Breaking News: Kushner asked Kislyak for 'secret' communications channel with Kremlin

So what?

Said the dumbest of the Nixon supporters when the tapes were found.
History is repeating itself with the followers of a doomed president.

Explain what's so sinister about seeking a line of communication.

Communication for WHAT? Ok tell us.

I won't assume to know, why should you? But considering how the FISA court has chided the maobama regime for abuse of power, I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw the whole bunch. Why would Trump?

So what?

Said the dumbest of the Nixon supporters when the tapes were found.
History is repeating itself with the followers of a doomed president.

Explain what's so sinister about seeking a line of communication.

Communication for WHAT? Ok tell us.

I won't assume to know, why should you? But considering how the FISA court has chided the maobama regime for abuse of power, I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw the whole bunch. Why would Trump?

You can't even guess at a legitimate lawful reason.
Thanks for admitting you're just trying to cover the criminals asses.
And then run right to Obama like a good little Hannity.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC.
It's fake news. CNN and MSNBC couldn't possibly know this. They're just making more bullshit up.
Buuuuut, you idiots will believe any cock and bull story they make up.

You lot believed everything Bush told you before going to war in Iraq..... so...... "you idiots will believe any cock and bull story".
So what?

Said the dumbest of the Nixon supporters when the tapes were found.
History is repeating itself with the followers of a doomed president.

Explain what's so sinister about seeking a line of communication.

Communication for WHAT? Ok tell us.

I won't assume to know, why should you? But considering how the FISA court has chided the maobama regime for abuse of power, I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw the whole bunch. Why would Trump?

You can't even guess at a legitimate lawful reason.
Thanks for admitting you're just trying to cover the criminals asses.
And then run right to Obama like a good little Hannity.

Actually I can't imagine an illegitimate reason. When you're replacing a hostile regime you have to take precautions. Now deny the maobama regime was hostile to Trump. LMAO

Said the dumbest of the Nixon supporters when the tapes were found.
History is repeating itself with the followers of a doomed president.

Explain what's so sinister about seeking a line of communication.

Communication for WHAT? Ok tell us.

I won't assume to know, why should you? But considering how the FISA court has chided the maobama regime for abuse of power, I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw the whole bunch. Why would Trump?

You can't even guess at a legitimate lawful reason.
Thanks for admitting you're just trying to cover the criminals asses.
And then run right to Obama like a good little Hannity.

Actually I can't imagine an illegitimate reason. When you're replacing a hostile regime you have to take precautions. Now deny the maobama regime was hostile to Trump. LMAO

There's no doubt Trump was hostile to Obama for years.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
Got to be false plant on the part of the Ruskies.
That's why God invented Special Counsels... to set aside politics, force disclosures, and answer such questions...
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.

/--- JFK had the Red Phone (actually it was a teletype) that was a direct connection to the Kremlin so he and Kruchev could communicate. It was well known. Why was that OK? Moscow–Washington hotline - Wikipedia
Let's make sure we understand. The Trump Campaign turned Trump Administration worked to set up secret communications channels between the Trump Administration and the Russian Government.

Now, this may not be illegal if they worked to do the same thing between the US and Brazil and the US and Canada.

But if it were only between Trump and the Russian government, then it's an entirely different ball of wax.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 [Clinton] emails that are missing," Trump said at a press conference. "I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens. That'll be nice."

/--- Trump was making a joke but up tight libs can't see humor in anything except watching babies being ripped out of their mother's womb.
THE Russian Bank was just showing Jarred all Hillary's acct transactions on her Russian Uranium deal.
What are you talking about? The Nuclear Regulatory Commission was in charge of any uranium deal, not the State Department. Tell me you knew that.

Come on, no he/she didn't know that. Anyone that thinks that still has their heads up breitbarts ass and smelling what the rock has cooking.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
You mean like a red phone direct line like every president has had since WWII. Kinda crazy with the tech today they discussed something else could work better.

Trump nor Kushner had any official role at the time. President Obama was still in charge.
Oh I see. Only democrats can prepare for winning an election. Republicans have to wait until Inauguration Day. Fuck off with your bullshit.
yeah, Mikey....all presidents go to THE RUSSIANS and ask the Russians for a secure connection to the Kremlin that our intelligence community can not track.... gawd almighty are you playing dumb and extra ordinary gymnastics to defend this move!

NAME 1 President that would go to the Russians and ask them for a so called RED PHONE line instead of their own country's experts to do so!
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC.
It's fake news. CNN and MSNBC couldn't possibly know this. They're just making more bullshit up.
Buuuuut, you idiots will believe any cock and bull story they make up.
You can cry fake news every time you see a story you don't like. But it makes you look like a crying little baby sh!t. Perhaps read the story see if it turns out to be fake. If it is, that will be reported. But if it isn't, then you look like a whiney little sh!t. And you don't want to look like a whiney little sh!t, do you?
But there is a good chance that this is actually real fake news. What I mean is that this could be a cable made from Russian ambassador to Kremlin knowing it would be intercepted. I kind of hate the fact that it gets so much attention, because I don't know whether the Russians knew about our intercept capabilities on this cable. They could be testing us with disinformation, which in my view is real fake news. I otherwise agree with you on the tediousness of whining about every story as "fake news" and demonizing reporters.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
You mean like a red phone direct line like every president has had since WWII. Kinda crazy with the tech today they discussed something else could work better.

Trump nor Kushner had any official role at the time. President Obama was still in charge.
Which means that at the same time that the official US Government was increasing sanctions on Russia, the private citizens talking to Russian about sanctions (Flynn's conversations) were breaking the law.
how many other countries have a hot line from their presidents government direct to the Russian Kremlin?
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC.
It's fake news. CNN and MSNBC couldn't possibly know this. They're just making more bullshit up.
Buuuuut, you idiots will believe any cock and bull story they make up.
You can cry fake news every time you see a story you don't like. But it makes you look like a crying little baby sh!t. Perhaps read the story see if it turns out to be fake. If it is, that will be reported. But if it isn't, then you look like a whiney little sh!t. And you don't want to look like a whiney little sh!t, do you?
But there is a good chance that this is actually real fake news. What I mean is that this could be a cable made from Russian ambassador to Kremlin knowing it would be intercepted. I kind of hate the fact that it gets so much attention, because I don't know whether the Russians knew about our intercept capabilities on this cable. They could be testing us with disinformation, which in my view is real fake news. I otherwise agree with you on the tediousness of whining about every story as "fake news" and demonizing reporters.
It doesn't matter. We used to have a secure direct line to the Kremlin back during the Cold War. Now the press wants to create yet another scandal over something they know is established precedent and isn't even against the law.
Thanks for all the new additions to my IGNORE list. For a true perspective on these idiots, click on their screen names and review their posts (if they haven't hidden them). You will find a complete lack of substance or even civil discourse.

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