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Breaking News, North Korea did NOT launch an ICBM as CNN said

A test rocket that might blow up on the launch pad as North Korean missiles do can never be considered an ICBM as it has no payload, primarily because it has a high rate of blowing up over it's own country. Thus, there is no evidence that North Korea has an ICBM since there is no evidence that they can produce a dependable rocket to carry a nuclear payload. However you are free to believe the news that says clearly that President Hillary Clinton is handling this situation.

Argue all you want, I am never wrong
So, no link, just your opinion.

Links on the internet are considered facts..........................

You might want to consider a lounge reduction....................

again North Korea has never created a missile that has flown the 5500 miles to be considered an ICBM, do you have a linky that they have done this?


Go back to wanking kid
Still no link huh asshat?
A test rocket that might blow up on the launch pad as North Korean missiles do can never be considered an ICBM as it has no payload, primarily because it has a high rate of blowing up over it's own country. Thus, there is no evidence that North Korea has an ICBM since there is no evidence that they can produce a dependable rocket to carry a nuclear payload. However you are free to believe the news that says clearly that President Hillary Clinton is handling this situation.

Argue all you want, I am never wrong
So, no link, just your opinion.

Links on the internet are considered facts..........................

You might want to consider a lounge reduction....................

again North Korea has never created a missile that has flown the 5500 miles to be considered an ICBM, do you have a linky that they have done this?


Go back to wanking kid
Still no link huh asshat?
You want a link that climate change is real? or a link that climate change is bullshit, I can provide millions of either. But in your sick little deranged mind whatever is on the internet is real.

Kid, if you ever wake up from the fake news stupor that guides your sad little existence thru time, then you will become a drug addict again and return yourself back to sleep.
OK, wonderful.
Ok wonderful, means the news is fake news. When these test happened when Obumma was Pres no one even covered the story

You're a lunatic, dude.
He does not understand trajectory and has made the long drawn out silly thread on his lack of knowledge about how altitude determines how far a missile will fire, just like it does with artillery or a mortar round. This is common knowledge to an infantryman. Even firing a 40mm from an assault rifle requires a knowledge of trajectory.
Dude your assertation that an ICBM functions like a mortar round is moronic like you. Russian ICBM's can and do take and make evasive maneuvers

Russia's SS-27 Makes Bush's
Missile Defense A Fantasy

By Charles Assisi
The Times of India

On November 2, a rather staid little story appeared on a ticker powered by Itar-Tass, a Russian News Agency. The tone was decidedly Russian-matter-of-fact and shorn of all hyperbole. It reported the test launch of a ballistic missile called the Topol RS 12 at 8:10 pm Moscow time. After taking off from the Kapustny Yar test range in the Astrakhan region, it hit the intended target at Balkhash in Kazakhstan at 8:34-24 minutes later.

"The target was precisely hit," said the report, quoting a top-ranking official from the Russian armed forces.

In conclusion, Itar-Tass added some jargon that sounded like regulation copy to most people tracking defence:

"The advanced Topol missile has three cruise engines and can develop hypersonic speed. The high thrust-to-weight ratio allows the warhead to manoeuvre on the trajectory and pass through a dense air defence system."

At that time, not many defence analysts thought much of the report. After all, Kapustny Yar, located on the banks of the Volga river, 75 miles east of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), had gone to the dogs and was infrequently used. Whenever the base was lucky to see some action, all it witnessed was small payloads.

But what the mainstream media missed was analysed in great detail on internet discussion boards. For starters, something about the time mentioned in the report sounded astounding.

For anything to travel from Kapustny to Balkash in 24 minutes, it had to fly at a speed of three miles a second. That's 180 miles a minute or 10,800 miles an hour.

If the reports were indeed true, the Topol RS 12 or the Topol SS 27, as it is known in military circles around the world, had to be the fastest thing man has ever seen. And if you will for a moment excuse the breathlessness, it also represented the pinnacle of modern missile technology. Until this test, the fastest thing known to man was the X43 A. A hypersonic, unmanned plane built by NASA. It flew at 10 times the speed of sound-almost 7,200 miles per hour.

But the Topol isn't attracting attention for its speed alone. It has got more to do with the sheer viciousness it demonstrates. A conventional intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), once deployed, takes off on the back of a booster. After attaining a certain altitude, it follows a set flight path or trajectory. When it reaches the intended target, it lets loose a set of warheads that home in on the target with devastating accuracy. Given these dynamics, military establishments build defence systems that can intercept an ICBM before it strikes. Often, the defence works.

With the Topol, these dynamics simply don't come into play. To start with, the damn thing can be manoeuvred mid-flight. This makes it practically impossible for any radar system in the world to figure out what trajectory it will follow.

The other thing is the kind of evasion technology built into the missile. That makes it invulnerable to any kind of radiation and electromagnetic and physical interference.

Then there is the question of ground-based nuclear warheads traditionally deployed to stop ICBMs in their path. Until now, any ICBM can be taken down by detonating a nuclear warhead from as far as 10 kilometres. The Topol doesn't blink an eyelid until the time a nuclear warhead gets as close as 500 meters. But given the Topol's remarkable speed and manoeuvrability, getting a warhead that close is practically impossible.

That leaves defence establishments with only two options. Target the missile at its most vulnerable points - either when it is on the ground or when it is just being deployed (also known as the boost phase).

Apparently, the Russians have gotten around that problem, too. Unlike virtually every ICBM that exists on some military base or the other, the Topol doesn't have to be on a static base. All it needs is the back of a truck. And trucks can be driven anywhere, anytime. That makes it practically impossible for any country to monitor how many of these missiles have been deployed and where.

Writes Scott Ritter, a former intelligence officer and weapons inspector in the Soviet Union and Iraq in the Christian Science Monitor:

"The Bush administration's dream of a viable NMD has been rendered fantasy by the Russian test of the SS-27 Topol-M.. To counter the SS-27 threat, the US will need to start from scratch."

But when you're done marvelling at the technology, sit back for a moment and consider this. You thought the cold war was over. You thought wrong. Cold War II has just begun. And the world just became a more dangerous place.

To recap the SS-27 'highlights'...

The Topol SS 27 can be manoeuvred mid-flight. this makes it impossible for radar systems to figure out its flight path.

It is invulnerable to radiation and electromagnetic and physical interference.

It can be mounted on the back of a truck, which makes it difficult to monitor how many of these missiles have been deployed and where

Back of a truck?

A huge 16 wheeled truck!

This entire article looks like a science fiction writer was working on their story-telling skills.

BTW, the writer seems in awe of its speed. Our Minuteman III ICBM is faster!

My point is that not everything one can invent in the way of a bomb will fit in the nose cone of a fake rocket like NK has, and MK will not do that anyway because their missiles have a habit of blowing up on launch
They have no such delivery vehicle, just a big rocket that pops up in the air and can not be guided, nor do they have a miniaturized nuke to put on the pop rocket. And if there is a 50 percent chance that the pop rocket crashes over your country, do you put a nuke on it??????????????????


But the news said so, thus it is real like President Hillary is real too

The news said what I said. It went high enough to reach Alaska. That's all they were testing was the altitude.
Untwist your panties, open a new 30 pack and go rip some phat vapes.
You can not get to Alaska or anywhere else without guidance, no matter how high it goes

OK, wonderful.
Ok wonderful, means the news is fake news. When these test happened when Obumma was Pres no one even covered the story

You're a lunatic, dude.

Joining the one in the White House.
The poor baby can't take the heat huh?................................
Whaaa whaaa he called me a baddy name Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Dingbat dipshits
That sound you all just heard was little bassman running away from the argument at top speed, tail clamped tightly between his hind legs, hurling more insults over his shoulder as he disappears over the horizon. :itsok:
LOL you seem to be a complete schizophrenic fool, who believes that the piles of shit that can barely lift off the Launchpad, then go any which way without guidance are ICBM's.
See? :lame2:
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A test rocket that might blow up on the launch pad as North Korean missiles do can never be considered an ICBM as it has no payload, primarily because it has a high rate of blowing up over it's own country. Thus, there is no evidence that North Korea has an ICBM since there is no evidence that they can produce a dependable rocket to carry a nuclear payload. However you are free to believe the news that says clearly that President Hillary Clinton is handling this situation.

Argue all you want, I am never wrong
Fox is not spelled C-N-N. Your thread just died, and you will be laughed at.

Fox News: North Korea successfully test-launched ICBM, US officials confirm
Did the missile fly 5500 or more miles and carry a nuclear payload, because these are the qualifications to be considered an ICBM. Since this never happened I am correct and you are a fake news believer

Next Bozo

You may now resume pulling your own fingers

An ICBM does not have to carry a nuclear payload. To assert that it does, is a lie. An Intercontinental Ballistic Missle is just what it says. It is a missle that can reach a different continent from which it is launched.
A test rocket that might blow up on the launch pad as North Korean missiles do can never be considered an ICBM as it has no payload, primarily because it has a high rate of blowing up over it's own country. Thus, there is no evidence that North Korea has an ICBM since there is no evidence that they can produce a dependable rocket to carry a nuclear payload. However you are free to believe the news that says clearly that President Hillary Clinton is handling this situation.

Argue all you want, I am never wrong
Fox is not spelled C-N-N. Your thread just died, and you will be laughed at.

Fox News: North Korea successfully test-launched ICBM, US officials confirm
Did the missile fly 5500 or more miles and carry a nuclear payload, because these are the qualifications to be considered an ICBM. Since this never happened I am correct and you are a fake news believer

Next Bozo

You may now resume pulling your own fingers

An ICBM does not have to carry a nuclear payload. To assert that it does, is a lie. An Intercontinental Ballistic Missle is just what it says. It is a missle that can reach a different continent from which it is launched.
However an ICBM must be able to carry a nuclear payload accurately to it's destination without blowing up on the launch pad 50 percent of the time. North Korea has NO SUCH LAUNCH VEHICLE.

You may resume pulling your finger now kid
A test rocket that might blow up on the launch pad as North Korean missiles do can never be considered an ICBM as it has no payload, primarily because it has a high rate of blowing up over it's own country. Thus, there is no evidence that North Korea has an ICBM since there is no evidence that they can produce a dependable rocket to carry a nuclear payload. However you are free to believe the news that says clearly that President Hillary Clinton is handling this situation.

Argue all you want, I am never wrong
Fox is not spelled C-N-N. Your thread just died, and you will be laughed at.

Fox News: North Korea successfully test-launched ICBM, US officials confirm
Did the missile fly 5500 or more miles and carry a nuclear payload, because these are the qualifications to be considered an ICBM. Since this never happened I am correct and you are a fake news believer

Next Bozo

You may now resume pulling your own fingers

An ICBM does not have to carry a nuclear payload. To assert that it does, is a lie. An Intercontinental Ballistic Missle is just what it says. It is a missle that can reach a different continent from which it is launched.
However an ICBM must be able to carry a nuclear payload accurately to it's destination without blowing up on the launch pad 50 percent of the time. North Korea has NO SUCH LAUNCH VEHICLE.

You may resume pulling your finger now kid

Are you still arguing this after getting your ass handed to you but multiple posters? :laugh2:
A test rocket that might blow up on the launch pad as North Korean missiles do can never be considered an ICBM as it has no payload, primarily because it has a high rate of blowing up over it's own country. Thus, there is no evidence that North Korea has an ICBM since there is no evidence that they can produce a dependable rocket to carry a nuclear payload. However you are free to believe the news that says clearly that President Hillary Clinton is handling this situation.

Argue all you want, I am never wrong
Fox is not spelled C-N-N. Your thread just died, and you will be laughed at.

Fox News: North Korea successfully test-launched ICBM, US officials confirm
Did the missile fly 5500 or more miles and carry a nuclear payload, because these are the qualifications to be considered an ICBM. Since this never happened I am correct and you are a fake news believer

Next Bozo

You may now resume pulling your own fingers

An ICBM does not have to carry a nuclear payload. To assert that it does, is a lie. An Intercontinental Ballistic Missle is just what it says. It is a missle that can reach a different continent from which it is launched.
However an ICBM must be able to carry a nuclear payload accurately to it's destination without blowing up on the launch pad 50 percent of the time. North Korea has NO SUCH LAUNCH VEHICLE.

You may resume pulling your finger now kid

Are you still arguing this after getting your ass handed to you but multiple posters? :laugh2:

There is no proof that North Korea has an ICBM. None, but that said are you still arguing after Donald Trump beat the shit out of Hillary Clinton?

LOL, the fact is that you believe your own fake news, and I know the truth.

Now take your pills kid

Fox is not spelled C-N-N. Your thread just died, and you will be laughed at.

Fox News: North Korea successfully test-launched ICBM, US officials confirm
Did the missile fly 5500 or more miles and carry a nuclear payload, because these are the qualifications to be considered an ICBM. Since this never happened I am correct and you are a fake news believer

Next Bozo

You may now resume pulling your own fingers

An ICBM does not have to carry a nuclear payload. To assert that it does, is a lie. An Intercontinental Ballistic Missle is just what it says. It is a missle that can reach a different continent from which it is launched.
However an ICBM must be able to carry a nuclear payload accurately to it's destination without blowing up on the launch pad 50 percent of the time. North Korea has NO SUCH LAUNCH VEHICLE.

You may resume pulling your finger now kid

Are you still arguing this after getting your ass handed to you but multiple posters? :laugh2:

There is no proof that North Korea has an ICBM. None, but that said are you still arguing after Donald Trump beat the shit out of Hillary Clinton?

LOL, the fact is that you believe your own fake news, and I know the truth.

Now take your pills kid

Why do you think that video is relevant? I didn't support Hillary Clinton. Rex Tillerson said it was an ICBM. Do you, or do you not think you know more than the Secretary of State?
Did the missile fly 5500 or more miles and carry a nuclear payload, because these are the qualifications to be considered an ICBM. Since this never happened I am correct and you are a fake news believer

Next Bozo

You may now resume pulling your own fingers

An ICBM does not have to carry a nuclear payload. To assert that it does, is a lie. An Intercontinental Ballistic Missle is just what it says. It is a missle that can reach a different continent from which it is launched.
However an ICBM must be able to carry a nuclear payload accurately to it's destination without blowing up on the launch pad 50 percent of the time. North Korea has NO SUCH LAUNCH VEHICLE.

You may resume pulling your finger now kid

Are you still arguing this after getting your ass handed to you but multiple posters? :laugh2:

There is no proof that North Korea has an ICBM. None, but that said are you still arguing after Donald Trump beat the shit out of Hillary Clinton?

LOL, the fact is that you believe your own fake news, and I know the truth.

Now take your pills kid

Why do you think that video is relevant? I didn't support Hillary Clinton. Rex Tillerson said it was an ICBM. Do you, or do you not think you know more than the Secretary of State?

I post whatever I choose, you are under no obligation to open my post, you do because you are an ignorant loser and puppet......

So get over it already, you are a loser, who voted for a loser.


Now be my puppet and respond and believe that your response will change something.............................

Then go take another fucking walk in the woods looking for another witch.


An ICBM does not have to carry a nuclear payload. To assert that it does, is a lie. An Intercontinental Ballistic Missle is just what it says. It is a missle that can reach a different continent from which it is launched.
However an ICBM must be able to carry a nuclear payload accurately to it's destination without blowing up on the launch pad 50 percent of the time. North Korea has NO SUCH LAUNCH VEHICLE.

You may resume pulling your finger now kid

Are you still arguing this after getting your ass handed to you but multiple posters? :laugh2:

There is no proof that North Korea has an ICBM. None, but that said are you still arguing after Donald Trump beat the shit out of Hillary Clinton?

LOL, the fact is that you believe your own fake news, and I know the truth.

Now take your pills kid

Why do you think that video is relevant? I didn't support Hillary Clinton. Rex Tillerson said it was an ICBM. Do you, or do you not think you know more than the Secretary of State?

I post whatever I choose, you are under no obligation to open my post, you do because you are an ignorant loser and puppet......

So get over it already, you are a loser, who voted for a loser.


Now be my puppet and respond and believe that your response will change something.............................

Then go take another fucking walk in the woods looking for another witch.



I didn't vote for Hillary... I have said that ever since I have been a member of this forum. Hell I fought with Democrats about her private server and Benghazi. It has nothing to do with this thread however.

I asked you a simple question. Do you think you know more than Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who said it was an ICBM?
However an ICBM must be able to carry a nuclear payload accurately to it's destination without blowing up on the launch pad 50 percent of the time. North Korea has NO SUCH LAUNCH VEHICLE.

You may resume pulling your finger now kid

Are you still arguing this after getting your ass handed to you but multiple posters? :laugh2:

There is no proof that North Korea has an ICBM. None, but that said are you still arguing after Donald Trump beat the shit out of Hillary Clinton?

LOL, the fact is that you believe your own fake news, and I know the truth.

Now take your pills kid

Why do you think that video is relevant? I didn't support Hillary Clinton. Rex Tillerson said it was an ICBM. Do you, or do you not think you know more than the Secretary of State?

I post whatever I choose, you are under no obligation to open my post, you do because you are an ignorant loser and puppet......

So get over it already, you are a loser, who voted for a loser.


Now be my puppet and respond and believe that your response will change something.............................

Then go take another fucking walk in the woods looking for another witch.



I didn't vote for Hillary... I have said that ever since I have been a member of this forum. Hell I fought with Democrats about her private server and Benghazi. It has nothing to do with this thread however.

I asked you a simple question. Do you think you know more than Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who said it was an ICBM?

Again, I am saying on my own that North Korea does not have anything even remotely like an ICBM. They have a crude rocket platform, where the crude rockets sometimes blow up on the launch pad, and there is no evidence that NK has a small enough and or reliable enough nuclear device to fit in and work with a missile. I am not in Trumps cabinet, clearly the end result of NK's rocket program is an ICBM system, and one of Trumps jobs is to prevent this. The fact is retard, if NK had ICBM's, we would be negotiating treaties with them right now, instead of posturing.

Try again kid..........................................
Are you still arguing this after getting your ass handed to you but multiple posters? :laugh2:

There is no proof that North Korea has an ICBM. None, but that said are you still arguing after Donald Trump beat the shit out of Hillary Clinton?

LOL, the fact is that you believe your own fake news, and I know the truth.

Now take your pills kid

Why do you think that video is relevant? I didn't support Hillary Clinton. Rex Tillerson said it was an ICBM. Do you, or do you not think you know more than the Secretary of State?

I post whatever I choose, you are under no obligation to open my post, you do because you are an ignorant loser and puppet......

So get over it already, you are a loser, who voted for a loser.


Now be my puppet and respond and believe that your response will change something.............................

Then go take another fucking walk in the woods looking for another witch.



I didn't vote for Hillary... I have said that ever since I have been a member of this forum. Hell I fought with Democrats about her private server and Benghazi. It has nothing to do with this thread however.

I asked you a simple question. Do you think you know more than Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who said it was an ICBM?

Again, I am saying on my own that North Korea does not have anything even remotely like an ICBM. They have a crude rocket platform, where the crude rockets sometimes blow up on the launch pad, and there is no evidence that NK has a small enough and or reliable enough nuclear device to fit in and work with a missile. I am not in Trumps cabinet, clearly the end result of NK's rocket program is an ICBM system, and one of Trumps jobs is to prevent this. The fact is retard, if NK had ICBM's, we would be negotiating treaties with them right now, instead of posturing.

Try again kid..........................................

Again, do you think you know more than Rex Tillerson?
A test rocket that might blow up on the launch pad as North Korean missiles do can never be considered an ICBM as it has no payload, primarily because it has a high rate of blowing up over it's own country. Thus, there is no evidence that North Korea has an ICBM since there is no evidence that they can produce a dependable rocket to carry a nuclear payload. However you are free to believe the news that says clearly that President Hillary Clinton is handling this situation.

Argue all you want, I am never wrong
Funny that, I remember that Goddard, and the fledgling American rocket program had a high failure rate, as well. It's just a matter of time before the North Koreans works out the bugs, and has a real ICBM. THEY do have a proto-ICBM. I am not sure where the logic of this thread is taking us.
There is no proof that North Korea has an ICBM. None, but that said are you still arguing after Donald Trump beat the shit out of Hillary Clinton?

LOL, the fact is that you believe your own fake news, and I know the truth.

Now take your pills kid

Why do you think that video is relevant? I didn't support Hillary Clinton. Rex Tillerson said it was an ICBM. Do you, or do you not think you know more than the Secretary of State?

I post whatever I choose, you are under no obligation to open my post, you do because you are an ignorant loser and puppet......

So get over it already, you are a loser, who voted for a loser.


Now be my puppet and respond and believe that your response will change something.............................

Then go take another fucking walk in the woods looking for another witch.



I didn't vote for Hillary... I have said that ever since I have been a member of this forum. Hell I fought with Democrats about her private server and Benghazi. It has nothing to do with this thread however.

I asked you a simple question. Do you think you know more than Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who said it was an ICBM?

Again, I am saying on my own that North Korea does not have anything even remotely like an ICBM. They have a crude rocket platform, where the crude rockets sometimes blow up on the launch pad, and there is no evidence that NK has a small enough and or reliable enough nuclear device to fit in and work with a missile. I am not in Trumps cabinet, clearly the end result of NK's rocket program is an ICBM system, and one of Trumps jobs is to prevent this. The fact is retard, if NK had ICBM's, we would be negotiating treaties with them right now, instead of posturing.

Try again kid..........................................

Again, do you think you know more than Rex Tillerson?

In Tillerson's role it is far better to err on the side of caution for the safety of all that is good and that good people cherish. Thus it is clearly better to stop the North Koreas crude rocket program before it becomes operational. That said NK does not have any operational ICBM's as they do not even have fully dependable rockets as of yet. Since it is not my job to stop this, I can say that NK does not have an ICBM as of yet, as they do not. If they did we would be negotiating peace with them now.

But you go ahead and believe everything on TV...........................

I do not.

Tip, buy apples not beer.

A test rocket that might blow up on the launch pad as North Korean missiles do can never be considered an ICBM as it has no payload, primarily because it has a high rate of blowing up over it's own country. Thus, there is no evidence that North Korea has an ICBM since there is no evidence that they can produce a dependable rocket to carry a nuclear payload. However you are free to believe the news that says clearly that President Hillary Clinton is handling this situation.

Argue all you want, I am never wrong
Funny that, I remember that Goddard, and the fledgling American rocket program had a high failure rate, as well. It's just a matter of time before the North Koreans works out the bugs, and has a real ICBM. THEY do have a proto-ICBM. I am not sure where the logic of this thread is taking us.

The rocket delivery system is only one part of an ICBM, you also need fully miniaturized components that are even more fully dependable and that will not destroy your own country when they blow up on launch. Goddard played with his toys, Von Braun turned those toys into weapons.
A test rocket that might blow up on the launch pad as North Korean missiles do can never be considered an ICBM as it has no payload, primarily because it has a high rate of blowing up over it's own country. Thus, there is no evidence that North Korea has an ICBM since there is no evidence that they can produce a dependable rocket to carry a nuclear payload. However you are free to believe the news that says clearly that President Hillary Clinton is handling this situation.

Argue all you want, I am never wrong
Funny that, I remember that Goddard, and the fledgling American rocket program had a high failure rate, as well. It's just a matter of time before the North Koreans works out the bugs, and has a real ICBM. THEY do have a proto-ICBM. I am not sure where the logic of this thread is taking us.

The rocket delivery system is only one part of an ICBM, you also need fully miniaturized components that are even more fully dependable and that will not destroy your own country when they blow up on launch. Goddard played with his toys, Von Braun turned those toys into weapons.
Von Braun was also funded by the deep pockets of Nazis to weaponized the things, I intentionally left him out of my prior post. But, perhaps you have made a valid point. How similar was he to the faceless and desperate scientists that are being forced by Kim ill Jung to build A bombs or intercontinental ballistic missiles? Which brings a whole different spin to this thread. I won't go there.
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A test rocket that might blow up on the launch pad as North Korean missiles do can never be considered an ICBM as it has no payload, primarily because it has a high rate of blowing up over it's own country. Thus, there is no evidence that North Korea has an ICBM since there is no evidence that they can produce a dependable rocket to carry a nuclear payload. However you are free to believe the news that says clearly that President Hillary Clinton is handling this situation.

Argue all you want, I am never wrong
Funny that, I remember that Goddard, and the fledgling American rocket program had a high failure rate, as well. It's just a matter of time before the North Koreans works out the bugs, and has a real ICBM. THEY do have a proto-ICBM. I am not sure where the logic of this thread is taking us.

The rocket delivery system is only one part of an ICBM, you also need fully miniaturized components that are even more fully dependable and that will not destroy your own country when they blow up on launch. Goddard played with his toys, Von Braun turned those toys into weapons.
Von Braun was also funded by the deep pockets of Nazis to weaponized the things, I intentionally left him out of my prior post. But, perhaps you have made a valid point. How similar was he to the faceless and desperate scientists that are being forced by Kim ill Jung to to build A bombs or intercontinental ballistic missiles? Which bring a whole different spin to this thread. I won't go there.
Von Braun was also funded by President Kennedy and NASA as well..................... I have not said that NK can not develop a nuclear ICBM, I have merely said that they do not yet have one, and there is no evidence that they do.

That said, nukem anyway
A test rocket that might blow up on the launch pad as North Korean missiles do can never be considered an ICBM as it has no payload, primarily because it has a high rate of blowing up over it's own country. Thus, there is no evidence that North Korea has an ICBM since there is no evidence that they can produce a dependable rocket to carry a nuclear payload. However you are free to believe the news that says clearly that President Hillary Clinton is handling this situation.

Argue all you want, I am never wrong
Funny that, I remember that Goddard, and the fledgling American rocket program had a high failure rate, as well. It's just a matter of time before the North Koreans works out the bugs, and has a real ICBM. THEY do have a proto-ICBM. I am not sure where the logic of this thread is taking us.

The rocket delivery system is only one part of an ICBM, you also need fully miniaturized components that are even more fully dependable and that will not destroy your own country when they blow up on launch. Goddard played with his toys, Von Braun turned those toys into weapons.
Von Braun was also funded by the deep pockets of Nazis to weaponized the things, I intentionally left him out of my prior post. But, perhaps you have made a valid point. How similar was he to the faceless and desperate scientists that are being forced by Kim ill Jung to to build A bombs or intercontinental ballistic missiles? Which bring a whole different spin to this thread. I won't go there.
Von Braun was also funded by President Kennedy and NASA as well..................... I have not said that NK can not develop a nuclear ICBM, I have merely said that they do not yet have one, and there is no evidence that they do.

That said, nukem anyway
Which is why I didn't bring HIM up. And , conversely, the Nazis used all of Goddard's research to start their missile program. To weaponize them. BUT if America had taken Goddard SERIOUSLY in the 30's, we can only speculate how that would have played out. Good post. Keep em' coming.

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