Breaking News: Kushner asked Kislyak for 'secret' communications channel with Kremlin

Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
After eight years of Obama's efforts to start a new Cold War, I'm sure many Russians were surprised the new American administration wanted to return some sanity to US-Russia relations.
Kushner asked Kislyak for 'secret' communications channel with Kremlin
The impact on the Trump Presidency?...


His entire circle and Trump himself are all as guilty as fuck. The guy and the republican party is working with russia.

View attachment 129261
Special Counsel will tell us whether that is true.
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Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
After eight years of Obama's efforts to start a new Cold War, I'm sure many Russians were surprised the new American administration wanted to return some sanity to US-Russia relations.

Sanity? Is that what you call it? Election collusion? Maybe financial collusion? Funny...
These leakers need to pace themselves. What does it say when everyone who works in WH needs to call someone and say "This is nuts, right?"

- Bill Maher
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
After eight years of Obama's efforts to start a new Cold War, I'm sure many Russians were surprised the new American administration wanted to return some sanity to US-Russia relations.

Sanity? Is that what you call it? Election collusion? Maybe financial collusion? Funny...
Your post is a perfect example of the insanity Obama and Clinton introduced into US-Russia relations.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
You mean like a red phone direct line like every president has had since WWII. Kinda crazy with the tech today they discussed something else could work better.

Trump nor Kushner had any official role at the time. President Obama was still in charge.
Oh I see. Only democrats can prepare for winning an election. Republicans have to wait until Inauguration Day. Fuck off with your bullshit.
yeah, Mikey....all presidents go to THE RUSSIANS and ask the Russians for a secure connection to the Kremlin that our intelligence community can not track.... gawd almighty are you playing dumb and extra ordinary gymnastics to defend this move!

NAME 1 President that would go to the Russians and ask them for a so called RED PHONE line instead of their own country's experts to do so!
Ronald Reagan would call these Trumpies traitors. Yet they still think he's the patron saint of the GOP.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
After eight years of Obama's efforts to start a new Cold War, I'm sure many Russians were surprised the new American administration wanted to return some sanity to US-Russia relations.

Sanity? Is that what you call it? Election collusion? Maybe financial collusion? Funny...
Your post is a perfect example of the insanity Obama and Clinton introduced into US-Russia relations.
^^ Bonehead finds nothing wrong with secretly talking to a mortal enemy of the US while not even in power.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
After eight years of Obama's efforts to start a new Cold War, I'm sure many Russians were surprised the new American administration wanted to return some sanity to US-Russia relations.

Sanity? Is that what you call it? Election collusion? Maybe financial collusion? Funny...
Your post is a perfect example of the insanity Obama and Clinton introduced into US-Russia relations.
^^ Bonehead finds nothing wrong with secretly talking to a mortal enemy of the US while not even in power.
lol You're reading too many comic books. Russia is not a "mortal enemy" of the US. The US and Russia are adversaries on certain issues, but we are not enemies.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
After eight years of Obama's efforts to start a new Cold War, I'm sure many Russians were surprised the new American administration wanted to return some sanity to US-Russia relations.

Sanity? Is that what you call it? Election collusion? Maybe financial collusion? Funny...
Your post is a perfect example of the insanity Obama and Clinton introduced into US-Russia relations.
^^ Bonehead finds nothing wrong with secretly talking to a mortal enemy of the US while not even in power.
lol You're reading too many comic books. Russia is not a "mortal enemy" of the US. The US and Russia are adversaries on certain issues, but we are not enemies.
Your blind allegiance to the serial sex offender has rotted your brain.
Russia hacked and tried to tip the election to Tramp.
They have hacked and influenced other democratic elections.
They kill journalists and have obliterated the free press inRussia.
They've aligned themselves with Iran.
Educate yourself:
After eight years of Obama's efforts to start a new Cold War, I'm sure many Russians were surprised the new American administration wanted to return some sanity to US-Russia relations.

Sanity? Is that what you call it? Election collusion? Maybe financial collusion? Funny...
Your post is a perfect example of the insanity Obama and Clinton introduced into US-Russia relations.
^^ Bonehead finds nothing wrong with secretly talking to a mortal enemy of the US while not even in power.
lol You're reading too many comic books. Russia is not a "mortal enemy" of the US. The US and Russia are adversaries on certain issues, but we are not enemies.
Your blind allegiance to the serial sex offender has rotted your brain.
Russia hacked and tried to tip the election to Tramp.
They have hacked and influenced other democratic elections.
They kill journalists and have obliterated the free press inRussia.
They've aligned themselves with Iran.
Educate yourself:
lol In fact, the US government does not consider Russia to be an enemy. We cooperate with Russia in many areas regarding out security and the areas in which we are adversaries are not areas concerning our national security.

Further, there is no direct evidence the Russian government hacked the DNC. Since the DNC refused to allow the FBI to inspect the server that was allegedly hacked, the FBI has no first hand information about it. Further, there is no evidence that information taken for the hack, if it was hacked, found its way to Wikileaks. The original leak, if you recall, was about the DNC trying to rig the Democratic primaries to favor Clinton, and the party most interested in getting that information out was the Sanders supporters, but since exposing Sanders supporters as the source for Wikileaks would have split the Party down the middle in the middle of an electon, the narrative blaming the Russian government was invented.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
After eight years of Obama's efforts to start a new Cold War, I'm sure many Russians were surprised the new American administration wanted to return some sanity to US-Russia relations.

Sanity? Is that what you call it? Election collusion? Maybe financial collusion? Funny...
Your post is a perfect example of the insanity Obama and Clinton introduced into US-Russia relations.
^^ Bonehead finds nothing wrong with secretly talking to a mortal enemy of the US while not even in power.
Right genius. We sold our "mortal" enemy tons of uranium with Hillary's help. Remember the reset. All you have is juvenile hate and spittle. Every post gets dumber.
Once again, the illusionist makes you focus & look at their right hand, so you don't see the envelope of money passed to their left hand.
Dude the Clinton s are not being Investigated Trump and his son in law and the rest are the ones being investigated ....

You are now calling the FBI corrupt and partisan biased. They are looking at everything, EVERYTHING no matter how much dems smokescreen including determining if Dems used false charges to use as political gain as ABUSE OF Power.
The leaks prove this.
You are calling them to inept to notice.
You are insulting our agencies and our justice system. *notice I'm using former Dem accusations and standards against you, so that you can't make a move either way without losing an argument.
This is called CHECKMATE!
It's why I use the term a lot to signify when trapping you by your own move.
The fact I use the term a lot means you should notice by now that by your own standard you constantly bash yourselves. Everytime you swing at your opponent you end up hitting your own instead. Solution; always ask yourself; will this logic come hack to bite me in the end?
=self reflection technique.
There is no crime!

In an MSNBC segment hosted by Stephanie Ruhle, legal expert Alan Dershowitz responds to breaking reports that President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner's contacts with Russians are being investigated. Dershowitz explained how even the worst of the worst things the Trump team is being accused of doing vis-a-vis Russia aren't against the law. "Just simply not crimes," he said.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Let's assume the worst case scenario.

Let's assume the worst case scenario.

Let's assume there was a quid-pro-quo.

Let's assume that the Trump campaign promised: 'If you help us get elected, we'll drop the sanctions.'

How is that different from what President Reagan did with Iran?

President Reagan, the campaign, promised Iran that there would be some quid-pro-quo if Iran didn't hold back and release the hostages after the inauguration of President Reagan.

So, when we start to criminalize things we don't like -- in the absence of federal criminal statue, and I still want to know: Where's the beef?

What is the statue?

None of these things constitute violations of federal criminal law.
The POS who defended OJ?
So you can't state what is criminal?
There is no crime!

In an MSNBC segment hosted by Stephanie Ruhle, legal expert Alan Dershowitz responds to breaking reports that President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner's contacts with Russians are being investigated. Dershowitz explained how even the worst of the worst things the Trump team is being accused of doing vis-a-vis Russia aren't against the law. "Just simply not crimes," he said.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Let's assume the worst case scenario.

Let's assume the worst case scenario.

Let's assume there was a quid-pro-quo.

Let's assume that the Trump campaign promised: 'If you help us get elected, we'll drop the sanctions.'

How is that different from what President Reagan did with Iran?

President Reagan, the campaign, promised Iran that there would be some quid-pro-quo if Iran didn't hold back and release the hostages after the inauguration of President Reagan.

So, when we start to criminalize things we don't like -- in the absence of federal criminal statue, and I still want to know: Where's the beef?

What is the statue?

None of these things constitute violations of federal criminal law.

If the Comrade coodinated with the Russians on when to release stolen emails, he will go down. He will be the 21st century Benedict Donald. Flynn is giving up the goods, trying to avoud a felony convictiorn.

Remember Impeachment is Political not Criminal.
What's the crime? Collusion isn't a crime. So comrade, tell us
Let's make sure we understand. The Trump Campaign turned Trump Administration worked to set up secret communications channels between the Trump Administration and the Russian Government.

Now, this may not be illegal if they worked to do the same thing between the US and Brazil and the US and Canada.

But if it were only between Trump and the Russian government, then it's an entirely different ball of wax.
Yep.....Russia cannot talk to the president unless it's on CNN. No meetings allowed unless the press is there to break it to the public and make it look like a conspiracy.
Let's make sure we understand. The Trump Campaign turned Trump Administration worked to set up secret communications channels between the Trump Administration and the Russian Government.

Now, this may not be illegal if they worked to do the same thing between the US and Brazil and the US and Canada.

But if it were only between Trump and the Russian government, then it's an entirely different ball of wax.
Yep.....Russia cannot talk to the president unless it's on CNN. No meetings allowed unless the press is there to break it to the public and make it look like a conspiracy.

Yep.....Russia cannot talk to the president unless it's on CNN. No meetings allowed unless the press is there to break it to the public and make it look like a conspiracy.

He was only president-elect at the time this occurred. In America, we have only one president and one foreign policy at a time.
They knew this. Hence the unofficial back channel. Regardless of what you believe, their motives definitely need to be understood.
There is no crime!

In an MSNBC segment hosted by Stephanie Ruhle, legal expert Alan Dershowitz responds to breaking reports that President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner's contacts with Russians are being investigated. Dershowitz explained how even the worst of the worst things the Trump team is being accused of doing vis-a-vis Russia aren't against the law. "Just simply not crimes," he said.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Let's assume the worst case scenario.

Let's assume the worst case scenario.

Let's assume there was a quid-pro-quo.

Let's assume that the Trump campaign promised: 'If you help us get elected, we'll drop the sanctions.'

How is that different from what President Reagan did with Iran?

President Reagan, the campaign, promised Iran that there would be some quid-pro-quo if Iran didn't hold back and release the hostages after the inauguration of President Reagan.

So, when we start to criminalize things we don't like -- in the absence of federal criminal statue, and I still want to know: Where's the beef?

What is the statue?

None of these things constitute violations of federal criminal law.

If the Comrade coodinated with the Russians on when to release stolen emails, he will go down. He will be the 21st century Benedict Donald. Flynn is giving up the goods, trying to avoud a felony convictiorn.

Remember Impeachment is Political not Criminal.
What's the crime? Collusion isn't a crime. So comrade, tell us

I suppose that depends entirely on what the collusion was meant to accomplish.
There is no crime!

In an MSNBC segment hosted by Stephanie Ruhle, legal expert Alan Dershowitz responds to breaking reports that President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner's contacts with Russians are being investigated. Dershowitz explained how even the worst of the worst things the Trump team is being accused of doing vis-a-vis Russia aren't against the law. "Just simply not crimes," he said.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Let's assume the worst case scenario.

Let's assume the worst case scenario.

Let's assume there was a quid-pro-quo.

Let's assume that the Trump campaign promised: 'If you help us get elected, we'll drop the sanctions.'

How is that different from what President Reagan did with Iran?

President Reagan, the campaign, promised Iran that there would be some quid-pro-quo if Iran didn't hold back and release the hostages after the inauguration of President Reagan.

So, when we start to criminalize things we don't like -- in the absence of federal criminal statue, and I still want to know: Where's the beef?

What is the statue?

None of these things constitute violations of federal criminal law.

If the Comrade coodinated with the Russians on when to release stolen emails, he will go down. He will be the 21st century Benedict Donald. Flynn is giving up the goods, trying to avoud a felony convictiorn.

Remember Impeachment is Political not Criminal.
What's the crime? Collusion isn't a crime. So comrade, tell us

I suppose that depends entirely on what the collusion was meant to accomplish.
So you have no crime

A lot of press for nothing

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