BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden Rejected Proposal from Vladimir Putin to Halt the War in Ukraine

That's twice Biden rejected peace talks. Just think about how much money we could have saved and how many people would still be alive if Biden would have led in negotiations for peace. There's a reason Biden doesn't want peace between Ukraine and Russia. His profiteering would end.

PUTIN: I want all of Ukraine.

BIDEN: Fuck off, loser.

MAGATARDS: Biden rejected peace talks! That BASTARD!

The only acceptable peace is when all Russian troops pull out of ALL Ukraine.
Your ignorance of diplomatic protocols is astounding. But I understand. All you know is whatever fake outrage of the day your media masters want you to believe.

"Trump starts to shake hands with those in the room. ………….

Yet another one of your ignorant fallacies I laid to rest. Got any more?
You didn’t even address his two main points of his post.

1.He Pointed out that you were wrong about North Korea stopping their missile launches.

2. And tearing up the Iran deal was a bad idea.

You actually didn’t lay to rest any fallacies. You just spent several paragraphs trying to explain why Trump looks so stupid in the photo.
Winners don't beg for a cease-fire. The desperate do.

Putin was begging. Biden told the loser to stuff it. That really upset the Trump cult traitors. Go fig.

Imagine if it was WW2, and FDR told Britain to just let Germany keep all of europe. That's the kind of thing the Trump cult fascists here advocate.

Trump, of course, would have surrendered Ukraine and all of Europe to Putin, and then surrendered Taiwan and all of Asia to China, and then bragged about avoiding war. And his followers here would be telling us how awesome that was.
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I understand perfectly well how it works.

Can you show me a picture of another President saluting a foreign general?
Clearly you don't. A salute is just a form of greeting. It's part of the customs and courtesies of the military to return salutes. Even from foreign military members.

BTW what would have been the sense or payoff of disrespecting that man? What is there to gain?
Putin: Что вы можете предложить, чтобы прекратить боевые действия. И почему от вас пахнет рвотой и дерьмом?

Russian translator: "What do you have to offer, to end the hostilities. And why do you smell like vomit and shit?"

Robert L Peters: "Tralinufermidd..d..d..d..d...erfiqopiredstomthoringtonsmaww...d...d...d.... ut. <wet fart>

English translator: "Talk to Hunter, he'll negotiate the kickback and provide the wiring instructions.... and throw in a couple 9-year old girls or we walk."

putin biden retard.jpg
Winners don't beg for a cease-fire. The desperate do.

Putin was begging. Biden told the loser to stuff it. That really upset the Trump cult traitors. Go fig.

Imagine if it was WW2, and FDR told Britain to just let Germany keep all of europe. That's the kind of thing the Trump cult fascists here advocate.

Trump, of course, would have surrendered Ukraine and all of Europe to Putin, and then surrendered Taiwan and all of Asia to China, and then bragged about avoiding war. And his followers here would be telling us how awesome that was.
Well then we should all be cheering for more Ukrainians and Russians to die. Easy to do for all you arm chair generals.
Well then we should all be cheering for more Ukrainians and Russians to die. Easy to do for all you arm chair generals.
Withhold that money and it’ll be mainly Ukrainians dying due to attacks by the Russian invaders
Well then we should all be cheering for more Ukrainians and Russians to die. Easy to do for all you arm chair generals.
Being a moral person, I listen to what the Ukrainians want to do.

What you want to do is clear. You want to sell them out to fascists, which the Ukrainians clearly don't want. You support Russia enslaving Ukraine.
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Being a moral person, I listen to what the Ukrainians want to do.

What you want to do is clear. You want to sell them out to fascists, which the Ukrainians clearly don't want. You support Russia enslaving Ukraine.
Chamberlain would be proud
Being a moral person, I listen to what the Ukrainians want to do.
The Ukrainians are free to do whatever they want.
What you want to do is clear. You want to sell them out to fascists, which the Ukrainians clearly don't want. You support Russia enslaving Ukraine.
What I want to do is stop funding and participating in foreign wars. I've fought enough of them to know it's a losing game to play.
Withhold that money and it’ll be mainly Ukrainians dying due to attacks by the Russian invaders

They will die if we send the money. The bottom line is Ukraine isnt getting that land back. No amount of money we send them is going to change that so all we are doing with our money is buying more death. Congrats.
The Ukrainians are free to do whatever they want.

What I want to do is stop funding and participating in foreign wars. I've fought enough of them to know it's a losing game to play.
So would have surrendered europe to Hitler, and you want everyone to know it.

Thus you're not taken seriously, due to moral depravity.
That's twice Biden rejected peace talks. Just think about how much money we could have saved and how many people would still be alive if Biden would have led in negotiations for peace. There's a reason Biden doesn't want peace between Ukraine and Russia. His profiteering would end.

It is obvious that Biden wants war.
They will die if we send the money. The bottom line is Ukraine isnt getting that land back. No amount of money we send them is going to change that so all we are doing with our money is buying more death. Congrats.
You know this how?

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