BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden Rejected Proposal from Vladimir Putin to Halt the War in Ukraine

Wasn't 20 years of "nation-building" enough for you zipperheads? After all the blood a treasure we lost in shithole countries like Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Afghanistan, how many so-called "democracies" did we create?

And now your idiot "president" is trying to do the same thing with Ukraine and Russia, two of the most corrupt shithole countries in Europe. This isn't the 1950's anymore. We no longer have the leadership nor the resources to involve ourselves in a civil war between two countries that don't have anything more to offer than Youtube videos of drunks fighting on the freeway.

It's adorable to watch you wingnut warmongers act like a hippy drum circle because the only thing good you can say about Trump is that "no new wars broke out."
It's adorable to watch you wingnut warmongers act like a hippy drum circle because the only thing good you can say about Trump is that "no new wars broke out."

Eh? It is you leftoids (and fraud Republicans) beating the drums of war against Russia. Project much?
Don't you think it's a good thing that no new wars broke out under Trump?

Apparently Hillary's loss was just too much for JoeB131. The humiliation was so great that he went through four years of Trump without having a single erection. Imagine that.

But the election of Shitshow Joe gave him a newfound cause to assert his manhood, so he spends most of his time waving his dick at imaginary Russians and throwing rocks in an easterly direction.

Ten bucks says a mod will delete this post. :laughing0301:
That's twice Biden rejected peace talks. Just think about how much money we could have saved and how many people would still be alive if Biden would have led in negotiations for peace. There's a reason Biden doesn't want peace between Ukraine and Russia. His profiteering would end.

How does Joe Biden get to end a war he's not in?

Do you even think about this insane crap before you post it?

I swear to god you people get dumber every day.
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You mean abandon an ally we swore to protect?

I wonder what Xi would be thinking regarding Taiwan

We had taken the position of not supporting Nato moving further east also.

It was just prelim discussions and Biden's admin said they have no interest in negotiating without Ukraine at the table, as they should have.

We need links to credible sources specifically proving that.

"Because I said so" doesn't mean anything.
How about just reading the article in the OP.

Crazy concept.

And I said prove it.

The article just says "a source says", but that doesn't mean anything. That isnt proof.

So read what I said, crazy concept.

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