BREAKING NEWS Jill Stein admits Hillary Clinton behind recount


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Jill Stein admits Hillary Clinton behind recount — Steemit Jill Stein in a recent interview came out and said that Hillary Clinton was behind wanting a recount. Hillary Clinton had already conceded to Donald Trump and this was her sneaky way I'm trying to get a recount in several States. Little did she know that this would backfire

So the Jill Stein recount is complete bullshit, it has always been Hilly's recount. That said what is hilly hiding from? Is she scared of Trump?

More fake news. I just listened to Stein on Lawrence O'Donnell.
Its the combination of a Machiavellian plot and a Three Stooges Binge Watch......which means only the Clintons can have come up with it.

Very entertaining; very fucked up.

Soon, we will hear the ignominious screeching of Hillary Rodham Clinton no more...the Evita Peron wanna-be, the haggard ole harridan, the fraud who thought America was a Banana Republic and that she got to be President just because her husband was....soon she will pass into a special place of Infamy.....remembered only as a coat-tail rider and a terrible mistake America almost made.

Well, these are the same clowns that sucked in the fake news the Russians flooded America with, nyet?
Of course the Hill is. Anyone with even one brain cell should recognize that. Stein would only ask for a recount if she thought she, herself could win, as a candidate. And we all know that many votes would not magically appear voting for Stein, enough to win.
Well, these are the same clowns that sucked in the fake news the Russians flooded America with, nyet?
Actually I didn't read it.................................but you did, SUCKER

Next imbecile
And you believe a Damn Blog...Haaaaaa...It is a Bogus link...
bassman007 and basquebromance and a few others here are Russian plants that disseminate fake news all day long, it's the only thing that makes sense!!! :D :D
It's a blog paragraph with no sources, and at the bottom it says authors are paid by number of upvotes.

As CBS news said about their sources: "fake but accurate"
Anyone familiar with Steemit who knows that it is just a block chain social media blog, similar to FB, knows that anyone, can post anything, even fiction, to try to get up votes, that is all it is. This source is even less than a blog. The author is just posting anonymous fiction.

I have an image from an unverified twitter account that claims to be the daughter of a Rothschild who claims to be behind the whole recount, shall I post THAT image? If we are going to go into loony conspiracies now?



And you believe a Damn Blog...Haaaaaa...It is a Bogus link...
bassman007 and basquebromance and a few others here are Russian plants that disseminate fake news all day long, it's the only thing that makes sense!!! :D :D

Hmmm. . . . basquebromance has had me wondering, but I never noticed bassman before. You might be right.

It's important to note, a lot of times, it isn't fake news, it is just from a different POV. News doesn't have to originate from the Annenberg/CFR establishment to be real. To fall for Anglo/American propaganda is a shame, keep your mind free of Newspeak.

In this instance though, the information is clearly bogus.
To counter the insanity of the Crooked Hillary, her fake MSM "journalists" and the establishment butthurt brigades, The Donald is doing a "thank you" tour and that has got Rachel "Blinky" Maddow's mouth more contorted than usual as Blinky continues to campaign for Crooked Hillary!

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