Breaking News: Kushner asked Kislyak for 'secret' communications channel with Kremlin

Thanks for all the new additions to my IGNORE list. For a true perspective on these idiots, click on their screen names and review their posts (if they haven't hidden them). You will find a complete lack of substance or even civil discourse.

great way to always be right ...

WOW = Zionism turns on JARED KUSHNER

I take back everything I ever suspected of him. Kushner is a patriotic American. If you are a non-Zionist Jew, the WaPo hates you.
It doesn't matter. We used to have a secure direct line to the Kremlin back during the Cold War. Now the press wants to create yet another scandal over something they know is established precedent and isn't even against the law.
Lawyer: Kushner ‘has no recollection’ of reported undisclosed Russian contacts

"Hard to fully convey the gravity of this,” said Susan Hennessey, a national security fellow at the Brookings Institution and a former lawyer for the National Security Agency, of the Washington Post report. “Unthinkable Kushner could stay in the White House,” she added.

"GOOD GRIEF. This is serious," Bob Deitz, an NSA and Central Intelligence Agency veteran who worked in both Clinton and Bush administrations, told Business Insider of the attempt to establish secretive Russian communications. "This is a big problem for the President."
You are arguing an unproven event which is what fake news wants you to do to make the propaganda seem real.
Wait to see if that happened first thenfind out why before you do the dirty work for the propagandist.
Remember Clinton was cheating the campaign-spying, so why give Obama and her the advantage of knowing your policies and pre-diplomatic strategies. Also intelligence gathering on Clinton would not be out of the question if asking about her kickback uranium deal. It's also their job to contact all leaders if they want to be successful and ahead of the curve performance wise in comparison to SLOW DO NOTHING ADMINISTRATIONS, especially those involved against Isis, as the plan of surprise took place upon office.
That shows they were working before they got in office to surprise the enemy who would never expect transition administration to pounce when they did.
Remember her team still had ties and contact with the Russians, I see nobody is concerned, proving it a sham.
They just seem Jealous how quickly Trumps team moved and yet when and where not prepared they pounced never giving them the Normal amount of time it takes to transition.
Damned if you do damned if you don't with these obstructionist who ADMITTED they were causing a coup.
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Explain what's so sinister about seeking a line of communication.

Communication for WHAT? Ok tell us.

I won't assume to know, why should you? But considering how the FISA court has chided the maobama regime for abuse of power, I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw the whole bunch. Why would Trump?

You can't even guess at a legitimate lawful reason.
Thanks for admitting you're just trying to cover the criminals asses.
And then run right to Obama like a good little Hannity.

Actually I can't imagine an illegitimate reason. When you're replacing a hostile regime you have to take precautions. Now deny the maobama regime was hostile to Trump. LMAO

There's no doubt Trump was hostile to Obama for years.


You don't like it =/= fake news.

Also, the New York Times is failing so much that subscriptions have been on the rise. I'm waiting for them to fail any day now.

The NY Times will go under right after the ACA collapses on its own. But before that happens Trump will unveil his secret plan to defeat ISIS and his private investigators find the devestating truth about Obama.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
You mean like a red phone direct line like every president has had since WWII. Kinda crazy with the tech today they discussed something else could work better.

Trump nor Kushner had any official role at the time. President Obama was still in charge.
Which means that at the same time that the official US Government was increasing sanctions on Russia, the private citizens talking to Russian about sanctions (Flynn's conversations) were breaking the law.

You don't know that.

Top aides McMaster and Cohn refuse to comment on a report that Trump’s son-in-law wanted to set up a secret back channel to speak with Russia.

Trump’s White House Does Not Want To Talk About Kushner And Russia. At All.

Sounds like the Sergeant Schultz defense: I know nothing!

So if someone asked you : "what did you do with that dog you slept with, in your bed last night?" and it did not warrant a response that means you did something horrible to that dog or does it mean the question was so horrible and trolling that it warranted no comment?
Sort of like putting Jake on Ignore. *L*
It's been widely reported that:

1. Kushner has had at least 18 different contacts with Russians government operatives during the campaign, the transition and post inauguration.
2. Kushner filled out the proper forms for a security clearance.
3. Kushner was granted a security clearance.
4. Kushner failed to note any of those meeting or contacts with those Russians government operatives on his clearance application, Standard Form 86.
5. All of the above has been widely covered

What hasn't been covered in any detail which is notable regarding Kushner's clearance is:

1. US security clearance forms, SF 86, have an affidavit block just above the signature block certifying all responses are true, correct and without omission.
2. "Knowing and willful false statement"(s) are a felony under 18 USC § 1001; up to five years imprisonment and $10k fine.
3. It is unreasonable for any average person to totally FORGET 18 encounters with foreign government operatives known to the subject in question over a years or so time.
4. Kushner omitted all of the contacts, phone or in person, including those meetings in his SF 86 as reported.
5. Under existing law, if a charge is made that Kushner lied on that SF 86 he filled out, he will be found guilty of a felony.

Many people have lied about their backgrounds or omitted damaging information on that form and paid a price. It is very likely Kushner will lose his security clearance soon and be barred from any secure locations. If the FBI finds even a tenth of the preceding true. After that he's likely to be tried followed by a very probable conviction. Father like Son?

Affidavit on Form SF 86;

Certification My statements on this form, and on any attachments to it, are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. I have carefully read the foregoing instructions to complete this form. I understand that a knowing and willful false statement on this form can be punished by fine or imprisonment or both (18 U.S.C. 1001). I understand that intentionally withholding, misrepresenting, or falsifying information may have a negative effect on my security clearance, employment prospects, or job status, up to and including denial or revocation of my security clearance, or my removal and debarment from Federal service.

Fillable PDF of SF 86;

Russian banker Kushner met with in December is Putin crony and graduate of ‘finishing school’ for spies: report
A Russian banker who met with President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is a graduate of what is described as Russia’s top “finishing schools” for spies, NBC is reporting

So basically you are saying Russia was trying to find out about Trumps stances on Russia and other interest like they tried to do in attempting to hack the RNC but failed .
That's possible but then why did both Hillary and Obama have ties to the Russian Ambassador who asked him to meet the banker & set up Kushners meeting?
Seems to me the smoking gun is Hillary and Obama were in on this. The tampering and Collusion falls on those 2 election cheaters.
*sound of horn being muffled*
Wahhh wahhh wahhh!
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Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC.
It's fake news. CNN and MSNBC couldn't possibly know this. They're just making more bullshit up.
Buuuuut, you idiots will believe any cock and bull story they make up.
You can cry fake news every time you see a story you don't like. But it makes you look like a crying little baby sh!t. Perhaps read the story see if it turns out to be fake. If it is, that will be reported. But if it isn't, then you look like a whiney little sh!t. And you don't want to look like a whiney little sh!t, do you?
But there is a good chance that this is actually real fake news. What I mean is that this could be a cable made from Russian ambassador to Kremlin knowing it would be intercepted. I kind of hate the fact that it gets so much attention, because I don't know whether the Russians knew about our intercept capabilities on this cable. They could be testing us with disinformation, which in my view is real fake news. I otherwise agree with you on the tediousness of whining about every story as "fake news" and demonizing reporters.
It doesn't matter. We used to have a secure direct line to the Kremlin back during the Cold War. Now the press wants to create yet another scandal over something they know is established precedent and isn't even against the law.
Nice try.
Why would Kushner and Flynn push for such a secret channel of communications?

A Reuters report published a short time after the Post story added this key detail (emphasis added) …

FBI investigators are examining whether Russians suggested to Kushner or other Trump aides that relaxing economic sanctions would allow Russian banks to offer financing to people with ties to Trump, said the current U.S. law enforcement official.
(A Bit More) About Last Night
Why would Kushner and Flynn push for such a secret channel of communications?

A Reuters report published a short time after the Post story added this key detail (emphasis added) …

FBI investigators are examining whether Russians suggested to Kushner or other Trump aides that relaxing economic sanctions would allow Russian banks to offer financing to people with ties to Trump, said the current U.S. law enforcement official.
(A Bit More) About Last Night

Money borrowing is cheap all over the globe, nice narrative, but it fails the reality test, they don't need mobster Russian money, and Jared didn't take the bait. The Ambassador set up the meeting and he had ties to Obama and Hillary, The same one Obama used to set up a meeting with Sessions so he'd have to accuse himself to extend the Russian narrative as long as they can into elections to regain seats and also to not investigate Obama's dealings in a this saga.
Let's face facts; Jared is making the president look good through this Middle east tour and that made him a sudden target otherwise where was all this before now? They are exposing their illegal surveillance to take Jared out of the picture because he is making Trump popular with an important Jewish voter base thst usually follows by Black voter base and all Dems have left are illegal voters, dead voters
(cheating elections) and a few people wearing tin foil hats who think MSNBC and CNN are news channels.

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