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it without ever reading it 1st, resulting in the disaster we have today, named after it's creator - OBAMAcare...

But Trump repealed the ACA and offered a BETTER, CHEAPER, plan to cover EVERYONE on day one in office, Correct?....LOL
Nah, he just got rid of the Un-Constitutional 'backbone' Obama and the ACA depended on / that was the key to their socialist nightmare working....
Smarter right wingers in congress are seeing the writing on the wall.....

Rep. Trey Gowdy announced Wednesday that he will retire from Congress at the end of the year, becoming the eighth Republican chairman of a congressional committee to decide to leave the House at the end of this session.
Hillary proven to be a felon

Abedin proven to be a felon

Mills proven to be a felon

The FBI and DOJ exposed for covering up Clinton Crimes

Mueller exposed for hiding Russian crimes

Holder exposed for hiding Russian crimes

Obama exposed for hiding Russian crimes

Comey exposed for hiding Russian crimes

Lynch exposed for hiding Russian crimes and Protecting Hillary

Strzok / FBI exposed for crimes

Mueller team exposed as criminally biased

Mueller tram exposed for criminally seeing illegal warrants

Insurance Policies / Secret Societies - FBI and DOJ Treason Exposed

Going on 2 years Left can't prove a crime was committed warranting their witch hunt....

Yup, as they walk away from Congress they are LEAVING THE WRITNG ON THE WALL, exposing the Obama administration to be the most criminal in US history and proving the DOJ & FBI, (& NSA, FBI, IRS...) are treasonous / criminal.....
"Hillary proved to be a felon"......and her indictments/convictions are......where?
we still have Obamacare and dont have Gowdy ..

hint hint hint ...

The left will always hate people who practice ethics, observe the rule of law and know right from wrong.

It probably disgusted Gowdy to see the corruption in The FBI and DOJ, and disgusted him to have to work next to people like Adam Schiff who didn't give a fuck about ethics nor wanted to do anything about the corruption in DC.

A guy like that, needs to be in The Justice System, rather than in Congress. Had the FBI been full of people like Gowdy, This Scandal Never Happens, and Clinton is not allowed to run for Office, and No Fake Russian Investigation is launched and no Illegal Wire Tapping occurs based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama and Hillary Clinton.

So he is running from duty like the pussy he is? What a statesman!
I wonder if this had something to do with his having to pay off an ex-aide.

Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina reportedly settled a veteran discrimination and retaliation claim from a former aide for $150,000 in taxpayer funds, according to a Washington Post report published Friday.

The confidential settlement was identified in an Office of Compliance report released on Friday. The Post said it was able to link a mention about the settlements contained in the documents to the claims made by Bradley Podliska, the former staffer, identified by The Post.

Podliska, who was fired in 2015 from the House Benghazi committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, alleged that he was wrongfully terminated in part for his unwillingness to engage in what he believed was a partisan investigation into Hillary Clinton's time as US secretary of state.

Top Republican who led Benghazi panel used $150,000 of taxpayer money to settle claim with a fired staffer
The left will always hate people who practice ethics, observe the rule of law and know right from wrong.

It probably disgusted Gowdy to see the corruption in The FBI and DOJ, and disgusted him to have to work next to people like Adam Schiff who didn't give a fuck about ethics nor wanted to do anything about the corruption in DC.

A guy like that, needs to be in The Justice System, rather than in Congress. Had the FBI been full of people like Gowdy, This Scandal Never Happens, and Clinton is not allowed to run for Office, and No Fake Russian Investigation is launched and no Illegal Wire Tapping occurs based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama and Hillary Clinton.
GOWDY should have been made the US AG....

Half of the proven criminals on the Left would have been indicted by now - Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, Rice, Power.....Obama.....

It's interesting about Gowdy, I had a debate on a Canadian forum about my respect for Gowdy and believed he should be AG in the U.S or Public Safety Minister in Canada, and I was told by one of my uninformed Canadian Comrades that "considering you are threatened by the police apparatus, why would you want a conservative/republican overseeing your freedom". Basically went on to suggest if the horror I was experiencing now is bad, it would be far worse with someone like Gowdy.

I thought he was clearly a fool, told him, "because of Gowdys loyalty to the Rule of Law, Due Process and accountability is precisely why I would want him in such a role, I would be out from under this cloud long ago, and/or have my due process in a transparent manner".

Some mugs don't get it, they see someone who is strongly supportive of the law and assume somehow no matter who you are, the methodology and misrepresentation used against you by the state, that somehow you are better off. THIS is how Canadians think for the most part, guppies.

When you are innocent as I am, and principled as I believe I am, you are protected by people like Gowdy, they demand the upholding of premises if justice, they don't nod their head at law enforcement carte blanche, they know reality and Rights vs witch hunts and lazy opportunists. This is why he has been strongly speaking out against what has happened against Trump, even going so far as to tell everyone during a Fox Nes interview that Schiff went to court to try and silence the information about the Dems paying for the Fusion GPS dossier. He's a man of justice, a man of the people!
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Moving to justice. Where will he land? Private sector? Government?

He is one of the good ones, and it's sad to see him leave. Government needs people like him.

BREAKING NEWS: Gowdy’s bombshell decision — won’t seek re-election

South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy dropped a bombshell on Wednesday, announcing that he is not seeking re-election.

In a statement, Gowdy said he plans to leave politics altogether to return to working in the justice system.

“Whatever skills I may have are better utilized in a courtroom than in Congress, and I enjoy our justice system more than our political system. As I look back on my career, it is the jobs that both seek and reward fairness that are most rewarding,” said Gowdy, a former assistant U.S. attorney.

“There is no perfect time to make this announcement,” he continued. “But with filing openingin six weeks, it is important to give the women and men in South Carolina who might be interested in serving ample time to reflect on the decision.”

Gowdy is one of the most high-profile Republicans in the House. He serves as chairman on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and is a top member on the House Intelligence Committee.

Rumor has it he is trying to get Trump to name him to the Supreme Court
Moving to justice. Where will he land? Private sector? Government?

He is one of the good ones, and it's sad to see him leave. Government needs people like him.

BREAKING NEWS: Gowdy’s bombshell decision — won’t seek re-election

South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy dropped a bombshell on Wednesday, announcing that he is not seeking re-election.

In a statement, Gowdy said he plans to leave politics altogether to return to working in the justice system.

“Whatever skills I may have are better utilized in a courtroom than in Congress, and I enjoy our justice system more than our political system. As I look back on my career, it is the jobs that both seek and reward fairness that are most rewarding,” said Gowdy, a former assistant U.S. attorney.

“There is no perfect time to make this announcement,” he continued. “But with filing openingin six weeks, it is important to give the women and men in South Carolina who might be interested in serving ample time to reflect on the decision.”

Gowdy is one of the most high-profile Republicans in the House. He serves as chairman on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and is a top member on the House Intelligence Committee.
Is Gowdy the swamp or the non-swamp?

My scorecard is a freakin' mess, I can no longer tell.
Breaking Update!

Steve McGarrett is hearing rumors and that is Gowdy will be appointed special councel to go after the Deep State criminals that the memo will expose. You read it here first.
Moving to justice. Where will he land? Private sector? Government?

He is one of the good ones, and it's sad to see him leave. Government needs people like him.

BREAKING NEWS: Gowdy’s bombshell decision — won’t seek re-election

South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy dropped a bombshell on Wednesday, announcing that he is not seeking re-election.

In a statement, Gowdy said he plans to leave politics altogether to return to working in the justice system.

“Whatever skills I may have are better utilized in a courtroom than in Congress, and I enjoy our justice system more than our political system. As I look back on my career, it is the jobs that both seek and reward fairness that are most rewarding,” said Gowdy, a former assistant U.S. attorney.

“There is no perfect time to make this announcement,” he continued. “But with filing openingin six weeks, it is important to give the women and men in South Carolina who might be interested in serving ample time to reflect on the decision.”

Gowdy is one of the most high-profile Republicans in the House. He serves as chairman on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and is a top member on the House Intelligence Committee.

Supreme Court Justice?
Moving to justice. Where will he land? Private sector? Government?

He is one of the good ones, and it's sad to see him leave. Government needs people like him.

BREAKING NEWS: Gowdy’s bombshell decision — won’t seek re-election

South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy dropped a bombshell on Wednesday, announcing that he is not seeking re-election.

In a statement, Gowdy said he plans to leave politics altogether to return to working in the justice system.

“Whatever skills I may have are better utilized in a courtroom than in Congress, and I enjoy our justice system more than our political system. As I look back on my career, it is the jobs that both seek and reward fairness that are most rewarding,” said Gowdy, a former assistant U.S. attorney.

“There is no perfect time to make this announcement,” he continued. “But with filing openingin six weeks, it is important to give the women and men in South Carolina who might be interested in serving ample time to reflect on the decision.”

Gowdy is one of the most high-profile Republicans in the House. He serves as chairman on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and is a top member on the House Intelligence Committee.

Rumor has it he is trying to get Trump to name him to the Supreme Court
Just gotta wait for Ruth to croak....
Republicans have two choices that are becoming pretty clear - get in the slimy orangle clown wagon headed for a cliff or retire.

Gowdy read this one right.
Steve McGarrett is hearing rumors and that is Gowdy will be appointed special councel to go after the Deep State criminals that the memo will expose. You read it here first.

Gowdy will ALWAYS be known as the Joe McCarthy of the Benghazi inquisition.

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