Breaking News: Palin Moves Ahead Of Bachmann In New Poll. Closes In On Romney.


May 29, 2010
And she hasn't announced she's even running. This has got to give Bachmann a massive migraine and the migraine story apparently has had a negative effect on her as this story shows. You see people, when Palin announces, and she will, you will see Romney sink like the Titanic in the polls. Palin has all the right ingredients that America needs to right the ship so to speak. She has exellent executive experience at handling deficits, oil and gas, fiscal reform and lastly, fighting corruption. She is a patriot, loves our military, veterans and cares for our senior citizens. It's just amazing that she is polling so well and is just a citizen who hasn't annouced she is running. Simply stunning.

There's a near consensus among Washington insiders that Sarah Palin will not run for president. But a new poll suggests the former Alaska governor would become an instant force in the race if she did choose to run.

In the survey, by the Washington Post and ABC News, Palin comes in a solid second in the Republican field, behind frontrunner Mitt Romney but ahead of the surging Michele Bachmann. Palin is also well ahead of another possible GOP candidate, Texas Governor Rick Perry.

The numbers are: Romney 26 percent; Palin 18 percent; Bachmann 12 percent; Ron Paul nine percent; Perry eight percent; Herman Cain six percent; Newt Gingrich five percent; Jon Huntsman three percent; and Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum at two percent each. In a question without Palin and Perry, the other candidates are in mostly the same order.
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Hey........USA matter how much you wish and pray, Palin is NEVER going to run for President.

She can't stand the scrutiny, and she's too lazy to work.
Hey........USA matter how much you wish and pray, Palin is NEVER going to run for President.

She can't stand the scrutiny, and she's too lazy to work.
She will run and she isn't lazy. She has been doing public service for over 20 years. Stop telling lies.
P.S.: She has said she will say so either way in either August or September.
Hey........USA matter how much you wish and pray, Palin is NEVER going to run for President.

She can't stand the scrutiny, and she's too lazy to work.
She will run and she isn't lazy. She has been doing public service for over 20 years. Stop telling lies.

She's gonna run? Really? How much money can you afford to lose on that bet?

And yes.........she IS scared of work.
All she has to do is run. The nomination is hers for the asking.

That is exactly right. The media has vetted her to the extreme and found nothing the second time around with the emails. The public would get tired of the scrutiny because they know she has nothing on her this time around. Her emails proved that the media was wrong about her.
Let's hope she picks a good running mate because as we all know, St Sarah is not beyond quitting a low paying public service job when a better deal comes along.
Hey........USA matter how much you wish and pray, Palin is NEVER going to run for President.

She can't stand the scrutiny, and she's too lazy to work.
She will run and she isn't lazy. She has been doing public service for over 20 years. Stop telling lies.

She's gonna run? Really? How much money can you afford to lose on that bet?

And yes.........she IS scared of work.

Okay - I see a lot wrong with her (JMNSHO) ... but laziness doesn't even make the long list.
Let's hope she picks a good running mate because as we all know, St Sarah is not beyond quitting a low paying public service job when a better deal comes along.

I think being the first woman POTUS would outstrip money.
Hey........USA matter how much you wish and pray, Palin is NEVER going to run for President.

She can't stand the scrutiny, and she's too lazy to work.
She will run and she isn't lazy. She has been doing public service for over 20 years. Stop telling lies.

Will you leave this board when she says she is not running? Seriouly...will you?

I know the deal with you. I know your a troll, but the bad thing is, there are idiots out there who think like you do. That is scary to me. It really is.
If that woman got the nomination, I swear to God, I will campaign for Obama. That's how much I do not want that idiot to run.
If she got the nom, CG, I'd be preparing and finding a survival community...because I'd sure need it, haha.

You can come, too =)
Is Palin still pretending she isn't running for President? She's been running since before the 08 election. Everything she's done since then is what you would do if you were running for President, the book tours, the speeches, the Fox News stint, the reality show, all designed to allow her to yap about Obama and other political stuff AKA disguised stump speeches. She even bought politics into her reality show. I think most mothers who are on a camping trip with their kids would be able to make smores with them without making snide comments about the First Lady, but then again most mothers aren't running for President
P.S.: She has said she will say so either way in either August or September.

I think you might see a big announcement on August 4th, Obama's 50th birthday.

Ok then, well before the stupid cons make a big deal out of it, President's birthdays usually don't get all that much press coverage but a new entry into the Presidential race does. So if she does announce then please spare us the "She trumped Obama!" bull
I don't know if Palin could beat Obama as she has some pretty high negatives in the polls. But I would enjoy seeing a good solid, hard working lady such as her as my President. :thup::thup:

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