Breaking News On Drudge: Romney Lists Condi Rice As Frontrunner For His VP

I think Condi is a spectacular choice for her qualifications are superb! She is one classy woman It does conjure images of GW but once you listen to her, I think her charm and grasp of the knowledge of the politics, foreign affairs would make anyone feel confident with her as no. 2.

Imagine her in a debate with Biden!
This is great news. Now, maybe during her vetting she can explain why she ignored pre-9/11 warnings from Richard Clarke.

For the same reason everybody ignored Richard Clarke...that he's a self aggrandizing blow hard? If you buy Clarke's narrative that "he" saw 9/11 coming and tried to warn everyone but they wouldn't listen...then you're even more naive than I thought.

Look, Condi Rice would be a great Vice President. She was and is a class act.

The whole "hype" about how brilliant Barack Obama is? Condi Rice actually IS that brilliant! With Barry it was just an image...with Condi it's who she is.

Putting Joe Biden and Condi Rice on the same stage for a debate would almost be cruel. In case you progressives haven't noticed Obama picked an idiot to be his Vice President.
Condi Rice, like Sarah Palin, will guarantee GOP defeat. Let's get a good veep: Rubio, Martinez, Pawlenty, e.g.

Again, the Veep isn't the issue.

Dr. Rice would be fine, as far as that goes, the GOP's problem is the Weird Mormon Robot they've put at the top of the ticket.

She actually helps Mittens like Cheney helped Bush... giving him credibility in foreign affairs.

She's also more exciting than Mittens, and that's the problem, much as Palin was. She reminds everyone how they settled for second best at the top of the ticket.
Here's why Rice would be a bad pick.

1) She's not a politician. She's simply not ready for how savage that game can be.

2) She'll remind everyone about Bush. That's the last thing Romney needs.

3) She'll remind Republicans how really unimpressed they are with Romney and how the establishment bullied them into a candidate most of them really didn't want. "Oh, my God. I have a pulse!"

The fact is, the Veep hasn't been a game changer since 1960, and it won't be this time.

Romney would be better off picking Portman or Pawlenty. Dull, competent, know how to play the game, won't upstage the boss.
As much as I like Condi and respect her, does Romney really want to bring her into the picture? All she does is conjure up images of GW which cannot be a good thing for Romney...

Yeah, the first thing I think of is her testimony about WMD, "mushroom cloud", etc. Holy crap. I don't blame her personally for what followed, but she's clearly attached to it.

In general, the less I think about Bush the better my day is.

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Yeah right, Romney is going to pick a pro choice woman that struggled with foreign policy in her last stop in government.
Plus she is on record stating she would turn it down.
Another Drudge deflection.
Speculation only. However it is interesting to see Dr. Rice so immediately attacked over a speculation.
Mitt Romney is an LDS member who worships the same god as Muslims. :)
I will not be Condi Rice. She is not even being considered by Romney.
Nothing against her as I agree with most of her views and respect her greatly.
JoeB continues to babble about Mormonism. Nothing here, folks; move along.

Here's why Rice would be a bad pick.

1) She's not a politician. She's simply not ready for how savage that game can be.

2) She'll remind everyone about Bush. That's the last thing Romney needs.

3) She'll remind Republicans how really unimpressed they are with Romney and how the establishment bullied them into a candidate most of them really didn't want. "Oh, my God. I have a pulse!"

The fact is, the Veep hasn't been a game changer since 1960, and it won't be this time.

Romney would be better off picking Portman or Pawlenty. Dull, competent, know how to play the game, won't upstage the boss.
Condi Rice is just another neocon.
If she is seriously being considered as a VP choice it is to counter the "Romney is too White" charge.
Simply an attempt to attract black voters.
Condi Rice is just another neocon.
If she is seriously being considered as a VP choice it is to counter the "Romney is too White" charge.
Simply an attempt to carter to the black voters.

Condi has indeed fought her way up the ladder, and with the help of many neo-cons who curried the favor of her intellect.

Yet, I believe under Romney she will come out into her own. She would definitely take the fight to the Obama camp and raze the village.
Personally... I think this is just a 'feeler' for public response.. I don't think any decision has been made

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