BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden Rejected Proposal from Vladimir Putin to Halt the War in Ukraine

Are any of you libs using any pattern recognition at all when you see what Biden is doing? Pattern recognition is a critical survival ability. Civilization shields you to a point..
They will die if we send the money. The bottom line is Ukraine isnt getting that land back. No amount of money we send them is going to change that so all we are doing with our money is buying more death. Congrats.

There will be more deaths if we don’t send them money.
They will die if we send the money. The bottom line is Ukraine isnt getting that land back. No amount of money we send them is going to change that so all we are doing with our money is buying more death. Congrats.
EXACTLY. :th_thgoodpost:
There will be more deaths if we don’t send them money.
:eusa_doh:That makes less sense than the whole of the English vocabulary can possibly convey.
There will be more deaths if we don’t send them money.
If we send more money, the war continues. All that happens is more people die, and we end up with the same result as if we had just taken the off ramp now. Ukraine isn't getting Crimea and the Donbas back now. No amount of money is going to do that. So all that our money will buy us now is more death and destruction.
Trump's mean tweets make the world laugh at the USA. How could anyone ever vote a lying idiot like Donald Trump?

We think you're dumber than a sack of hammers because you believe him. What a fucking fool you are!!! Thinking you're sticking it to anyone but yourself.

It is Democrats in the US that are dumb as stumps. Many of our allies didn’t like Trump because he asked them to start ponying up. Biden allows them to continue the gravy train from the US taxpayer. France, Italy and Germany don’t contribute their agreed upon 2% of GDP to NATO but expect the US to save them from their crazy neighbors while they spend their extra money on some pie in the sky windmill project or something.

Most of Western Europe lives in the same childish, left-wing fantasy land as US liberals. Of course they love Biden.
There will be more deaths if we don’t send them money.

I would argue the opposite. Ukraine is going to lose no matter how long this drags out. The longer it drags out, the more Ukrainians will die. Also, the longer it drags out, the more money the US will have flushed down the toilet, but the richer some politicians will get. This is exactly why the money flow continues.
Clearly you don't. A salute is just a form of greeting. It's part of the customs and courtesies of the military to return salutes. Even from foreign military members.

BTW what would have been the sense or payoff of disrespecting that man? What is there to gain?
Go back to my point, can you show me another picture of a US President saluting an enemy general?

Oh, wait, you can't?
I would argue the opposite. Ukraine is going to lose no matter how long this drags out. The longer it drags out, the more Ukrainians will die. Also, the longer it drags out, the more money the US will have flushed down the toilet, but the richer some politicians will get. This is exactly why the money flow continues.

Not sure how you think Ukraine is going to lose, given they've driven the Russians back and the Russians are pulling old T-55s out of museums to keep fighting.

They are buying North Korean Surplus tanks.

They are putting prisoners in uniforms.

But the important thing is that they wouldn't give Cheetoh Jesus what he wanted, so they all have to die!!!!
Not sure how you think Ukraine is going to lose, given they've driven the Russians back and the Russians are pulling old T-55s out of museums to keep fighting.

They are buying North Korean Surplus tanks.

They are putting prisoners in uniforms.

But the important thing is that they wouldn't give Cheetoh Jesus what he wanted, so they all have to die!!!!
You, Lesh, and the rest of war mongering assholes need to strap up and go to the Ukraine and FIGHT the WAR you want the USA to pay for!!!!
DO IT!!!! Enough of your TALK, go prove your allegiance to Zelensky!!!!
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You, Lesh, and the rest of war mongering assholes need to strap up and go to the Ukraine and FIGHT the WAR you want the USA to pay for!!!!
DO IT!!!! Enough of your TALK, go prove your allegiance to Zelensky!!!!

Well, first, I doubt they have much of a need for a 62-year-old Supply NCO.

Secondly, the Ukrainians are perfectly willing to fight their own war. In fact, there is no political desire for a peace based on giving up any land, even land the Russians took in 2014.

Anyone who thinks that Putin is going to be happy with just the Donbas and Crimea is the same kind of idiot who thought Hitler just wanted the Sudetenland. Or Jason just wanted his machete back.


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