Breaking News On Drudge: Romney Lists Condi Rice As Frontrunner For His VP

Oh, I would too.

I adore C. Rice.

She is beyond awesome - always has been.

my understanding is that she was a weak national security advisor, with policy decisions dominated by Rumsfeld, Cheney and the neoconservatives


Yes you have the Understanding of a Liberal Democrat Supporter. :)

Which argument are you guys going to use if she is the pick. Was she a weak NSA adv who argued against Bush Policy and lost, or was she a bush lacky? Can't have it both ways.
They gotta go do a poll in order to give you an answer... :lol:
It’s telling how blind many of the rightist partisans are, that they can’t understand why Rice as VP candidate would be a disaster.
C. Rice is one of the most awesome female, or otherwise, intellects in politics and foreign affairs.
Regardless of how smart or how experienced etc. etc. she is, she is far too closely associated with the 43rd president..

It opens Romney up to a proven winning Obama strategy that defeated the LAST moderate GOP candidate...running against George Bush.
Regardless of how smart or how experienced etc. etc. she is, she is far too closely associated with the 43rd president..

It opens Romney up to a proven winning Obama strategy that defeated the LAST moderate GOP candidate...running against George Bush.
ANYONE who believes there is a big difference between Bush and Obama is beyond hope, IMO.
Near the top of the list, that is, for Governor Romney's VP slot.

While I think she will be an excellent choice to serve at the highest levels of the government, I don't think it particularly helps the Governor and isn't what he should be pursuing in terms of a bounce from the polls. Maybe that's not his intention...which presents it's own set of questions.

Romney's not going to get a large amount of the votes from the demographics that Dr. Rice represents much less any hope of winning California. Moreover, what the Governor should be focusing on, in my view, is solidifying the votes of the hard right who are not excited about his nomination.
Regardless of how smart or how experienced etc. etc. she is, she is far too closely associated with the 43rd president..

It opens Romney up to a proven winning Obama strategy that defeated the LAST moderate GOP candidate...running against George Bush.
ANYONE who believes there is a big difference between Bush and Obama is beyond hope, IMO.

It is believed and Obama has and will capitalize on it.

If Obama is given the opportunity to run against Bush again...he'll gleefully seize it.
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[]ANYONE who believes there is a big difference between Bush and Obama is beyond hope, IMO.

Lots of people do think there's a difference though it's hard to see any. The three big problems in america are illegal wars and illegal bailouts and illegal aliens and bush and obozo both support all three.
Nah, She can't help us.... The black vote is Obby's. They don't care if we become a Commie Nation.
They're to fucking stupid and lazy to know the difference and who's going to hire the inner city fucks..
No Company I know of....... They are a fucking liability now.. more so than ever.
Its tough shit time... The truth works.
Do you know how fast Obama would drop Biden if it's Condi?

He's a face for Soros and his gang.. Take the Teleprompter away and you have an idiot who is living a lie. He makes no decisions.. what salesman he was... I repeat: was
He's goin down and taken the agenda with him.
Near the top of the list, that is, for Governor Romney's VP slot.

While I think she will be an excellent choice to serve at the highest levels of the government[...]
What has she done to gain your favor? She served George Bush like an obedient picaninny, brazenly lying to facilitate his criminal strategy to promote the Iraq invasion.

The only thing she has going for her is racial tokenism. Aside from that she is a political cipher -- an expert on the Soviet Union, which doesn't exist anymore, and she can play the piano.

What else?
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She'll make a great VP. She's honest and smart, and won't make us a laughingstock...which makes her the polar opposite of Biden.

She has a lot of baggage.

Naturally, She has a huge wardrobe.

After helping sell out the country like she did I bet she can afford it.

I don't know how bad the ticket would be to be honest. Obama could attack her but she could thank Obama for keeping every single one of Bush's polices going.
I wonder if Condi has foreign bank accounts or investments? She does have experience playing the piano.
That's not the thread title I wrote...I didn't think Romney announced anything, it was just speculated.

Did I miss something?
I thought she wasn't interested...but maybe she just wasn't interested in the presidency.



As much as I like Condi and respect her, does Romney really want to bring her into the picture? All she does is conjure up images of GW which cannot be a good thing for Romney. I think picking her as his running mate would be a big mistake, but in the end I really don't think it will matter who Romney picks, because barring any drastic changes in things, I believe Obama will be re-elected.

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