Breaking News On Drudge: Romney Lists Condi Rice As Frontrunner For His VP

Its amazing how much the thought of Condi as a running mate scares the shit out of liberals.
I think Dems would welcome Condi as veep because they get to raise neo-conservatism and torture.
Its amazing how much the thought of Condi as a running mate scares the shit out of liberals.

It is interesting, isn't it. She was the only guest at the Romney retreat a couple of weeks ago that got not one, but two standing ovations of duration.
Condi has indeed fought her way up the ladder, and with the help of many neo-cons who curried the favor of her intellect..
Like the old saying "Birds of a feather"

Yet, I believe under Romney she will come out into her own. She would definitely take the fight to the Obama camp and raze the village.

If she is the VP Candidate, I can only hope you are correct.
Condi would be a great campaigner but her weaknesses would outweigh her strengths.

She will not be selected only rejected.
Condi Rice is just another neocon.
If she is seriously being considered as a VP choice it is to counter the "Romney is too White" charge.
Simply an attempt to attract black voters.

You are indeed a fucking idiot.

Which part are you having a problem with?

That she is seriously being considered as a VP choice it is to counter the "Romney is too White" charge an attempt to attract black voters
That she is a Neocon?
Condi would be a great campaigner but her weaknesses would outweigh her strengths.

She will not be selected only rejected.

Actually I saw an interview of Condi recently on FNC, and specifcally one of the reasons she gave that she should not be selected was that she didn't want to do just that (face crowds as a campaigner), because she didn't consider herself to be very good at it.

She will not be the choice. The only thing she would bring would be foreign policy expertise and that is questionable. The basis of her gender would be viewed as a cutesy trick, as would her race, which is not going to change many votes.

Romney is going to a big fundraiser thrown by Cheney, and he will no doubt weigh in with Romney just in case she is being considered.
For those of you on the left, the choice of Condi Rice for Vice President will NOT change your mind about Romney or voting Republican. So quite frankly, if you think that it would be a bad pick, then I have to tell you that your opinion is immaterial... as usual. Asking the left who a Republican nominee should pick for Vice President, is like asking Biden if he could please keep his foot out of his mouth for just one week or if he could be semi-literate! Seriously??

A Condi Rice pick for Veep is NOT meant for the majority of African-Americans either. 60% vote Democratic in every election like the good robots they are. They've never known anything other than voting Democratic, regardless whether they know or understand the issues, so they will vote Democratic regardless. And I guarantee you that shreikers like the Reverand Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will be aghast at Condi being a "traitor" to African-American ideals. It will be an absolute Mongolian Cluster F*ck for them. I would warn her that there will be harsh and unbelievable personal attacks on her from this section of the public. Attacks that the left will rationalize and NEVER condemn. It will be vicious and EVERYTHING in her personal life will be fair game for the left including insinuation and innuendo. The 'rules' that they stress for their candidates NEVER applies to the republican candidates.

A Condi Rice pick for Veep would be a play for independents. And those independents who actually analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the two candidates will clearly see the difference between sending Joe Biden overseas where you NEVER know whats going to come our of his mouth and sending Condi Rice who might actually do some good (refer to her work with Quadaffi to get him to stop work on his weapons of mass destruction).

I don't think she'd do it though... unfortunately. I think that the way the media treats republican nominees and the way that she will be utterly attacked by the left (professionally and personally) has limited the people who would actually put themselves through that...
For those of you on the left, the choice of Condi Rice for Vice President will NOT change your mind about Romney or voting Republican. So quite frankly, if you think that it would be a bad pick, then I have to tell you that your opinion is immaterial... as usual. Asking the left who a Republican nominee should pick for Vice President, is like asking Biden if he could please keep his foot out of his mouth for just one week or if he could be semi-literate! Seriously??

A Condi Rice pick for Veep is NOT meant for the majority of African-Americans either. 60% vote Democratic in every election like the good robots they are. They've never known anything other than voting Democratic, regardless whether they know or understand the issues, so they will vote Democratic regardless. And I guarantee you that shreikers like the Reverand Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will be aghast at Condi being a "traitor" to African-American ideals. It will be an absolute Mongolian Cluster F*ck for them. I would warn her that there will be harsh and unbelievable personal attacks on her from this section of the public. Attacks that the left will rationalize and NEVER condemn. It will be vicious and EVERYTHING in her personal life will be fair game for the left including insinuation and innuendo. The 'rules' that they stress for their candidates NEVER applies to the republican candidates.

A Condi Rice pick for Veep would be a play for independents. And those independents who actually analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the two candidates will clearly see the difference between sending Joe Biden overseas where you NEVER know whats going to come our of his mouth and sending Condi Rice who might actually do some good (refer to her work with Quadaffi to get him to stop work on his weapons of mass destruction).

I don't think she'd do it though... unfortunately. I think that the way the media treats republican nominees and the way that she will be utterly attacked by the left (professionally and personally) has limited the people who would actually put themselves through that...
C. Rice has always said she never wanted to run for office. She simply is too smart for that.

Then again, the famous last words of many is they will never run.

But, she has been consistent.

And, she is awesome on many levels.
The libs will start the drum beat: she's not really black, she's not really a woman
No one gives a fart what Far Right Extremists think about the VP selection: the FRE do not count.

Only the centrists count, and MR will use that as his primary reason for his choice.
She'll make a great VP. She's honest and smart, and won't make us a laughingstock...which makes her the polar opposite of Biden.

She has a lot of baggage.

That she does, A case can be made that in her days of Secretary of State she had no influence and was simply a messenger girl. I don't really blame her for this but she did choose to run with the Cheney crowd. Colin Powell was proven ineffectual with that crowd and Rice just more so.

Then there are those persistent rumors of her sexual persuasion. One thing to be secretary of state another to be vice president. She would be faced with non stop inquiries and innuendo.

Mitt has enough trouble without inviting ths disaster.
Condi Rice is just another example of Republicans trotting out black candidates and saying "See...we have blacks too"

They have no intention of selecting Condi or any other black
Its amazing how much the thought of Condi as a running mate scares the shit out of liberals.

Rush? is that you??

You don't have to be a loud Mouthed Talk show host to see the Left is afraid of Condi. The Left always gives away who they think would have the best shot against them, by the level of irrational Vitriol and Dishonesty in their attacks.

But don't worry it will work for ya, I am 100% sure the GOP will band to the Will of the Left and not pick a solid Candidate for VP that could actually help Defeat Obama. They are good at doing that, look who they picked for the Top spot this time and the last, lol

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