Breaking News: Kushner asked Kislyak for 'secret' communications channel with Kremlin

Why would Kushner and Flynn push for such a secret channel of communications?

A Reuters report published a short time after the Post story added this key detail (emphasis added) …

FBI investigators are examining whether Russians suggested to Kushner or other Trump aides that relaxing economic sanctions would allow Russian banks to offer financing to people with ties to Trump, said the current U.S. law enforcement official.
(A Bit More) About Last Night

Money borrowing is cheap all over the globe, nice narrative, but it fails the reality test, they don't need mobster Russian money, and Jared didn't take the bait. The Ambassador set up the meeting and he had ties to Obama and Hillary, The same one Obama used to set up a meeting with Sessions so he'd have to accuse himself to extend the Russian narrative as long as they can into elections to regain seats and also to not investigate Obama's dealings in a this saga.
Let's face facts; Jared is making the president look good through this Middle east tour and that made him a sudden target otherwise where was all this before now? They are exposing their illegal surveillance to take Jared out of the picture because he is making Trump popular with an important Jewish voter base thst usually follows by Black voter base and all Dems have left are illegal voters, dead voters
(cheating elections) and a few people wearing tin foil hats who think MSNBC and CNN are news channels.
Schmucks like you think FOX is a news channel Jared will steal your eye teeth given the chance A crook like his father
Jared's father was a crook?


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Charles Kushner - Wikipedia
Charles Kushner - Wikipedia
Charles Kushner (born May 16, 1954) is an American real estate developer. He founded KushnerCompanies in 1985. In 2005, he was convicted of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering, and served time in federal prison.
Parent(s)‎: ‎Joseph Kushner‎; Rae Kushner
Children‎: ‎Jared Kushner‎; ‎Joshua Kushner‎; and ...
Relatives‎: ‎Murray Kushner‎ (brother); ‎Marc Kus...
In 2005 W's DOJ put a Jew in prison???

Must not have been Zionist enough.

The 7 US Attorneys W fired the next year were all fired for prosecuting chosen traitors.
In 2005 W's DOJ put a Jew in prison???

Must not have been Zionist enough.

The 7 US Attorneys W fired the next year were all fired for prosecuting chosen traitors.
You wanted proof I wonder wtf trump took kirshner and Ivanka 2 orthodox jews to see he pope
Why would Kushner and Flynn push for such a secret channel of communications?

A Reuters report published a short time after the Post story added this key detail (emphasis added) …

FBI investigators are examining whether Russians suggested to Kushner or other Trump aides that relaxing economic sanctions would allow Russian banks to offer financing to people with ties to Trump, said the current U.S. law enforcement official.
(A Bit More) About Last Night

Money borrowing is cheap all over the globe, nice narrative, but it fails the reality test, they don't need mobster Russian money, and Jared didn't take the bait. The Ambassador set up the meeting and he had ties to Obama and Hillary, The same one Obama used to set up a meeting with Sessions so he'd have to accuse himself to extend the Russian narrative as long as they can into elections to regain seats and also to not investigate Obama's dealings in a this saga.
Let's face facts; Jared is making the president look good through this Middle east tour and that made him a sudden target otherwise where was all this before now? They are exposing their illegal surveillance to take Jared out of the picture because he is making Trump popular with an important Jewish voter base thst usually follows by Black voter base and all Dems have left are illegal voters, dead voters
(cheating elections) and a few people wearing tin foil hats who think MSNBC and CNN are news channels.
Schmucks like you think FOX is a news channel Jared will steal your eye teeth given the chance A crook like his father

So then Chelseas Husband is a crook like his father or does every individual have a right to be treated on their own merits without prejudices?
Why would Kushner and Flynn push for such a secret channel of communications?

A Reuters report published a short time after the Post story added this key detail (emphasis added) …

FBI investigators are examining whether Russians suggested to Kushner or other Trump aides that relaxing economic sanctions would allow Russian banks to offer financing to people with ties to Trump, said the current U.S. law enforcement official.
(A Bit More) About Last Night

Money borrowing is cheap all over the globe, nice narrative, but it fails the reality test, they don't need mobster Russian money, and Jared didn't take the bait. The Ambassador set up the meeting and he had ties to Obama and Hillary, The same one Obama used to set up a meeting with Sessions so he'd have to accuse himself to extend the Russian narrative as long as they can into elections to regain seats and also to not investigate Obama's dealings in a this saga.
Let's face facts; Jared is making the president look good through this Middle east tour and that made him a sudden target otherwise where was all this before now? They are exposing their illegal surveillance to take Jared out of the picture because he is making Trump popular with an important Jewish voter base thst usually follows by Black voter base and all Dems have left are illegal voters, dead voters
(cheating elections) and a few people wearing tin foil hats who think MSNBC and CNN are news channels.
Schmucks like you think FOX is a news channel Jared will steal your eye teeth given the chance A crook like his father

So then Chelseas Husband is a crook like his father or does every individual have a right to be treated on their own merits without prejudices?
Are they all Jews?.....
Doesn't Kushner look like Damien from The Omen? Black lifeless eyes, no smile, and an inhuman type of stare.
So then Chelseas Husband is a crook like his father or does every individual have a right to be treated on their own merits without prejudices?
"Bill"....Jared Kushner is a crook just like his father in Law and his wife.................
Let's make sure we understand. The Trump Campaign turned Trump Administration worked to set up secret communications channels between the Trump Administration and the Russian Government.

Now, this may not be illegal if they worked to do the same thing between the US and Brazil and the US and Canada.

But if it were only between Trump and the Russian government, then it's an entirely different ball of wax.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 [Clinton] emails that are missing," Trump said at a press conference. "I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens. That'll be nice."
Some people call that a joke.

Do you want me to look up joke for you, dumb-ass?
Yea, I'm really, really sure he wasn't completely serious.
A Reuters story from late last night buried this important detail:

FBI investigators are examining whether Russians suggested to Kushner or other Trump aides that relaxing economic sanctions would allow Russian banks to offer financing to people with ties to Trump, said the current U.S. law enforcement official.

The head of Russian state-owned Vnesheconombank, Sergei Nikolaevich Gorkov, a trained intelligence officer whom Putin appointed, met Kushner at Trump Tower in December. The bank is under U.S. sanctions and was implicated in a 2015 espionage case in which one of its New York executives pleaded guilty to spying and was jailed.

The bank said in a statement in March that it had met with Kushner along with other representatives of U.S. banks and business as part of preparing a new corporate strategy.
So then Chelseas Husband is a crook like his father or does every individual have a right to be treated on their own merits without prejudices?
"Bill"....Jared Kushner is a crook just like his father in Law and his wife.................
A Reuters story from late last night buried this important detail:

FBI investigators are examining whether Russians suggested to Kushner or other Trump aides that relaxing economic sanctions would allow Russian banks to offer financing to people with ties to Trump, said the current U.S. law enforcement official.

The head of Russian state-owned Vnesheconombank, Sergei Nikolaevich Gorkov, a trained intelligence officer whom Putin appointed, met Kushner at Trump Tower in December. The bank is under U.S. sanctions and was implicated in a 2015 espionage case in which one of its New York executives pleaded guilty to spying and was jailed.

The bank said in a statement in March that it had met with Kushner along with other representatives of U.S. banks and business as part of preparing a new corporate strategy.
But, leave your mind alone and just get high

Well, by and by, way after many years have gone
And all the war freaks die off, leavin' us alone
We'll raise our children, in the peaceful way we can
It's up to you and me brother
To try and try again
Doesn't Kushner look like Damien from The Omen? Black lifeless eyes, no smile, and an inhuman type of stare.

White House aides could face criminal charges for using auto-delete apps on Russia-related documents: report
The use of auto-delete apps like Confide, Signal and WhatsApp could lead to Trump officials facing jail time for not preserving information sought by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller.

So you finally admit Hillary should be arrested, to bad your info is fake news though.
There are reports that Jared Kushner may leave the White House in order to "spend more time with his family's Lawyers "
So then Chelseas Husband is a crook like his father or does every individual have a right to be treated on their own merits without prejudices?
"Bill"....Jared Kushner is a crook just like his father in Law and his wife.................
A Reuters story from late last night buried this important detail:

FBI investigators are examining whether Russians suggested to Kushner or other Trump aides that relaxing economic sanctions would allow Russian banks to offer financing to people with ties to Trump, said the current U.S. law enforcement official.

The head of Russian state-owned Vnesheconombank, Sergei Nikolaevich Gorkov, a trained intelligence officer whom Putin appointed, met Kushner at Trump Tower in December. The bank is under U.S. sanctions and was implicated in a 2015 espionage case in which one of its New York executives pleaded guilty to spying and was jailed.

The bank said in a statement in March that it had met with Kushner along with other representatives of U.S. banks and business as part of preparing a new corporate strategy.

They are also examining Obama's abuse of power, so he must be guilty according to you or is it they SAID THEY'D EXAMINE ALL POSSIBLE AVENUES BEFORE CONCLUDING THEIR CASE?
Kushner asked Kislyak for 'secret' communications channel with Kremlin
The impact on the Trump Presidency?...


His entire circle and Trump himself are all as guilty as fuck. The guy and the republican party is working with russia.

What the Clinton camp was smokescreening, remember she DEFLECTS everything she is doing onto Donald's & his staff, so you'd never believe it was her all along-she is that diabolical and psychotic.
Russia's largest bank, Sberbank, has confirmed that it hired the consultancy of Tony Podesta, the elder brother of John Podesta who chaired Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, for lobbying its interests in the United States and proactively seeking the removal of various Obama-era sanctions, the press service of the Russian institution told TASS
"The New York office of Sberbank CIB indeed hired Podesta Group. Engagement of external consultants is part of standard business practices for us," Sberbank said.
The Daily Caller reported that Tony Podesta was proactively lobbying for cancellation of a range of anti-Russian sanctions against the banking sector. In particular, he represented interests of Sberbank and was paid $170,000 for his efforts over a six-month period last year to seek to end one of the Obama administration’s economic sanctions against that country. Podesta, founder and chairman of the Podesta Group, is listed as a key lobbyist on behalf of Sberbank,
according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms . His firm received more than $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from foreign governments, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

Once again, the illusionist makes you focus & look at their right hand, so you don't see the envelope of money passed to their left hand.
Once again, the illusionist makes you focus & look at their right hand, so you don't see the envelope of money passed to their left hand.
Dude the Clinton s are not being Investigated Trump and his son in law and the rest are the ones being investigated ....

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