Breaking News: Kushner asked Kislyak for 'secret' communications channel with Kremlin

No, it doesn't work that way. Each communication is not its own count in the complaint. The two violations are the form and 18 USC 1001. If he didn't disclose three meetings, those are the facts that underlie the violations. .

Nope, each undisclosed meeting is a violation of 18 USC 1001. It's like evading the police by running 12 red lights, and 6 stop signs. You're going to be charged with each incident. And you get charged for omitting each meeting.
No, it doesn't work that way. Each communication is not its own count in the complaint. The two violations are the form and 18 USC 1001. If he didn't disclose three meetings, those are the facts that underlie the violations. .

Nope, each undisclosed meeting is a violation of 18 USC 1001. It's like evading the police by running 12 red lights, and 6 stop signs. You're going to be charged with each incident. And you get charged for omitting each meeting.
Possibly on the form, but you are only correct if he is asked three separate questions by an investigator and he fails to answer truthfully on each one. By the time he finally meets with the investigators, Jamie will have him totally prepared and that's not going to happen.
Well, sparky, wait until all the investigations are completed and publicized. Then, we'll know...

So after nearly a year of investigations, with all the leaks in Washington, there is NOTHING.

Well, sparky, wait until all the investigations are completed and publicized. Then, we'll know...

So after nearly a year of investigations, with all the leaks in Washington, there is NOTHING.


Tell Comrade Trump to stop firing people like Comey and Sally Yates and maybe things would move a little faster for you.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
Trump, Kushner – the lot of them: inexperienced, incompetent, arrogant; victims of their own stupidity and ignorance.

This is why those with no experience and understanding of the law, sound governance, and foreign policy have no business in the WH – Trump in particular.
If there is no crime, why is the Comrade obstructing justice, IN MULTIPLE CASES!
Cite them!

Asking the Director of the FBI to end of investigation against Flynn
Firing the Director after asking for loyalty and being rebuffs
Asking at least two of his intelligence heads to deny Russian collusion and was rebuffed
Calling Flynn and telling him to "stay strong."

And I am sure that when Comey testifies that we will see other cases where the Comrade knowingly and willfully attempted to obstruct justice. As Mueller gets closer to the truth, he will commit more violations of the law.
If there is no crime, why is the Comrade obstructing justice, IN MULTIPLE CASES!
Cite them!

Asking the Director of the FBI to end of investigation against Flynn
Firing the Director after asking for loyalty and being rebuffs
Asking at least two of his intelligence heads to deny Russian collusion and was rebuffed
Calling Flynn and telling him to "stay strong."

And I am sure that when Comey testifies that we will see other cases where the Comrade knowingly and willfully attempted to obstruct justice. As Mueller gets closer to the truth, he will commit more violations of the law.

No President, with the possible exception of Nixon, has trampled on the system of checks and balances like Comrade Trump. His romance with Russia and Putin are unfathomable. He is trying to systematically sell out the country, while the Republicans nod and blink. They are accomplices in this attack on American institutions.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
Trump, Kushner – the lot of them: inexperienced, incompetent, arrogant; victims of their own stupidity and ignorance.

This is why those with no experience and understanding of the law, sound governance, and foreign policy have no business in the WH – Trump in particular.

I couldn't agree more. Trump's anarchist base is loving it - but normal people are embarrassed...and nervous.
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
Trump, Kushner – the lot of them: inexperienced, incompetent, arrogant; victims of their own stupidity and ignorance.

This is why those with no experience and understanding of the law, sound governance, and foreign policy have no business in the WH – Trump in particular.

I couldn't agree more. Trump's anarchist base is loving it - but normal people are embarrassed...and nervous.
A Russian said it's true, and CNN reported it, so it HAS to be true.

Bwuhahahahahahaha! :p

I wonder how long Kushner will have that smug look on his face. Any guesses...?

Ex-CIA Director Slams Jared Kushner’s ‘Hubris’ And ‘Ignorance’
Failed to state on the form I posted above that he had meetings with the Russians. That's two violations as I described above.

Maybe three violations. Kushner communicated or met with the Russians in April, November and December.

What violation? What law was broken? Why hasn't any of your far left wing "news" sources revealed the allegations?
You remind me of an old adage that lawyers always repeat to each other: “If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”

I've put the facts and the law out there for you and you don't seem to understand it. Can't help you from there sorry.
No facts in evidence mr prosecutor
Failed to state on the form I posted above that he had meetings with the Russians. That's two violations as I described above.

Maybe three violations. Kushner communicated or met with the Russians in April, November and December.

What violation? What law was broken? Why hasn't any of your far left wing "news" sources revealed the allegations?
You remind me of an old adage that lawyers always repeat to each other: “If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”

I've put the facts and the law out there for you and you don't seem to understand it. Can't help you from there sorry.
No facts in evidence mr prosecutor
The form. He signed it. It failed to disclose the meetings. That is documentary evidence. But clearly you want to believe your own narrative, so whatever.
Failed to state on the form I posted above that he had meetings with the Russians. That's two violations as I described above.

Maybe three violations. Kushner communicated or met with the Russians in April, November and December.

What violation? What law was broken? Why hasn't any of your far left wing "news" sources revealed the allegations?
You remind me of an old adage that lawyers always repeat to each other: “If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”

I've put the facts and the law out there for you and you don't seem to understand it. Can't help you from there sorry.
No facts in evidence mr prosecutor
The form. He signed it. It failed to disclose the meetings. That is documentary evidence. But clearly you want to believe your own narrative, so whatever.
So what, if he violated something, why hasn't he been arrested?
Maybe three violations. Kushner communicated or met with the Russians in April, November and December.

What violation? What law was broken? Why hasn't any of your far left wing "news" sources revealed the allegations?
You remind me of an old adage that lawyers always repeat to each other: “If the facts are against you, argue the law. be If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”

I've put the facts and the law out there for you and you don't seem to understand it. Can't help you from there sorry.
No facts in evidence mr prosecutor
The form. He signed it. It failed to disclose the meetings. That is documentary evidence. But clearly you want to believe your own narrative, so whatever.
So what, if he violated something, why hasn't he been arrested?
If you have read my posts in this thread, I have said that it appears to be a technical violation and one that is fixable. Your incessant "where's the crime" posts simply led me to point out the facts and the law. That's all. He'll skate on the legal issue for sure, as far as I am concerned. It is the political issue (obviously) that will be more difficult than the legal one.
What violation? What law was broken? Why hasn't any of your far left wing "news" sources revealed the allegations?
You remind me of an old adage that lawyers always repeat to each other: “If the facts are against you, argue the law. be If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”

I've put the facts and the law out there for you and you don't seem to understand it. Can't help you from there sorry.
No facts in evidence mr prosecutor
The form. He signed it. It failed to disclose the meetings. That is documentary evidence. But clearly you want to believe your own narrative, so whatever.
So what, if he violated something, why hasn't he been arrested?
If you have read my posts in this thread, I have said that it appears to be a technical violation and one that is fixable. Your incessant "where's the crime" posts simply led me to point out the facts and the law. That's all. He'll skate on the legal issue for sure, as far as I am concerned. It is the political issue (obviously) that will be more difficult than the legal one.
So again, there is absolutely nothing to warrant coverage of any wrong doings. Period let's get people working rather than chasing rabbits down holes
You remind me of an old adage that lawyers always repeat to each other: “If the facts are against you, argue the law. be If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”

I've put the facts and the law out there for you and you don't seem to understand it. Can't help you from there sorry.
No facts in evidence mr prosecutor
The form. He signed it. It failed to disclose the meetings. That is documentary evidence. But clearly you want to believe your own narrative, so whatever.
So what, if he violated something, why hasn't he been arrested?
If you have read my posts in this thread, I have said that it appears to be a technical violation and one that is fixable. Your incessant "where's the crime" posts simply led me to point out the facts and the law. That's all. He'll skate on the legal issue for sure, as far as I am concerned. It is the political issue (obviously) that will be more difficult than the legal one.
So again, there is absolutely nothing to warrant coverage of any wrong doings. Period let's get people working rather than chasing rabbits down holes
Different question. You were in many posts raising the issue of whether there was a technical crime. Now you are raising the issue of how material the crime is. I happen to agree with the issue you're raising now. Unless there is some kind of a pattern or he lies to investigators (won't happen) there is no prosecution coming. Still political fallout, but that's just noise.

The real thing we should be concentrating on is the fact that the Russians are bad guys. Forget the collusion, and squash any attempts the Russians make to destabilize our Republic.
No facts in evidence mr prosecutor
The form. He signed it. It failed to disclose the meetings. That is documentary evidence. But clearly you want to believe your own narrative, so whatever.
So what, if he violated something, why hasn't he been arrested?
If you have read my posts in this thread, I have said that it appears to be a technical violation and one that is fixable. Your incessant "where's the crime" posts simply led me to point out the facts and the law. That's all. He'll skate on the legal issue for sure, as far as I am concerned. It is the political issue (obviously) that will be more difficult than the legal one.
So again, there is absolutely nothing to warrant coverage of any wrong doings. Period let's get people working rather than chasing rabbits down holes
Different question. You were in many posts raising the issue of whether there was a technical crime. Now you are raising the issue of how material the crime is. I happen to agree with the issue you're raising now. Unless there is some kind of a pattern or he lies to investigators (won't happen) there is no prosecution coming. Still political fallout, but that's just noise.

The real thing we should be concentrating on is the fact that the Russians are bad guys. Forget the collusion, and squash any attempts the Russians make to destabilize our Republic.
Nope not at all. There is no crime. Nadia. It's you all playing whack-a-mole that I'm responding to

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