Breaking News On Drudge: Romney Lists Condi Rice As Frontrunner For His VP

Wow, he used black people for their boos from the NAACP. He used black people he flew in to rig the audience. And now he's using another black person to take the focus off his business lies.
Condi Rice is just another neocon.

The only thing worse than a neo-Con is a Black neo-Con, because the sycophantic hypocrisy enshrined in that laughable designation is plainly disgusting. It is almost as bad as as Allen West at a cross-burning wearing a hood.

Politics brings out some really strange characters.
Its amazing how much the thought of Condi as a running mate scares the shit out of liberals.

Rush? is that you??
You don't have to be a loud Mouthed Talk show host to see the Left is afraid of Condi.
Don't kid yourself. While there might be a few Progressives who take Rice as seriously as she takes herself she is for the most part known to have been one of Bush's two token negroes who were as willing to lie for their master as were Uncle Tom and Butterfly McQueen.
JoeB continues to babble about Mormonism. Nothing here, folks; move along.

Here's why Rice would be a bad pick.

1) She's not a politician. She's simply not ready for how savage that game can be.

2) She'll remind everyone about Bush. That's the last thing Romney needs.

3) She'll remind Republicans how really unimpressed they are with Romney and how the establishment bullied them into a candidate most of them really didn't want. "Oh, my God. I have a pulse!"

The fact is, the Veep hasn't been a game changer since 1960, and it won't be this time.

Romney would be better off picking Portman or Pawlenty. Dull, competent, know how to play the game, won't upstage the boss.

Didn't mention MOrmonism once here... but that's okay, guy... I know you know you foisted a loser on the GOP.

Actually, going to kick Barak's ass. :lol:
JoeB continues to babble about Mormonism. Nothing here, folks; move along.

Didn't mention MOrmonism once here... but that's okay, guy... I know you know you foisted a loser on the GOP.

Actually, going to kick Barak's ass. :lol:

Not really, guy...

the Bain stuff is decimating him, just like I said it would.

Usually not a good thing when people are questioning whether you committed a felony or not by falsely claiming you were out of a company and still getting paid by it.
the Bain stuff is decimating him, just like I said it would.

It's looking like the question will be whether Obama's surrogates are pushing too hard. He and the GOP are playing the victims on this, which can be a legitimate point. On the other hand, the Dems are betting that "Mitt as victim" isn't going to exactly melt hearts.

the Bain stuff is decimating him, just like I said it would.

It's looking like the question will be whether Obama's surrogates are pushing too hard. He and the GOP are playing the victims on this, which can be a legitimate point. On the other hand, the Dems are betting that "Mitt as victim" isn't going to exactly melt hearts.


I think the strategy is to show him as a heartless guy who made a lot of money running roughshod over other people.

Then when they hit him with the other part, that he's going to let Paul Ryan starve your granny by taking away her social security, that become credible, because we've already demonstrated he doesn't give a flip about the real people.
Condi Rice is just another neocon.

The only thing worse than a neo-Con is a Black neo-Con, because the sycophantic hypocrisy enshrined in that laughable designation is plainly disgusting. It is almost as bad as as Allen West at a cross-burning wearing a hood.

Politics brings out some really strange characters.

Color me shocked, racism from the left wing hacks.
While there might be a few Progressives who take Rice as seriously as she takes herself she is for the most part known to have been one of Bush's two token negroes who were as willing to lie for their master as were Uncle Tom and Butterfly McQueen.

Folks can get pretty vicious when they don't like your politics.

We really have a long way to go.

It is fascinating that the right frames the debate in terms of fear and death metaphors. Ms Rice is pro choice among other things and the republican base and Romney' promise preclude her from selection. This is Drudge muddying the water with his typical nonsense.

"This is going to sound sort of obvious, but here we go: A study from University College London published this week in Current Biology has discovered that there are actually differences in the brains of liberals and conservatives. Specifically, liberals' brains tend to be bigger in the area that deals with processing complex ideas and situations, while conservatives' brains are bigger in the area that processes fear." Liberal Brains Bigger in Areas of Complexity; Conservative Brains Bigger in Areas of Fear - Culture - GOOD
It is fascinating that the right frames the debate in terms of fear and death metaphors. Ms Rice is pro choice among other things and the republican base and Romney' promise preclude her from selection. This is Drudge muddying the water with his typical nonsense.

"This is going to sound sort of obvious, but here we go: A study from University College London published this week in Current Biology has discovered that there are actually differences in the brains of liberals and conservatives. Specifically, liberals' brains tend to be bigger in the area that deals with processing complex ideas and situations, while conservatives' brains are bigger in the area that processes fear." Liberal Brains Bigger in Areas of Complexity; Conservative Brains Bigger in Areas of Fear - Culture - GOOD

90 Participants. All 'healthy, young, adults'. Yea, for some reason, I can see a rather large flaw in that methodology. It does not 'confirm' jack shit. I do wish that the 'intellectuals' of USMB would learn how to fucking investigate their 'sources' before they hold them up as 'fact'.

It is fascinating that the right frames the debate in terms of fear and death metaphors. Ms Rice is pro choice among other things and the republican base and Romney' promise preclude her from selection. This is Drudge muddying the water with his typical nonsense.

"This is going to sound sort of obvious, but here we go: A study from University College London published this week in Current Biology has discovered that there are actually differences in the brains of liberals and conservatives. Specifically, liberals' brains tend to be bigger in the area that deals with processing complex ideas and situations, while conservatives' brains are bigger in the area that processes fear." Liberal Brains Bigger in Areas of Complexity; Conservative Brains Bigger in Areas of Fear - Culture - GOOD

This would be consistent with the fact that conservatives, for the most part, are motivated by fear: fear of diversity, fear of dissent, fear of change (reactionaryism), fear of independent thought, and fear of the outside world in general, as illustrated by the fundamental neo-con tenet that the world is an evil, scary place made up of malevolent entities bent on destroying America.

According to neo-con foreign policy theology, therefore, of which Rice is a disciple, because America is the sole good and righteous Nation on the globe, it alone is justified to strike at ‘evil’ anywhere it may be in the world with impunity – hence the illegal invasion of Iraq, as condoned by Rice.

The fact that Saddam had no WMDs, posed no threat to his people or neighbors, and had no involvement in 9/11 whatsoever, was irrelevant per neo-con dogma.

And this is the failed and criminal Bush Era foreign policy that the right wants America returned to in a Romney administration.
No wonder liberals think Castro is a genius! But, liberals also think Michael Moore is thin.
No wonder liberals think Castro is a genius! But, liberals also think Michael Moore is thin.

I don't know any liberals who think either. Would you point them out to me.

Frankly, Castro did for Cuba what George Washington did for this country. He ended a rather nasty colonization. Except what we did to Cuba was far worse than anything that George III did to the colonies.

"I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country’s policies during the Batista regime. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear."

— U.S. President John F. Kennedy, interview with Jean Daniel, 24 October 1963[11]

This bit of candor was about a month before JFK was shot. Could you imagine an American President- even Obama- saying this today?

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